What effect would this actually have?

What effect would this actually have?

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Gives you a bigger sight radius which can help you aim but also makes it front heavy and might actually slow the bullet down due to friction.

Slow the bullet down.

It would have it's intended effect: be hilarious.


Longer barrel makes bullets faster by giving explosion more time pushing bullet

bigger guns are more powerful. simple as that.

this would take down a plane easily.

that's a big gun

It's the fucking elephant gun god damn I knew this when I was like six; grow up you dolts

It would make your bullet armor piercing

As a side effect it would make bitches wet because they know you have a massive dick

Not all of us live in Africa so sorry

That's not how it works

It would be extremely painful.

For you

It's a .45 Colt revolver.

> Yeah, he's quite the joker.

Jesus Christ, Burton, really?

Holy shit this was the funniest thing I read all day. Shine on user. Shine.

>It's the fucking elephant gun


Except, you know, it is.
Where do you think those gases will go while the bullet travels down that long long barrel that's open on one end?


Make people laugh too hard to effectively retaliate.

What are you talking about?

to explain I mean a longer barrel will increase the bullets velocity as it is under pressure from the gas for longer, the barrel would have to be way longer for it to actually start decreasing the bullets velocity

I just want capeshit to be anachronistic again.

>slow the bullet down
That's why most snipers use handguns

there's clearly some point at which a longer barrel becomes detrimental

numbah one!

That's why most sniper rifles are chambered in .38 Special.

Fuck off, retard.

That is true, but the barrels have to be very very long, depending on the cartridge

The bullet would have a higher muzzle velocity, but the revolver would be heavy and unbalanced making your aim worse.

Amazing longbarrel sixshooter

Got almost 7 rounds in 38 special, can you believe that?

Very accurate spectaccurate!

>The bullet would have a higher muzzle velocity

No it wouldn't. After a certain point of lengthening the barrel it's just going to slow the bullet down due to increased friction, assuming it's still chambered in .38 special.

not to mention revolvers have that gap between the chamber and barrel

Right, which makes them naturally less efficient.

How do you know the barrel is long enough to actually make the bullet slower than if the gun had its standard length?

I want test data and sources

Mostly speculation. Most rifles with a barrel length like that would be shooting .357 magnum due to the higher velocity so a .38 special would certainly be slower than that. And a .357 is definitely not going to shoot down a plane.