Just an fyi - We know global warming is real due to data taken from pre-post industrial era compared against geological...

Just an fyi - We know global warming is real due to data taken from pre-post industrial era compared against geological studies. Before mankind's interference, the rate of temperature change was much slower that the current rate (barring a handful of significant events that caused a quick dramatic shift)

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also trump

The only people that believe any different are literal retards or sociopaths with large financial investments in dirty industries, I'm looking at you, Gina Rinehart.

So basically the entire conservative base from moderate to alt-right?

When people say the planet is getting hotter every year what are they measuring from? Ice age? 300 years ago? Sincerely asking

Noaa has been faking temps though and thats also proven

So? Only Al Gore cares about this. Fuck the environment.

I want to say you're tarring an entire group of people with one brush but quads don't lie.

This is true but it doesn't matter at all. In the past a lot of life was wiped out by ice ages and asteroids, and will be again. Eventually the sun will destroy everything. This time is novel because a species of animal on the earth is changing the ecosystem. It's neither a good or bad thing though.

Provide the sauce, brother. Teach these dirty hippies! Provide them with the sauce that will completely derail their ideologies.

You don't *know* shit, retard. Nobody does double blind experiments on geological climate evidence. You have reasonable theories based on observable evidence that could one day be completely revised or reversed based on new evidence or better evaluation of existing evidence.

Anyway, I live in Canada so fuck all y'all. Let's warm this shit UP!


Whistle blower came out

>double blind experiments on geological climate evidence

Your understanding of science seems to be limited to stringing together 'science-y' sounding words.

Double blind experiments are experiments where the subject and tester are both unaware 'blind' of some main aspect of the test, eliminating bias.

Theories may be refined over time, but a complete upheaval of climate theory is so unlikely as to be utterly ridiculous, and the consequences of ignoring what 99% of climate scientists take as a genuine threat to our environment is suicidal stupidity.

a handy tool: xkcd.com/1732/

It's been cold all winter. Checkmate global warming conspiracy fags.


Climate researcjers are so worried abut climate change they have to fake their data to make the planet hotter than it is.

>whistle blower says "oh yeah data supports climate change, we just bumped it a bit'
>article continues "but hey, climate change isn't that bad, cause the writer doesn't get the point"
Good show

There are people who actually believe this.

Theres a million articles about. Google whatever one you feel like reading