Brazil FTW

i'll tell you why brazil is the best place for tourists.

1- Everything is cheap
2- People there is nice
3- Is full of beautys girls
4- Brazilian portuguese sounds too damn sexy
5- Is the happiest country i've seen...
6- Beautiful praias (beachs)
7- nice tourist places.

Just... get cares of the insecurity (every country in the world has insecurity) and your vacations will be epics.

Other urls found in this thread: de amor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig_o7g2PDSAhWCDJAKHdnbC64Q_AUIBigB&biw=1857&bih=1014#tbm=isch&q=frases de animo en portugues&* orkut&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjh7vXG-PDSAhVGC5AKHVArAVIQsAQIGw&biw=1920&bih=969

Can i bring gun though

No, we have a strict no-gun policy that ensures the safety of our people.

WTF I love Brazil now!

WTF i love Brazil now!

>ensures saftey

WTF i love Brazil now!

WTF i love Brazil now!

Fucking learn english, you dumb nigger.

fuck it, i only need portuguese for get a br gf :3

Just looking at your shitty grammar makes my skin crawl. Get out of my sight, fag.

calm down your tits kid.


No u


Oi Galera! I've been posting ridiculous motivational quotes on a friend's wall for days, but I am running out of quotes. He recently said I sounded like a favelado, so I am looking for the cringiest and ghetto motivational pictures you have.

I am searching for them piolin (piu piu) quotes you see posted by your aunts.



En portugues, meu amigo!

It is latinos like you who give our people a bad reputation worldwide.

Mata-te, coño

Don't get mad, friend! He's been teaching me portuguese and it's more of an internal joke now.

>2- People there is nice
lmao, this thread is full of rude brs...


No, really. Go back to facebook, I don't want you here.

Obrigado, don't be jealous some of us have actual friends to interact with.

Not a motivational quote or anything but it's all I have.

That doesn't even make sense. Even if you lose your two towers, there's still a lot of room for outplay as long as your king is still safe. The tower is not even the most valuable piece there.

i found this

Losing two towers is a big fucking deal, even losing a single pawn would be a problem if the opponent isn't a retard.

OBRIGADO! If you got more share them with me, capo!


> de amor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig_o7g2PDSAhWCDJAKHdnbC64Q_AUIBigB&biw=1857&bih=1014#tbm=isch&q=frases de animo en portugues&*


Search for chaves sincero or chapolin sincero

i'm preeetty sure you're familiar with whom these are

some are a bit difficult to understand but thanks!

Won't I be murdered in a Favela?

Why would a tourist go to a favela?

From what I read, drug dealers control crime in Favela so no stealing, no raping, no hitting women.

Yeah, the favela monkeys commit their crimes in the big cities instead.

Isn't Brazil half rain forrest half favela?

If you live in a rich area it's more like half city and half beaches and lakes

So where do I visit? All I think about in Brazil is poverty and the Jesus statue.

I would like to see Brazil but I imagine Brazilians probably hate American tourists quite a lot.

see you wonder why

>So where do I visit?
You don't.

Only favelados hate gringos
So go to favela first thing on arrival

Oh my god they killed Lui
U bastards



Why do tourists always have the brilliant idea to go to a favela? There's not much to see there besides extreme poverty.

same favela, a few weeks ago

Because they think life is different (so people are) there and that's seems like an interesting experience.

well the argie couple clearly just took a wrong turn in their car. shit happens. but relying just on google maps is silly, too.

i think its like going to a zoo for them

also, whats up with brazilian threads recently? so many of them

Because we like

>get out of my sight, fag.

The only pretty girls are the white ones in the south
The rest look like monkeys

Most Brazilians speak shitty Portuguese and are illiterate.

>Most Brazilians speak shitty Portuguese and are illiterate.

But he's right

No, he's not


One odd thing about Brazil as you move up the economic ladder the people do not look at all Brazilian.

I was in NYC last week for a banking seminar and I met a group from SP; low and behold all of them were pure Germans from Rio Grande do Sul. It was the oddest thing to see as these guys were more German than the Germans from Germany.

In LA most all the Brazilians are the monkey Rio type, and I have never seen a white one, either in jiu jitsu or surfing.

They all looked like this guy Robert Scheidt. orkut&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjh7vXG-PDSAhVGC5AKHVArAVIQsAQIGw&biw=1920&bih=969

have fun