Finns are the most powerful race in the world

Finns are the most powerful race in the world

Other urls found in this thread: kuvattu kouvolalainen mies menehtyi sairaalassa/2017222017316/4

middle aged people here look much worse on average compared to that

He's 72 in that photo. Dead as of a week ago.


Oh what could have been if we didnt have collective autism

that can't be true since Finns are mixed race

Finland is a white trash country.


I have a dream

Finland was never great.

Yes it was but it was all taken away after ww2

What was great about Finland?

The idealism of building a new country from nothing for finnish race and taking the rightful land of finns to finland which actually happened but didnt work out so well

But Finnish race is ugly troll race and rightful Finnish lands are shit.

Those lands are full of natural resources

They can be used to improve Greece.
All filthy powerplants and factories stay in the North, far away from humans.

Oh get a life mr greek


there are some
between Greek and black empires

>The least corrupt Government in the World
>The best education system in the World
>The least failed state in the World
>Helsinki is the most honest city in the World
>The world’s top public library usage
What exactly didn't work?
It could be better but it seems like Finland is a good place even if it is a frozen wastland full of autistic people.


Finns really could have haved all the oil, gas and goldmines that are on finnish lands but belong to other countries now. Finland would be much richer with them

Finns are so inbred it's kinda sad :(

>giving away everything just for not having those a-bit-sad things

You have been posting this whole day which is even more sad

STFU, Norway will run out of oil, already lost, Russia is a shithole and it will eventually run out of gas and minerals while you will resist because having a honest, united nation is the most important thing, if finns will not change too much you are not going to fail or fall, stop complaining about muh autism, muh lost lands etc.

I can donate my sperm for Finnish couples.

The Finnish man is weak.

We have really most united nation in europe but you cant deny it would be best to be one country with one ethnicity AND those resources even they will run out. We could make up something else


F (ei mut oikeesti, ihan vitun surullista että mies menetti henkensä yhen vitun jewtube videon aiheuttaman ahdingon takia)

Just work with what you have and don't lose sisu.


Leave your inferior life behind and help me to make the world Greek.

Is the twig man dead?

Is that why Finland didn't become an independent nation until 100 years ago?

I'm the superior combination of south-germanic and east-finnic
If you don't take your words back I will vote for the green and communist opinions in future swiss referendums :DDD


Yes elikkäs jees kyllä on

Praise the Sun!

why pepole haf to buly poor old twig man
know he is ded

Ovatko nimikirjaimesi M.B

Fucked up Germans and Soviets while at war with the Brits. We are the original big swinging dicks.

Et tiiä? En nyt tiiä meinaatko Risu-Ukkoa kokonaan vai kuolemaa, mutta risu-ukko oli sen youtube videon jälkeen hyvin kiusattu (jos nyt vanhasta miehestä voi moista sanaa käyttää). Muksut ja muut mulkut kävi postiluukusta tunkemassa lappuja, jengi kadulla vittuili jne. (tää oli uutisissa muutama kuukaus sitten). Nyt sitten risu-ukko kuoli ja sukulainen jota haastateltiin sano että melko varmasti oli kyseisestä paskasta kyse, sillä ei ollu äijä uskaltanu enää vähään aikaan poistua kämpästään ja terveysongelmat alkaneet ja kasvaneet videon julkasun jälkeen. En tiiä 4chanin edgy teineistä mutta omaan mieleen tollanen on aivan vitun surullista että vanha mies joutuu elämänsä vikat hetket elämään häpeässä ja tuskassa ja lopulta kuolemaan vaan sen takia että joku holier-than-thou mulkku halus vähän youtube peukkuja.

Swiss passport looks like some first aid manual

I want Finland to consume the lesser Scandinavian nations.

wait is it the same perrrrrkele vittu dude?

Finland isn't a part of Scandinavia

I know, I didn't mean to imply that it was.

aika paska loppu kaverille
No, ainakin tulevat sukupolvet tietää olla kippaamatta paskojaan yleisille virkistysalueille

ei, N.M.

English motherfuckers, do you speak it?
What happened to the old man?

Finnish looks like such a strange language

he died, the harassment and bullying most likely made a big contribution

thanks. shit man.
i tried to read this: kuvattu kouvolalainen mies menehtyi sairaalassa/2017222017316/4

google translate sucks at translating finnish