Anyone got any idea where I should cut that would actually kill me (even slowly)...

Anyone got any idea where I should cut that would actually kill me (even slowly)? Obviously these things (pic) wouldn't have killed me even if I hadn't been caught part way through because I'm stupid and don't know anatomy.
All I gots are razors, I don't own a car, don't have any drugs to OD on, no rope or fixings that would hold my fat ass.

TLDR; help me kill myself.

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No, enjoy your life. dont kill yourself

Its down the road, not across the street.

Just go out, and fuck some bitches, life will eventually get better.

Thanks buuuuut that's not really the advice I was looking for


Cuts are lest likely to kill you, right behind pills. Even if you go for your femoral artery, you'll probably pass out before you even get deep enough.

Just go see a psychiatrist. Get some therapy, get a hobby, educate yourself... you'll feel better. Time does heal the misery. One day you'll look back and think "thank god I'm still here"



apparently you gotta cut fucking deep to get 'down the road' tho.

apparently cutting your ulnar artery is easier; it's where you feel your pulse most and it's closer to the surface

Pour some bleach over it, and then pour the rest of the bleach down your throat.


Look up the major arteries in your body. If you get a long enough knife and fall on it when its in front of your eye youll succesfully be a faggot

If you lay on your back and feel where your leg connects to your groin, just on top of your joint- there lies your femoral artery

if you manage to slice that open, you're fucked and you will not survive unless you're basically already inside the hospital

Stop being a pussy, struggle through it, I feel like shit almost all the fucking time, no need to fucking kill yourself

Stop encouraging user. He's just going to end up in a psych ward and ruin his life.



If you suck start a shotgun or "high calibre" centrefire rifle, the chance of death is nearly 100%, higher than any other method of suicide.


eh im a UKfag tho and gun laws means i'd need a license for that shit

If you cut across, you can always get stitched together. Not when cutting down.

For fast death, cut your arteria femoralis, you will bleed out in seconds.

ngl some of these replies are at least putting a smile on my face
feels nice
so maybe not tonight at least

If you hate your family then railroad, if you don't hate your family then gun, just don't shoot inside your mouth, also don't shoot yourself at there house.

I never got why people would kill themselves.

So if you die, you obviously don't give a shit. Like, about anyone. 'cause if there is anyone who loves you, you don't give a FUCK about them, or hurting them, and if there's not, there's no one to give a shit about.

So instead of killing yourself why don't you just get the fuck out? Leave the basement, leave your house, leave the mother fucking country. Go on an adventure. Spend your time doing something awesome, like tracking down some terrorists. Go be James Bond. Go fuck up a shark with a harpoon. Danger? Fuck that, you were going up against 100% death rate before, you're being safe now. Fuck everything man the world is your oyster.

Sometimes I wish I was suicidal. I'd pull the barrel out of my mouth and point it in the air, start a revolution, LIVE. Move to Barcelona or Rome or Berlin, hit the bars, band some chicks. STD's who fucking gives a shit?

And then when I'm done, maybe I wouldn't want to kill myself, 'cause I've seen how beautiful the world really is...

gun laws man the uk sucks

do you have a radio or a toaster if so fill up your tub with water and use the toaster to make to heat up radio and eat it

>Anyone got any idea where I should cut that would actually kill me

i remember when i was 16

Don't cut across the veins, but along them. I dunno why anyone would think of cutting across

No an hero op, if uk fag call 116123 instead.

Why are you trying to kill yourself? Please don't

Grab a cops gun? What is he gonna do? Shoot you?

this made me laugh
thanks man i needed it

Well sice you've decided to end your life, why not have some fun with it

Go find yourself a copy of the anarchist cookbook, cook a decent sized batch of nitroglycerine, then weld up a steel box, climb in and set it off..

Again, explosives are very highly effective ways to kill yourself

do you know anything about the uk?
our police aren't armed

end your life ASAP

Jesus, I understand why you wanna kill youself.

Sideways for attention,longways for results.But if i were in your place,user, i wouldn't cut my wrists. I'd rather cut my neck. I'd stab my throat with knife,and spin it few times to widen the wound. And let all the blood come out of me,and die,slowly and painfully.

Get a knife and try to kill a cop

he is working on it

would literally just get arrested. no armed police police in the uk unless I literally tried to do it to a police officer outside westminster

Just a tip: Don't be a selfish asshole.

Remember that someone will have to clean your bullshit after you killyourself, so don't make it hard for your parents or a poor garbageman. They earn too little to deal with bullshit like this.

If I'm ever old enough to not want to live anymore and have money I would overdose on whatever. Always wanted to know what heroin feels like.

lol some nigger muslim did this and they stood around looking at him, taking videos

Remember? He literally decapitated a soldier in the street with a meat cleaver and they didn't shoot him.

very true actually thank you for reminding me

Watch an Isis video dumbass, use it as a tutorial, duhhhhhh.

Seriously? If youre gonna be a waste and ruin your family and friends lives by committing suicide, at least give all your shit to charity and become an organ donor first. Just to offset the selfishness. Or actually man the fuck up and get therapy. We're only here like 80 years best case scenario cant you stick it out and do something for yourself.

Go right on the forearm, sideways or downward will do just fine just make sure you go deep enough this time pussy

you could also hang yourself- it takes surprisingly little time to render you unconscious and death is very likely after that point

go check Live leak for a couple of hanging videos.. they all go fairly quietly and peacefully and don't struggle for more than a few seconds

>Do a flip, faggot

Or you could just try to fix stuff and leave the house, that worked for me. I'm on antipsychotics, though. Sweet sweet antipsychotics, I don't feel like everything is on fire anymore.

Why dont you join the armed forces or some shit? a couple of months of hard work and if that doesn't make you wanna live you'll have a gun in your hands

already being seen by a mental health team
i have moved away from family and haven't spoken in a while
only person i'd hurt is my boyfriend and right now it's the only thing stopping me

Do that thing Will Smith made in Seven pounds

Old pasta, but still tastes fresh

also already an organ doner

Or even better, go fish crabs in deep sea or go to Mars with Elon Musk, you'll probably die doing any of those.

user who ended up in a psych ward because of shitty suicide attempt via cutting can confirm this
Anyway here's a pic from that night that I find on my phone. Fun times

Thanks for all the advice guys
yall have given me a laugh and it feels pretty good so maybe i'll just try sleep
thanks for giving me at least another night
OP out xo

Alternatively, you go "what's the point" and continue rotting.

Do you even depression? Or any other of the conditions that result in suicide?

Nevermind being psychologically stable is a requirement in the mars thing

>"Sup Forums was always shit, nothing has changed"

Then why is 90% of thread trying to help OP prevent suicide not encouraging fun and creative way for him to an hero? Fucking faggots, go back to Redit!


where's your fun and creative method then friend?


another life saved by Sup Forums

Sell everything you have and hire a helicopter

Dress up in a batman cosplay, the best you can afford, then have the helicopter fly towards the largest childrens party you can find.

Swan dive from the helicopter into the childrens party

Same place but in a straight line up toward the palm, not across the arteries but through them.

Your butthole

>cut this way, not this way
You understand that a vein is like a wet noodle between two lubricated sheets of plastic?

Sure, you increase your odds of hitting one going length ways. But fuck, there are easier veins than in your arm/wrist to hit. All the tendons you have to negotiate through... Its like you don't want to die.

Also, Dr. fag here, so AMA


>Dr. fag here
>Doesn't know the difference between a vein and an artery

Don't cut anything you stupid fuck, if you want to kill yourself use an exit bag. You know this, why are you creating a thread.

Dexter taught me how to do this! Your inner thighs just below the groin on the inside of your leg!
If you nip that artery, it takes all of 60 seconds to bleed out!

But don't do it because video games and pizza don't exist in the afterlife

Nice and edgy

Just because you've got a PhD in fagology doesn't mean you know how to be an actual doctor retard

First, the obligatory "don't do it". I don't know or care what's making you want to become an hero, and I won't tell you it's temporary, because it isn't. However, even with pain, there are things worth living for. Friends, family, pets, computer games, whatever you like to do. I can also tell you there are things you can do to help yourself. If you're fat, look into joining a gym, or just do push-ups and sit-ups every day and eat healthier - it's usually cheaper, anyway. If you're depressed, find a therapist. If you're broke, try to talk to a pastor at your local church - even if you aren't religious, they'll listen, and that's usually what people need most. I won't tell you that there's a good reason for you to keep living, or that there's a place for you in the universe, because nobody has a place in the universe.

Now, if you're dead-set on killing yourself, first, read this entire thing before starting, because you'll probably fuck it up. First, find the biggest vein you can see through your skin, and use the razor to cut lengthwise. Best thing to do is to find multiple veins on different body parts (left arm, right arm, etc) and cut as many of them as you can before losing consciousness. If you have time, try cutting your ulnar arteries (where you cut in the OP image) and your jugular (just cut as deep as you can on the sides of your neck below the back of your jaw). Not really sure if razors can get that deep, but if you're sure it's better to be safe than sorry.

Much better to go for an artery. Brachial or femoral would probably be best. Slashing your wrist could injure the radial artery but chances are it would go into spasm and seal itself off. Our bodies are pretty good at not bleeding to death.

don't listen to all these idiots here OP... you're doing everything right... the only thing you did wrong was the razor... before you cut yourself you have to find the next heroin Hotspot in you city or region... then run through all the heroinreste addicts and cut them... run away... run home.. feel safe... feel good... feel real good... and THEN cut yourself...
you got a got chance of getting HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases... and THEN you get what you want... you gonna die slowly...

Try /adv/

that was a good advice.. thx

this is baited as fuck bc you can literally google this shit in half a second.

I know I literally just wanted to know if y'all had a better idea than what I've already found on google