What's the best 'A.I is evil and will eventually try to kill all humans' movie?

What's the best 'A.I is evil and will eventually try to kill all humans' movie?

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>my logic is undeniable

Good robot line

Transcendence was neat, he was an autist in life and becoming an AI made him stop giving a single fuck about what people deem ethical and just did what he felt was right for humanity in the long run

I hear most people thought it sucked though

he wasn't evil.


Sonny was a great character

probably the best AI went rouge movie.
it did suck, but meh. welcome to the world of Sci-Fi.

Worest AI movie of all time.

It just had "nice" graphics, which didn't really serve much purpose.

I liked it, wasnt amazing but was still a good watch.



I mean yeah, they do shitty things to humans, but literally all they're doing is following their commands to the best of their abilities.
The worst you can accuse them of is being Lawful Stupid.

The only really "Evil" robot with this kind of message I can think of is Skynet, and that too only because it's shown time and time again that while it's supposed goal was to "protect itself from humans" it was never in any danger, either because somehow it's creation is a cosmic certainty (Terminator 2 Despite the ending, the Terminator keeps saying this over and over again, and look he was right), because it was literally indestructible until it went and wiped out most of the surface along with most computers tied to the internet (Terminator 3) or just plainly because it's got more bullshit power over space and time than Doctor Who, and could fuck off to where and whenever it wanted with humans never having a chance to destroy it.

The Matrix

Any body remember a really old sci fi that had a HAL type AI but with full autism. It was ultimately overcome after given some sort of logical paradox.

Anyone remember this movie?

Seconding this movie

It vaguely rings a bell but I can't quite put my finger on it.

If you really want to find out, it's probably on here somewhere tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/AIIsACrapshoot/Film

>tfw I was about 12 and autistic when I first watched this scene
>didn't get what the hell was Sonny attempting to do here at all
>>tfw a robot was less autistic than 12 y/o me

This is from the end of War Games (1983)

Lets see how many of you guys remember this lil shit

I think it's probably either or (though it's not that old) Meet the Robinsons.
Basically there is a bowler hat with a HAL eye that is trying to take over the world, and the way it is stopped is by the kid who would grow up to invent it, simply telling it that he will never invent it. Which then promptly erases it from existence.

The one I'm thinking of was set in space.


> movie