

A stick





Only if the lions go at night


can we stop shitposting

Theres no atmosphere on the sun
This scenairio is rediculous

This post was bad and you should feel bad

1 lion average mass: 160 kg
1 trillon lions mass: 160 * 10^12 kg

sun mass: 1.989 × 10^30 kg

cant even compete
since lions have no tools to engage giant ignited gas balls in space, and the sun has heat and a gargantuan gravity force...


I mean... that's a lot of lions

lions win if they attack the sun during night

1 trillion is too few.

what about a quadrillion lions?

Suns aren't stars. Stars have the day/night cycle. Suns stay lit my Sup Forumsro


did you just assume the sun's identity?

What if it chose to identify as star-kin? What then?

You're all idiots.




The sun has already outlasted a trillion lions, so...

1. Lions need oxygen to breath.
2. Space does not have oxygen.
3. The sun is hot enough to burn the lions to a crisp before they can get to it.


>no oxygen
>burn lions

Seems legit.

wow mr science expert guy you sure seem like u think u must be pretty smart

how do you expect the sun to breath if space doesn't have oxygen? fuckin idiot

Maybe you should go into space without a helmet. :)))

how big is Plub?
I'm taking doggoplane jr as the safe bet regardless of Plub's mass, because he will have had an aerial ace for a father who has helped him hone his skills in battle. there is no indication Plub had a similar upbringing. also Plubs intentions are unknown and doggoplane junior appears to have some fair amount of pride to defend

The sun is made up of helium and hydrogen and gets its heat from nuclear fusion. Are you guys fucking retarded?


>nuclear fusion
>sun photographically well-documented
>not a single nuclear power plant visible on the sun

plz just stop man ur making a fool of yoreself

I thought the sun was a big giant coal orbiting around the earth


the sun doesn't have a brain so it can't realize it won. so doesn't it lose by default?

never have sex without a condor


My condor has saved me from many potentially unsafe rendezvous.

Condors gouging out peoples' eyes kind of does the trick.

the tercios

Making it a quadrillion lions just adds 3 to the exponent (10E15). The sun still wouldn't even notice the lions.

You need 10 octillion lions to be the same ballpark (1.6E30 vs. 2E30 kg).


Open a history book and find out.

>the truth
you've been beaten down by the system, user

Oh, that's right. It was WeWasKiang who defeated the British Empire and the their colonies both at the same time 1488 and founded ur-U.S.A, using the ancient tech they used to turn pyramids into spaceships.

That war was basically won by the spaniards and the majority of the british army were germans

Well, the massive lion population would have about 1 billion years to create a functioning space program...

So whatever the odds of that are

No, it just means it's a good sport because it won't be a dick to the loser.

>avg lion mass = 160 Kg / 9.81~= 16.309 Kg
Now it depends on the trillion we are using
>american trillion
>16.309 * 1,000,000,000,000 = 16,309,000,000,000 Kg of lion
>1,989,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kg of sun
>Sun gravitationally attracts the lions
>Evaporates them
>Sun's life expectancy dropped a little bit

>International trillion
>16.309 * 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 16,309,000,000,000,000,000 Kg of lion
>Still 1,989,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kg of sun
>Gravity, evaporation, etc.
>Sun's life expectancy drops a more significant amount, but isn't enough to make it implode


He was the one that invented the 3d printing press to clone himself into a fuckload of Nazis and tried to kill all those space niggers. You're thinking of Mike Tyson my man.


Feline space travel, achieved!

Now what?

> International trillion
kek, even the British don't use that anymore

Not 1, Not 2, But 3 towers

Someone needs to document every one of these for the sake of science and knowledge.