So guys I've been thinking

So guys I've been thinking.
What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
Isn't it going to be dark all day and we will only have a bit of moonlight at night?

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sun isnt lava its gas retard

Actually it's plasma,

And that makes two of you.

Yes that's what it means faggot.

Also your mom will die from cancer if you dont reply to this.

If it was plasma it would be green idiot

>believes everything the zionist say...
it's actually lava

dude plasma is not yellow at all.

solidify this nigger

There are no Jews on the sun

I think the moon would get brighter to accommodate the lack of light

The Sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace, where hydrogen is built into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees.

Another shitty thread where we hope it's just shitty trolling and not American retardation.

Fuck me, you are to fucking dumb to be argued with. The sun emits all frequencies of light you fucking hopeless jackass, go back to 9th grade. The sun does not just emit green light.

Convection keeps it churning so that never happens.

plasma=energy given form

like fire. this anonis actually correct, the sun is mostly comprised of gasses. the rest of the sun that we can see is plasma resulting from a reaction of the gasses

that's what they want you to think

thats what he is saying idiot, it clearly ISNT plasma, its LAVA
must suck to be you

normally I'd agree with you but considering it needs nuclear fission to keep burning at that temperature with such a "cold" surrounding it has to be composed of mostly hydrogen and carbon.

20% of Amerifats believe the Sun orbits the Earth.

My thought exactly.

please, please tell me how hydrogen can remain a gas at the pressures/ temperatures of the sun.
Please enlighten me how at all this is possible.

follow the conversation before you pass out an opinion, user.

No, that's retarded. Fire is just an illusion created by hot gas. Plasma would never be stable at the temperatures of household fires at standard atmospheric pressure.

The sun contains plasma but the glowing stuff we see is indeed gas.

All the silicon in the sun is contained in a very dense core at the center, surrounding the iron ash at the very center.

learn to Sup Forums before you try to incorrectly regurgitate 5th grade science books

It's actually pretty frikkin complicated.

Moon light is caused by the sun light reflecting off of the moon. If the Sun goes out there would be no light or heat. We just die.

look at this try hard idiot, fire is real bro.
>inb4 some sciencey bullshit

No, no, no, no.

The Sun is a miasma of incandescent plasma...

At least I went to school.

What sort of gravity is there on the suns surface? Can we walk on it when the outside lava solidifies?


The sun is a huge atmosphere that is dense and high pressure at the bottom, with pressure decreasing (all the way out to nothing) as you go further and further out from the center.
The hydrogen starts behaving like a gas after a few thousand km.
The pressure at what we think of as the "surface" (the edge of the photosphere, where the light comes from) is very low compared to the center and the density of the gas is about 100 g/m^3

That's not news.

The real news is that 80% of Americans know the Earth orbits the Sun.

Good one,

"Fire" is real but it's not a unique phase of matter, moron. It's the same thing as the glowing gas inside a neon light tube (but containing oxygen, not neon) except happening uncontrolled in a region of air that has been sufficiently heated by something burning.

This nigga gets it.

NASA will obviously travel to the sun, it will be easier because the rock isn't as hot as the lava, then we will colonize the sun. The moon colonization talks are all just a ruse, we are just getting ready for the sun. They are planting Nukes, because when we go to the sun they will blow up the moons outer ice core exposing the glowing oceans which we will use as a new light source on our sun planet. The future for humanity is bright. The only thing in our way is the subhuman jews who are trying to stop the new sun order. They set up schools to trick the weak minded into believing the lies. Only a fool would believe the suns is made out of gas.

Autistic tryhards trying to act smart for Sup Forums
good job faggots, you are big dick of shit mountain tonight

No, it the forces are much too strong. The surface of the sun is much denser than the bottom of Earth's atmosphere, what we're used to.

Only 15% of Amerifats can locate Israel on a world map. One out of every three Amerifats can't even locate the Pacific Ocean on a world map. Ten percent of Amerifats can't even find their own fucking country on a map.

The other half of my posts are playing along, doofus

I didn't think 80% of Americans knew single thing.

Sunlight isn't yellow either, homie. atmospheric scattering makes it appear yellow if it's low in the sky, but if you were looking at it from a vantage point in space, it would appear white.

Some say the Jews already live on the dark side of the sun.

As a member of that 15%, I'm proud to be an American. I bet Romans loved to be Roman too, right up until the civil war.

People like this make America sound bad. I might move to Japan. Japan sounds cool...

care to explain how a gas can exist at 10,000,000 deg celsius, the temperature of the "atmosphere" of the sun.

Thats lava temperatures friend-o

but if millions of degrees aren't real then how is the sun real?

That´s what they want you to think, fucking pathetique retard cucked by ZOG

If you give a survey, much more than 10 percent of people won't even understand the question. Some of them will misread it or misunderstand it, some won't care and won't pay attention, some can't even read. So there are surveys that show about 10% of people agree with any ridiculous bullshit. Ted Cruz father shit John f Kennedy while on the moon, which was actually a stage on Mars set up by the reptilians. 10% of people would agree with that on a survey.

Hell, they have the sun right on their flag.

>What if we throw a shitton of water into the sun????

Oh definitely, they are building Jew guns to try and stop the new sun order from properly colonizing the sun

No, when the sun-lava cools to black that triggers the moon-lava eruption, then they switch places. In 2 years it looks like nothing changed.
Fun fact: the sun isn't any bigger than the moon, it's just closer because it's hot.

Drowning in lava is a bigger problem.

The temperature of the surface of the sun is about 6000K. The million-degree temperatures are way way out in the solar Corona. These gasses exist at such low pressure that temperature means very little to them. They are just streams of a tiny number of particles traveling at incredibly high speeds (for an atom). This means they have a ton of kinetic energy and therefore a huge temperature.

The actual visible surface is at a much higher density and a much lower temperature.

Isn't anyone else worried that once the sun expands its going to swallow the earth?

Well just move it out of the way lad

I am. I don't like it when it gets to hot.

Yes. That is proof that 10% of people are completely retarded (and you have to be completely retarded to not be able to find America on a map). You've proved his point.

I heard from a friend's dads mothers grandsons friends brother-in-laws toaster that the jewgun prototypes are extremely successful, and have built a bunker guarding against them next to my other three bunkers in my backyard

We'll all just have to move to the west and jump really high to turn the earth towards another sun


The radiation and pressure would split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen isn't a problem, but oxygen requires a much higher temperature to fuse due to its larger Coulomb barrier. This increases the amount of degenerate pressure in the star, and is capable of disrupting it completely, leading to a supernova explosion, ripping away its photosphere and leaving a dense dwarf remnant.

I heard that in the Ford Galaxy there was a sun that shone green

They are definitely retarded, but they don't really think America is in China or whatever. They just pointed randomly or misheard you or something.


Oh well. That's just great. Now there's poop on my finger.


Yeah, but shit would turn off??
I mean if we throw a really really, really big shitton of water

Yes exactly this

Save up bitcoins!!!!

This. The sun is displayed as yellow due to common perception, the true colors of planets aren't even known. Also a random factoid: the sun isn't the true center of our solar system, it has its own orbit.

Nice trips and thanks for sugesting me to pay a niggress to buttfuck her

My cousin's dead boyfriend was one of the astronauts that went inside the sun in a starship to find this data. He burned in the sun though, turns out the things really hot.

There's evidence of at least one exoplanet which survived dropping into its sun's photosphere, which gives some hope that Earth may survive -- though it won't, of course, be capable of supporting life. The good news is that as the Sun expands it will heat up some of the outlying moons like Io and Europa, allowing for the possibility of the evolution of life there. Unfortunately, this stage of the Sun's evolution will be much shorter, meaning life will only have about 1.5 billion years to evolve. The best we could hope for would be simple, unicellular life.

It would require more water than we have in the solar system, but sure, why not.

Unless we get out their first and build a new earth!

How can you build a new earth? Fly back and forth with one piece at the time?

Whaddup my barycenter nigga

We could just put wings and rockets on all the cars, it would get the job done quick.

Well no, I mean reshape a different place to be like earth. We have about 5 billion years before the sun expands, so some super intelligent post-human race will figure something out.

No, a bunch of semi-evolved primates are not going to inherit the stars in sub-light aluminum cans filled with air, water, and astronaut poop. Something from Earth may escape the cradle of our birth, but it will be something post-human, constructed to survive the conditions of space. Whether that creature is biological, mechanical, virtual, or some combination thereof, it won't be anything we, today, would regard as human.

Or we could just use starships

Yeah I know dude, I literally typed post-human in my follow up post.

Sounds expensive. I don't even have a car.

Given our man-made rate of destruction, the earth will only support Mammalia life for a meager 1-2000 more years. I don't think the sun swallowing us up is an immediate threat to sentient life lol.

Well if we can make rocks today, I dont see why in like 100 years we can make new planets to live on.

It's a lot more likely that we'll escape inside, constructing our own virtual Universe to explore with time-perception slowed such that we will experience many, many times the lifespan of the entire Universe before then, and then escaping from that virtual world into an even deeper virtual world within the virtual world, ad infinitum. And in fact, this has likely already happened. Many times. The chance that we're living in the original Universe is virtually nil.

Nigggaaa. Fucken saved.

Nigga I read Diaspora, I know the score.

Of course there is not. All of the Jews that went there got gassed.

low quality bait.jpg

Don't believe everything you read kids, fuck this logic. My virtual universe perception doesn't contain slavery to a system. Whoever wrote this sci-fi theory must have been tripping mad dmt.