If the white race is so 'good' then explain this...

If the white race is so 'good' then explain this. This picture makes me believe that white people can't compete to the strenght and endurance of black men.

B-but that's the short-distance sprint, brain-dead nigger

somehow it is PC to say that black people are better in sports, because many top athletes are black, but it's not PC to say that white people are smarter despite most professors and Nobel prize winners are white

Every race has its own traits. Black people are tougher in general by the standards of physiology, asians are more organised, and so on.

On the other hand, asians are weaker, and blacks are generally stupid. Sorry pal, you're not better. Not a bit. Just different. Your post proves your "bad" trait, a.k.a. no brain, you fuckin insecure monkey.

Played football in HS and D3 college as WR and DB.
Every time a black guy showed up, I was supposed to let him have my spot. Not one was faster - on the first sprint or the last - but it was always assumed so.
So coach would always throw in my black teammate, just for the opposing defense to pull their supposed best DB over to cover him, freeing up the TE.
Two straight catches by him, the DB is moved over, I'm back in, score.

unfortunately, you're confused. it takes zero money to become good at sports. it a lot of money and opportunity to become a professor or win the nobel prize.

how dumb are you? sad thing is, you thought you were being intelligently analytical.

Couldn't outrun the slavers though

100 or 200 meter defines racial superiority??

Sounds pretty damn racist to me.

honestly, i bet they were promised a "job". i find it difficult to believe they were "captured" and beaten to submission and put into shackles. who knows what they thought the shackles were anyway... they would have never seen refined metal in shapes before.

It's just that... The fastest and best sprinters in the world are black. Its cringe knowing the fact that not a single whiteboy could qualify. Makes you doubt who really is the best race.

Also, white people have higher % of contracting diseases such as cancer, down syndrome and other chronical disorder being the results of years of inbred by white people.

In India there is one of the the wealthiest societies in the world, and many great schools (and enough money to sent to the US to the best schools). so does many Arab countries.
How many Indian Nobel prize are there?
not all rich people are Caucasian

Other niggers captured them and sold them to white merchants.
Whites didn't run around in the bushes looking for hiding niggers.

They're good at sprinting and jumping, that's for sure.
But take a look at olympic weightlifting. Blacks never get gold in that shit.

>white people can't sprint, therefore inferior
Sweet, go ahead and show me a practical use for that outside of the Olympics in modern society. I'll wait.

Most wild animals are comparatively more athletic than humans. no surprise here

What actually happened was the slaves which were sold to the americas were already kept as slaves in their native africa, which had a booming slave trade for years, and were then sold to the white man, as slaves. Blacks were fucking blacks over long before us whites got on the buzz

We tell the blacks to run as fast as they can and they do what we say.

They've been training since kids:
2-10 running from school
10-18 running from her preggo nigresses
18-30 running from the fuzz
They finally catch them after dat and remain imprisoned


White people dominate weight lifting and chess. Strength and knowledge

Running from 7-11 to the car after stealing cigarettes.

The massa on the plantations only let the biggest bucks breed the biggest women. That way he got the strongest off spring to keep the place running.
If you let a zulu warrior breed with a cute pygmy you get trash for chillen.