This current iteration of American culture is fucking bullshit and you know it. SJWs are bullshit...

This current iteration of American culture is fucking bullshit and you know it. SJWs are bullshit, the Alt-Right is bullshit. Everything is bullshit. When did we become such pussies? Milo Yiannopolous made an interesting point once (and only once), when he pointed out this generation lacks a Marilyn Manson or an Eminem. We seem to be lacking a person who is controversial for the sake of pushing the limits of self expression. Milo thinks of himself as that person, but he's a huge fucking idiot who seems to have missed the point those guys were making entirely. Eminem said "faggot" and put down feminists in his music all the time, but he wasn't doing it to promote some hamfisted conservative agenda. He wasn't saying gays were degenerate and worthy of disdain, in one of his most famous songs he literally said, "there's no reason a man and another man can't elope". His entire schtick was pointing out cultural hypocrisy. Same with Manson. A railed against Christianity not because he wanted everyone to be atheists of some shit. He wanted society in which people could do what the fuck they want without having to worry about what some self-righteous hypocrite had to say about it. The message from both of these people was, "fuck it, do what you want and don't force it on others". But twenty or so years later we've fucking regressed to the point where both the left and the right are just insufferable fucking cunts. It used to be the right policing the language, now it's moved to the left, and in response, the Sup Forums crowd outright racism. They got bullied by the leftists and instead of adopting a libertarian/free speech stance, they said fuck it and skipped straight to Nazism. And even the people who don't take it that far, instead of saying fuck it I'll say what I want, still felt the need to elect a president to help protect them from those mean old SJWs. What the fuck kind of pussy fucking is that? What's can he even do about this?

How the fuck do we fix this shit?

i agree

I'm just going to wait it out.

That's a lot of assumptions.

> the Sup Forums crowd embraced outright racism. They got bullied by the leftists and instead of adopting a libertarian/free speech stance, they said fuck it and skipped straight to Nazism. And even the people who don't take it that far, instead of saying fuck it I'll say what I want, still felt the need to elect a president to help protect them from those mean old SJWs. What the fuck kind of pussy fucking shit is that? What's can he even do about this?


I remember the last time I took a huge shit...I too shared it with Sup Forums...

I like what your saying op.

Thanks, senpai.

> samefag

I very well could have been that person

I Fucked up my life tho


I think a big part of what's preventing Millenials from taking up leadership positions is social media. Too many of us have dick pics, or have said horribly insensitive shit in the past on facebook or myspace that will never be unsaid.

I lament the lack of privacy that social media has bestowed upon our generation, it used to be that a person could say some fucked up shit occasionally and still be judged upon his merits, but the millenials are fuuucked in that regard. We need to remember when one of ours has the courage to rise to judge the things they may have said on social media in the past gently.

murika is full of pussies who are too afraid to speak their minds, and those who do are shunned.

good on you op.

I think the answer is more social media. When everyone has dick pics, no one will.

tl;dr American countercultures that promote free thought have given way to ones that are more dogmatic even than the mainstream culture. And also the music that kids are listening to sucks.


>How the fuck do we fix this shit?
You can't. Buy a gun and stand ready to defend you and yours, because they ARE coming for you.

Was meant to reply to , obviously.

Man, i was just listening to some earlyish eminem today and was thinking how so much of what he's saying fits in today's climate.

>Quit giving me my ammo; can't you see why I'm so mean?
>If y'all leave me alone this wouldn't be my M.O
>I wouldn't have to go eenee-meene-minie-moe
>Catch a homo by his toe, man, I don't know no more
>Am I the only fuckin' one who's normal anymore?

End Women's Suffrage.
End Affirmative Action.

Once that's done, American society will fix itself.

tl;dr what is this /x? take that shit back there where they type essays as posts

we dont have edgy fagot mainstream pop idols anymore because everyone thinks they are a mainstream edgy faggot pop idol

being edgy isnt even edgy anymore. it's just not a thing for someone to do

Well I'd have to say Donald Trump is a good start to stopping these SJW's

I think you're right about that. I also think that social media may be pushing this dogmatic way of thinking in other ways. Now that everyone is connected to everyone else and receives social feedback at all times, no one really has an opportunity to think for themselves. When I think back to high school and middle school, I used to have to spend large swaths of time sitting around doing nothing and just thinking about stuff. We had myspace and stuff, but that was never really used in real time, because it wasn't attached to a device that we carried everywhere in our pocket. We had AIM and stuff where you could chat in real time, but even that required you to be sitting in front of a computer in order to use it. I can't imagine kids today have to do that. They're never not talking to other people. When they hear a song or watch something on tv or read the news, they don't really get the chance to say, "what did I think about this", and skip immediately to, "what does the group think about this".

I addressed that line of thinking in the OP, but what exactly do you think he's going to do to stop the SJWs? What does he even have in his power that could accomplish such a task? People do not have to think the way the president thinks, so unless he's planning some kind of purge, I don't think he's going to accomplish much in that regard.

I miss Frank Zappa..

Just spitballing. My theory that things are this way because there's been a crescendo of extreme sensationalism in media over the years since the internet made it possible for anybody to be on the same level as a CNN or Fox News. Boundary pushing isn't getting you clicks. Buzzwords and idealistic headlines bate you into clicking, and over time you gain a perspective of the world from your news/social media outlet of choice. Most of our communication is digital now, and I think as a result of that, we form little zeitgeists or tribes who become fearful of contrary ideas that are then seen as a direct threat to society itself. I think when you're on the internet, you don't have to consider other viewpoints because you've already catered your own universe. You've created such a hyperbole of your opposition that there becomes a point where words don't even fucking matter anymore and you get violent groups like Antifa and (insert what you would like here).

About how we don't have any controversial artists. I think the idea of an artist or a creative being this romantic thing has been stripped away by things like twitter, TMZ, ect. Also, because of some of the tenets of liberalism and libertarianism, sexual imagery is no longer seen the same as it was a mere 40 years ago. Where that may have been THE taboo in most of human history, we're at a point where violence and sex is no longer pushing the boundaries.

The only way to push the boundaries now is to be racist and homophobic, which when you see through that, you know how lame that is.

The earth is flat so of course everything on TV I'd fake AF, including news and politics, and the weather for damn sure.

I can't even get them to match the right shade of paint at home depot

I think you just summed it up perfectly. Well said.

Agreed man! I spent lots of time as a youth just sitting around thinking about shit. I was also a lifeguard for a long time so I spent long periods of time walking around on the job while people weren't drowning thinking about things and doing self introspection. I feel that it really helped me ground myself.

When I would do something fucked up, I would think about it for days, and eventually conclude that it wasn't acceptable.

I also think that people tend to focus their social media on people who agree with what they are thinking, which means we all end up in a sounding booth not listening to one another.

Then all of a sudden, all those alt right racists mysogynistic faggots that would've been too ashamed to voice there beliefs found thousands of other sparsely grouped faggots across the nation and decided that what they had to say was valuable.

Literal libertarian ideology. Fine with me.

I agree with alot of your points but disagree with who you pin the blame on. If anyone its the conservative christian right who has been the ones saying if you aren't exactly like us than you should die and go to hell.

Liberals tell you not to say words like nigger, or call women sluts. Repubs tell you not to be who you actually are, like a homosexual, or a poor person.

Every cultural development since the masonic revolution has been a mistake. Political Correctness is nothing more than the ideological framework built exclusively around preventing the discussion of those ideas that are the greatest in human history.

I disagree with you, I think that political correctness has been effective at curbing violence. As a world society we have become increasingly non-violent, and part of that is due to the fact that we respect each other enough not to call each other niggers, spics, and sluts/whores.

I think your point is too simplistic, and claims to be an answer for something much more complex.

Curbing violence as an end contains neither truth nor greatness.
What sort of person supposes there is no higher calling to social development than neutering his fellow man?

i agree with ur trips

>increasingly non-violent

I think there isn't really a huge problem with the content of liberal ideology, for most people I hear from, it seems to be in the way they package that content. It's the "accept that I am an attack helicopter or you're a literal Nazi" line of thinking that puts people off. Granted, I think that is a huge distortion of the actual reality of the situation. Yes, there are people on the extreme end of who behave that way, but I don't think it as prevalent as the Internet makes it out to be. I have never in my life met an "otherkin" or something stupid like that. And even as someone who just finished grad school, I have never in my life seen anyone playing with playdoh or demanding safe spaces. Again, I'm sure it exists, but if you listen to the MRA crowd, you would think it was every single person in college.

Once again I disagree, violence is for those who don't have the capacity to use their minds. The more violence in our world is erradicated the better the world will inherently be as it indicates that humans have obtained the ability to fight their battles with words and ideas.

Hi OP I read your entire post and it was a heartfealt rant that I agree a lot with but tbh you could use some help in how to paragraph shit instead of wall-of-text.

I actually agree with you OP, and I'm serious. I actually consider myself more liberal, and I am for social equality as well. But, I agree the left has really fucked things up with PC language, and I think that has contributed a lot to a fuck-tard like trump getting elected.

I grew up in Alaska and my viewpoint may be slightly distorted in the sense that I'm only experienced being a democrat in a highly republican state.

I personally have never seen the mindless jumping on the bandwagon like I have from Republicans in Alaska. For some reason we are completely ok with one of the most socialist ideas on the planet, (the permanent fund dividend), and we accept federal money by the boatload for infrastructure improvements in order to transport our oil out to market. But for some reason when it came to accepting federal money for the medicaid expansion we were all of a sudden too good to take back some of the money that we had ALREADY paid to the federal government in order to provide healthcare to our neediest citizens.

It just seems to me that both sides have mindless bandwagonry, but there is absolutely one side that is more destructive overall about it. And in my lifetime it's been the republicans.

discussions such as these are why I Sup Forums.


The alt-right and far-left SJW types are the two-sides of the same coin. Honestly what the fucks the difference? Neither side wants freedom, they want fascism. They want their way and their way only, and it's going to get worse and worse as both sides bully other people to pick a team. You know the worlds gone to shit when in 2017 you either have to align yourself politically with a group that thinks gender is a social construct, or a group that outright takes pride in that fact that they are racists.

It's true. There are pockets of extreme violence, and because of mass media, our perception gets distorted and we think that crime is on the rise. Every day we turn on the news and hear about some horrific shit going down somewhere in the world, but we ignore the reality that is right in front of our face.

Think about it this way, we have not seen a major example of total war from any two major global powers since world war II. We've had plenty of wars, but for the most part they have been waged against small countries, and didn't utilize the entirety of our military power by far. And yes, terrorism is on the rise, and there are unstable countries like Mexico and Syria that are struggling, but at the same time, education is at an all time high compared to most of human history, illiteracy is virtually a non-issue in every industrialized nation, global poverty has been decreasing, most people in the world (and there are obvious exceptions) has access to food and clean water Things really aren't all that bad right now compared to the vast majority of human history. Only difference now is that every time some kid gets decapitated halfway across the planet by a some extremist group, we hear about it, whereas in most of history, a town 100 miles away may has well have been another planet as far os most people were concerned. Few people knew anything about the world outside of their immediate surroundings.

Political correctness is one of the many elements of fascism that the Left adopted. It was never meant to curb violence it was designed to suppress ideas and thoughts counter to well-being of the collective. The world is not less violent in fact the world is just as violent as it was during the turn of the 20th century, so in that point you're wrong.

That is some serious false equivalency. The alt-right literally calls for niggers, faggots, and feminists to die. SJW's want legitimate equality in the world, which is why the alt-right is so opposed to them. Old white men can't stand losing the privilege that they have grown up with, true equality means that black people, asian people, women of all ethnicities are standing on the same solid footing, which inherently means a decreas in benefits you receive as a white male.

Alt-right = white supremacism = super goddamn fucking unequal.

Wait it out; lots of people have died, we have a loose canon president, and actual Communists are inciting violence. It's a time of change, and after this time has ended we'll be able to better assess the current situation.

you look at the post above yours,
this one.

very much this user, thank you for explaining this well.

>SJW's want legitimate equality in the world
Normal people don't want to be equal to garbage SJWs.

>he believes in white privilege
What we call SJWs are left-wing racists who want to gain power by changing how people talk and incite racial violence so they can parade on high horses. They don't want equality, the want special treatment.

What's your definition of normal people? We all have our own political, religious and social beliefs, therefore I would consider all of us normal. Though some of us are more despicable and destructive than others.


Whilst I agree the alt-right is far worse than the far-left, do you honestly believe new wave feminists want equality? Feminism as a whole has become a joke. They don't want equality, but rather superiority. And a lot of feminism beliefs are just flat out bullshit. I mean, what the fuck is man-spreading and how the fuck does that oppress you?
I'm very much a leftist, but there quite a decent amount of hypocrisy when it comes to progressive beliefs. Take Islam for example. How can a movement that wants equality and a egalitarian society honestly defend an archaic religion like Islam? To support Islam is a total contradiction to left-minded individuals core beliefs.

I would hate to live in your world user. I have never heard a liberal refer to a black person as a nigger. I regularly hear republicans talking about black people, other races, and women as if they are sub human. Liberals talk about alt-right pieces of shit like you because you are sub human in that you think that your literally better than others simply because of your race and your gender, which renders you mostly useless to the world as you have no incentive to try to be a good productive human being.

So they could add colored middle easterners to their keychain of minstrels and jangle it around to proclaim: "look how progressive we are!"

Milo is litteretly a pedofile

You're wrong

Yes this is the best time to exist in human history and the media does warp our perception but as for violence you're focusing entirely on the extreme applications of them. Violence is as common as air, it's simply an element of life. Your idea of violence is terrorism and war but what about the violence that occurs in the streets, in broken homes, in the slave trade and human trafficking. These are the reality of everyday life that you'll never hear about because there are other more juicy stories to gossip about and so common place that people give them little thought.

>They got bullied by the leftists and instead of adopting a libertarian/free speech stance, they said fuck it and skipped straight to Nazism

Good job, you adopted their talking point.

How amazingly unbiased and neutral you must be to accept a false-premise that the alt-right are "Nazis"

I disagree with the blanket statements your making. But I do agree that there are some inequalities when it comes to men and women, we should talk about those specific inequalities without disparraging one another. Men have problems that are completely unaddressed by women, and women continue to have problems that are completely unaddressed by men.

The United States of America guarantees freedom of religion. Islam is a religion, as is stanism, and the church of the flying spaghetti monster. Liberals and Republicans should not more condemn the actual religion of Islam than any other religion. And if you're going to bring up terrorist acts, you should look up how man terroristic activities have been conducted by people of far right ideologies that don't get condoned as domestic terrorism. re: pizzagate, re: shootup of planned parenthood in colorado. Also all of the islamic terrorist attacks came from individuals who grew up in the united fucking states!!

Liberals don't have to call black people niggers, they just have to stereotype and speak of them with condescension to strip them of their humanity. You're delusional if you actually think that there's a difference between liberals and conservatives. As Malcolm X keenly points out the only difference between a liberal and a conservative is that the liberal is more deceiving.

I don't understand how folks cannot see white privilege. I'm white, and I can tell you, it's pretty fucking awsome.

It's been pointed out by a lot of people, even fucking paul joseph watson, that there is no counterculture in this generation. There is no overbearing dogma to create one. So they invented one of systemic racism and sexism. They've literally created an overbearing dogma, because there was no overbearing dogma to fight against with expression, leading to a lull in the arts. Maybe progressiveism -has- done something useful afterall. Giving people something to rebel against.

lefties use minorities to virtue signal while trapping them in poverty

the term racist itself is a communist tool used to wedge people against each other and keep them fighting

I wish I was joking but it's true

"diversity" is not a strength

What a nice narrative to make yourself feel better. You'll also note that Dr. Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X recognized that the only way to truly make african americans free was to empower them economically.

African Americans still tend to be the most economically impoverished people in the united states. Republicans consistently want to cut benefits to poor people which inherently affects minority people more than white people.

Some blame can be put on liberals, but Republicans unabashedly want to disempower black people via voter suppression laws, cutting programs for the poor, pushing for private schools and lack of affordable health care.

The blame currently resides primarily with the radical right, and scum bags like retarded paul ryan.

Shame Malcom X was such a stupid faggot.

>republicans unabashedly want to disempower black people
Sounds like republicans are actually trying to go after the cause, rather than treat symptoms.

The law states that freedom of religion applies only if that religion commits no other lawbreaking. Pretty sure killing infidels is against the law.

>implying I'm alt-right
>I've never heard...[insert anecdote here]
A "liberal" will instead say it's ok to hate on and discriminate against white people but then turn around and say you shouldn't judge people by the color of their skin, a "liberal" will curse out a woman who doesn't care for feminism because she doesn't fall in line with their status quo, a "liberal" will hire and accept people into jobs based off skin color and sexual organs. A "liberal" will tell men not to rape but won't tell women to look out for themselves. That's not equality, that's manipulating the playing field to suit their agenda and shut out detractors while conveniently using disadvantaged and historically disadvantaged as pawns to gain sympathy for their cause. It's at the very least partly true because you're doing it right now, you assume I'm some well off white racist whose "alt-right" (whatever the fuck that is) simply because I disagree and can point out problems attributed to the American left. Real social justice is indiscriminate, all supposed social justice warriors do is discriminate for their own convenience.

>Hates communists
>Loves russia, an actual communist country

Spoken like a true trump fag supporter.

>Still thinking russia is a communist country
Gotta be bait or the biggest retard to exist.

>Violence is as common as air, it's simply an element of life. Your idea of violence is terrorism and war but what about the violence that occurs in the streets, in broken homes, in the slave trade and human trafficking.

You have a valid point, but those things have existed throughout history, and I see no indication that they are worse now than they've ever been. Street violence is a problem, and in certain areas it IS getting worse, but I think those places are more the exception than the rule. I live in Hell's Kitchen in NYC. The reason they call it that is because 100 years ago, you couldn't walk down the street without fear of being murdered. Now it's mostly gays and old people, and I could walk around right now at 2:30 AM with headphones and an iPad without fear.

Domestic violence is obviously problem, in modern society it is done in the dark because, for the most part, we have collectively decided that it is wrong. 100 years ago, beating your wife in kids was just par for the course and done in the open. Same with human trafficking. Slaves used to be traded publicly. While we are far from eliminating these problems, the fact that we currently deem the reprehensible indicated that we're moving in the right direction.

left leaning simpletons seriously believes they aren't racist when everyone is racist to some degree including muh poor leftist pet minorities

are you living in the late 80s? russians aren't communist any more idiot

I actually agree with a lot of your points. My main argument wasn't to point out that the left is blameless, but it was to say that if your going to point blame, a substantial amount of it lies in the radical right.

>Milo Yiannopolous made an interesting point once (and only once), when he pointed out this generation lacks a Marilyn Manson or an Eminem.

>interesting point
>this generation lacks a Marilyn Manson or an Eminem
>interesting point

Commit suicide OP. Milo is nothing but useless garbage, and so are you.

White privilege is a construct to destroy people's credibility based of their skin color because one group happens to be in better standing than another.

Capitalist here,
Actual Communism hasn't been tried since the 30s.

>be me

>Commie sympathizer
>Commie sympathizer
>Vote Obama
>Join USMC
>See GG unwind
>See liberal attacks on Trump
>See Islamic terrorism in US
>See Europe imploding

I won't go full Nazi, but i will say. Maybe Hitler was right about a few things, and maybe some of his views could save Europe right now.

I am now very libertarian right, i am one of the many people who is a result of the radical authoritarian left.

Ohh yah, im also a jew and i identify as one too.

>left is blameless
I've never laughed so hard, everything you believe is a lie

TLDR; where is my generation's mainstream anti-mainstream overrated musician?

With the modern internet it's easier for idiots to clusterfuck over shit.

wow, why don't we try saying the entire sentence and not just picking out 3 words. I believe I said

>My main argument wasn't to point out that the left is blameless

Way to be a retard.

All this bullshit you worship, faggots and anti-christing, controversial idolatry, that's was what caused the issue you have with the world now. It's all part of the plan to destabilize the western culture and family unit. You are suffering from demoralization, which is also caused by the things you idolized. The war of the left and right is the division of the west and also part of the destabilization. The people responsible for this fund both sides. Look at your degenerate, "do what thou wilt if it harm none" satanic media culture, which is also created by the same group of people with vested interest in enslaving your nation with debt and ruling overt you, as you despair in poverty and degeneracy.

Nice strawman faggot

But the problems of the black community is largely due to the liberals and their expansion of the welfare state. Their condescending paternalistic policies deprived the black community of any kind of self-determination and created for the liberals a slave-class that votes the way they want them to vote. It's funny that the party founded by former slave-holders now once again have mastery of the blacks.

Malcolm X was the smartest motherfucker in the entire Civil Rights Movement. He was the leader the black community needed not that Uncle Tom Martin Luther King who sold out Black America to the liberals.

>It's all part of the plan to destabilize the western culture and family unit-

stopped reading there you tinfoil hat chemtrail believing retard

I might have gotten you confused with another user but it you're the apologist afraid of the bad right boogie man and words, what I said still applies to you

I think you raise some good points actually

I think the core of the issue is how partisan politics and by extension the cultural climate has become in the US. Liberals have been co opted by SJW snowflakes, and the right have been co opted by autistic racists and these forces seem to push/pull people to become one or the other, there is no middle ground any longer.

Just look at the big youtubers that talk about politics. One one hand you have retards like Laci Green, who's a lying cunt and on the other side of the spectrum you have Molymeme, who is also a lying cunt

The thing is both sides, with their equally insane agendas are confident they are going to "win" this cultural war, but all they do are stoking the flames and creating more conflict.

Where are the moderate voices? The people who are able to see nuances? These people need to step forward and call both sides on their bullshit

>Malcom X was the smartest motherfucker in the entire Civil Rights Movement
>Uncle Tom Martin Luther King
Please, do black people everywhere a favor and put a bullet into your skull.

No, it really doesn't, the "radical right" hasn't been a problem since the 80s. The current "alt-right" and resurgence of right-wing ideas is a backlash from so-called progressivism with issues I've described in my previous post. The popular opinion has swayed to the left since the 90s, which is now 20 years ago. They voted in Clinton, they only got Bush because Gore scared the shit out of people but you don't really hear people lauding W except the far American right. People have had a progressive standpoint for a while, as evident by all the "Obama is black so I'll vote for him" people from '08. Since then this idea of Political Correctness has been distorted and corrupted into a weapon to use against free thought. We've merely entered an era where we're stepping back to try a new direction, because some of us are concerned the so-called good guys of the left wing are actually destroying and burying the social progress achieved in the 20th century.

Don't avoid it. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't

This whole identity politics thing came about after occupy wall street.

>has no retort
>hurr durr kys faggot

Your room-temperature IQ is proving a liberal stereotype true.

White privilege is just saying step back and realize how fucking awsome it is to be white. It doesn't destroy anyone's credibility.

PROTIP: Just a shot in the dark here, but I'm your beliefs line up pretty well with Alex Jones, in which case they are based on a labyrinth of misunderstood, often unconnected information that has been twisted to suit your preferred narrative, and debating you would be about as useful as debating my own asshole.

Sounds racist.

because it is

filthy frank is that oerson

I feel like you're trying too hard.

I hate to say this because I somewhat agree with you, but false equivalency is a huge thing you're ignoring.

The radical right cannot be compared to the current leftist leadership. The left if anything is more moderate when you compare it to the rest of the world's politics, obamacare is probably the most free market approach you could take to having socialized health care and that was introduced by a liberal based on a conservative idea aka, Mitt Romney.

You can dislike the left, but comparing them to the far right is serious false equivalency. The far right wants to completely dismantle the government, defund social programs that people have paid into for their entire lives.

Do you know what happens when you don't have a strong federal government? You become mexico, or guatemala, and your weak as fuck. Republicans have an incentive to make the government non functional, they run on an anti government because government sucks agenda, and then they get elected and proceed to fuck up the government for some reason giving them more power.

Republicans are the most powerful they've been, and the democrats are the weakest they have ever been. If you don't like the government, blame the party who controls the house, the presidency, the senate, majority of governorships, and state houses and senates, aka the fucking republicans.

It's dead simple to figure out what kind of person you are by your out loud prejudices, white guy. You can play pretend middle-of-the-road all you want, nobody buys that horseshit. Is there a name for dickholes who do that?

>kill niggers
>burn kikes
>actually very moderate, trust me