Ask a 46 year old virgin anything

>Ask a 46 year old virgin anything

from 1-10 (10 meaning really attractive), how ugly are you?

Found OP

Is it a life choice? Or just haven't tried hard enough.

I like to think of myself of a charming 3 but I've been told so that I'm a -10

facepic with timestamp to corroborate

Why did you choose that picture?

What type of spells do you have?

God or Devil?

Neither both fake

I belive I genuinely have the power to know something is going to happen before it does

Because it was on my desktop for some random reason I don't even remember

Based on belief

Try harder manlet

Are you using that picture to imply that Trump hasn't had sex? You do know that he has a wife hotter than anyone you could ever get, right?

Drivers license next to dick with name, DL#, and address blacked out for proof. With timestamp,. of course.

What is your living situation? Own/rent/lease/mooch. With who?

I was living in la but I couldent afford it now living back with my mother in la mirada


Well that looks like a dump. How long does it take you to get out of your housing development to get to work? Do you even have a job?

can you please post a selfie lol

I do not have a job as of now and honestly don't think with the way I'm living I'm gonna live much longer anyways so wby not live with my mom


Are you an actual retard? Or are you one of those functional autists?

Why don't you think you're going to live much longer? Health problems (You're probably overweight)? You gonna an hero??

Why don't you just go to a brothel?

Are you balding, greasy, overweight, neckbeard, with pedo glasses?

Tell the truth....

I do not have any mental issues Besides eating disorders I am functional just very socially awkward so it's hard to find a job especially going into a interview

No I do not wear any glasses my vision is quite good surprisingly after all the tv and games I stare at 24/7 yes I'm overweight and hardly shower

I eat terribly unhealthy

can you please give some back story as to what led to 46 years without sex. What were you like when you were younger? also, why not get a prostitute?

also, why arent you motivated to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle?

facepic with timestamp

Ordinarily, I'd give a little motivational speech about getting your life in order because I went from a full sperglord at 23 to someone who's pretty well adjusted. It just took concentrated attempts at socialization and talking to women. Also working out....

... but by the time you're 46, there's no turning that shit around. I'd be willing to guess you have no employment history either and haven't been employed for years.

Damn bro, you were generation X or maybe even slightly before, that generation isn't supposed to have the "failure to launch" problems that millenials have.

Also, what's going to happen when you sperglords' parents die. I'm 10 years younger than you and my parents are both sickly and old.

At this rate, they're gonna have to have sperglord group homes once the generation that coddled them dies off.

Also, theories as to why you turned out the way you did? I'm curious. I had many many people die in my life and many many people abandon me, so I have serious issues about getting close and opening up.... which I've overcame, mostly. But what's your excuse?

When I was younger I always was very awkward and when other kids were smoking cigarettes I was at home reading I wasent that large back then I was about 150 at 13 I just always whenever anything bad happens I turn to food it comforts me and makes me feel good again also never could ever afford a prostitute


are you still living with your parents?

How tall are you and how heavy are you if youre not going to post a picture....are you like a TLC my 600lb life sort?

thank you

i feel you dude