You guys ready for wrestlemania

You guys ready for wrestlemania

Its gonna be shit

Ah, professional wrestling. The favorite past-time of Trump supporters.

found the faggy liberal

OK, Cletus.

>Wrestling history spans Britain, Canada and Japan
>Trump supporters

Your post doesn't change the truth of:

not my name tumblrina

Ahh Trump haters always persistent with your pseudo intellect and inability to see just how fucking retarded you all are. It's pass time you fucking mongtard.

WM is going to blowwwwwwwww. Getting more excited for the night after Raw so we can move on from all this bullshit

>Calling someone mongtard
OK. Admittedly, this picture needs to be updated given the colossal failure of Trumpcare.

I'm more excited for the next draft so we can get new storylines

It's actually pastime, mongtard.

I love it when people use that picture because it's completely false and bullshit. We've lost nothing so far. Nothing worth a God damn at least. Obamacare is a fucking joke and needs to be taken out and shot in the back of its head. People should be responsible for their own fucking healthcare imo. My tax dollars shouldn't go to call centers that tell people they have to pay quadruple the amount they once did all cause reasons. Yeah sure the folks who live off the government teet can now get health insurance but we happy few who y'know work for a living are fucked. And for the record, you are a fucking mongtard.

>Thinks WWE is real
>Hyped for WM

Is though the Undertaker is retired or something, dead perhaps.

>Muh opinion

>Calls something completely false
>Fails to distinguish between the point of the picture and reality
>Spouts his own opinion
Kek. Sup Forums is fun.

Wrestlemania is gonna be shit, but the Hall of Fame, I'm hoping for some serious Jim Cornette shit talking there

Back to Sup Forums you redpilled neckbeard

Careful, he's an opinionated one.

Stop talking about trump he's and idiot

Only if this slut returns

Nah. According to he's great.

No because im not 13

>Only if this slut returns

Hue is she

you wasted such a nice number, faggot

Come back insult-challenged user! Tell us more about your opinions.

The card is all fucked up, let's hope there will be a redeeming match.

>See thread in catalog view
>Say out loud 'its gonna be shit'
>Go into thread, see first comment