I regularly let two of my neighbors dogs fuck me in the ass and I think I'm addicted to it. Ama related

I regularly let two of my neighbors dogs fuck me in the ass and I think I'm addicted to it. Ama related
Pic unrelated

u male or female

Else I would be taking it in the pussy

What state are you in?
Do you have any friends, male or female, that you're going to try to get addicted to dog cock?
How many (human) men have you taken in the ass?
Have you considered starting female hormones?
What do you love the most about dog cock?

Dog Butt Sex? Odd how that reflects on Spiderman Thread


Im not in a state, I'm in Brexit
I have many friends, one of whom is a female and also likes the knot. Shes my age, 26, and we met online and she's how I got into it IRL
I have taken only two human males in the ass
No I don,t want to take hormones, it seems like a nightmare
What I like the most is the thrusting.
No man alive can match the thrusting

Can't you spam the loli threads and not this?

How strong is Spidermans Web?

just ignore the spoder

This Thrread was retarded from the begining. soooooo.... Spiderman Thread


Can we see pictures of you and your lady friend taking cock from your rightful masters?

Or video. Video would be better.

Do you like peanut butter with your dog sex spiderman?


we got us a badass





There's only one video in existence and its just a dark scene and some heavy panting.
We tried making a video the other day and that's all that came out, the camera lighting fucked the video up. There are no pics, if we ever do take any, we usually delete them after. But she's trying to convince me to do like a whole shoot thing soon. And THAT I will post


girls can like anal too

OP Is BullShit Mt

dammit you got me there on a technicality
forgive me

and your a guy posting spiderman pics in a gay dogsex thread



*unzipps "Go on..."



Call her up. Tell her it's on. I want to see this today, OP.


i dont wanna see it. but i do wanna confirm or not that you are this much a fegit

It doesn't work that way man

Do you let then knot you or do you keep it outside?



I have only once taken the knot and kept it in until the dog was done. It took forever and the dog seemed unhappy after a bit so I don't think I will do it for a while.
She takes the knot most times but can just disengage if anything happens

OP what kind of porn do u like? since you like this does it reflect your choice of porn


I like
alot of vanilla shit still
I rarely watch beast porn and if I do it female getting banged by dog


not a question

Oh thats interesting. thank you for waisting timeby answering my not real question.

Right, its a decree.

oh you must be tough guy. sorry SIR