Is it possible your penis can grow after the age 18? Or am I doomed to have this 4 incher?

Is it possible your penis can grow after the age 18? Or am I doomed to have this 4 incher?

Guess I'm fucking doomed.

Going to eat my own shit live on twitch today if I can get 20 people to join my pateron account.

Grow? No. Surgically enlarged? Yes.

What is the price? I'll make a GoFundMe right now.

My penis was 5" when i was 18, for some reason when i was like 21/22yo my penis grown 3" more and now i have a 8" penis.

So there's hope then. That's good to know. Any tips, things you did different throughout those 3 years?

You're doomed. Although medical science is moving forward. It's very likely that in your lifetime that there will be legit penis enlargement surgery.

Not in "our" lifetime?
Are you about to die user?

I'm 19, definitely a late-bloomer. Eastern European. White male. All my friends have beard/stubble except me, just started seeing first signs of proper facial hair, and my dick grew like 3cms in the last 6 months, that's like more than an inch I think. I honestly dk how much or when, but I know it was 15cms when I was still with my gf, haven't measured, broke up with her, measured a few weeks ago and it's 18.

So if you're a late bloomer you deffo still have chance mate.

I wasn't thinking about enlarging my penis so i don't care.

I've had a beard since I was 16 though.

Why not?

Because i am fine with the size of my penis?

I'm. Literally the only thing I did personally was I stopped giving a fuck about my penis size. I was always shy af in front of girls and everything because I thought 15cm was small af, it was like 13-14 when I got together with my gf at the time at 17, but then I slept with like 4 girls, made all of them cum, and literally stopped giving a shit about my size. Then boom, next time I checked it grew. I doubht it's related tho

It could always be a bit bigger right?

No? Definitely not worth getting knocked out for surgery. You ever been knocked out for surgery? Your whole body hurts like a bitch afterwards.

Arent there any things you ate more or something? Or did you start working out


Well I don't know. Growth hormones are very weird man.

In fact, no, i didn't do anything different those 3 years, i guess it depends on genetics.

Grows until 25