Has anyone ever died before?

has anyone ever died before?

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Nag but let's just watch this thread die to gain some Exp.

there is nothing on the other side.
you only feel a little of euphoria when your brain starts dying.

4 times


One person nearly did but not really. It's just a joke parents say to kids like the Easter Bunny. As you grow older you will learn death is not real.



I've been clinically dead twice, heroin OD.


was it exactly like waking up?

Most people have died before.

Yes... Once, was tough but god got sick of me

not sure what you mean here?

was it like waking up from sleep?
did you have dreams?
is that why they say sleep is the cousin of death?

I died inside when I found Sup Forums

6m jew maybe

Everyone that is not alive now, yes

Ive had a quasi-near death experience on DMT

I OD'd twice once on about 40 methadone and a bottle of vodka, when they found my body it was cold and they thought I was dead but somebody felt a slight pulse so they called the ambulance and I lived. Before that I was also in a car accident where I broke over 50 bones lost my left arm and cracked my skull and neck.. I had a million dollars worth of the operations and they brought me back eventually. I was in a coma for quiet some time though.

Each time I got that close to death I love it. I came out of it feeling energized and loving life. Which is rather odd.

Well I was declared dead before i was born, but like a fucking miracle i revived on my own

yeah, like 70 billion people, plus all the neanderthals and whatnot

>This reading comprehension
Yah no shit you're on heroin, next time stay dead you illiterate fuck.

Yeah I died at 75 in 1963 and spent 18 years in the land of the dead. It's where time is solid and space is interpreted. Sometimes it's dark. Sometimes it's like dreaming except you can see the past and the future at the same time. Sometimes you're all alone surrounded by yourself. Sometimes my friend comes and feeds me. One time he fed me a soup of his foot. Other times he fed me fish and rice. You know how looking at time in the land of the living is dangerous because you control your life through a keyhole. Well it's the same thing in the land of time. If you interpret space you may control a moment in your life like getting beat up.

>broke over 50 bones lost my left arm
pics or never happend