Is it bad?

Is it bad?


yes. you're going to lose your entire hand (or foot?), maybe even a whole limb. rip user

I fucked mine up as well OP

Thats fine. Bruising below the nail causing blood to clot under the nail. Nail likely wont die but if it does die let it fall out on its own. Check to see if it is coming loose on its once a day. If it is wrap it in a bandage to stop your socks from bulling on it.

Gee Gee Eee Zee

You have an ingrown nail and it's gotten infected. Trim the part that is loose from the top of your toe. Trim the parts that are hanging off in the infected section.Don't do something gross and stupid like pull the nail off. That will take literal years to properly heal. If you clean out the pus and wash it with soap and water it will start to scab up and heal in a few days. It might get ingrown again and take time to stop doing that. When it does, repeat this process, cleaning the now smaller area. If it gets worse, see a doctor about clearing it up, but they should do it on the spot with stuff in their office no big deal.

It's not really that terrible. You gotta clean that shit out though. Then use a clean knife to lance any pus and squeeze it like a zit.

You can scrape off any dried pus/blood, mostly just try to keep the open part of the wound clean on both sides of the nail. Keep the skin from growing back atop the nail on the sides, that's how it becomes ingrown.

You have a fungal infection of some kind also, start pissing on your feet in the shower every day.

Vagisil is really strong and will clear that up, too. It's the same as fungicide for your feet, but stronger because the fungi have an easier time growing in a nice wet vagina.

That said, when I get skin fungus on my hands and feet it takes a long time to clear up fully.

Another method (a bit risky) is toasting the infected part with a lighter. Don't burn yourself. The nasty infection will die first.

Just pull out the nail, clean it out with some toilet paper, and then dump some peroxide on it. Might have to do it a couple of times, but more than likely your body/the peroxide will kill the infection.

He doesn't mean pull it OUT. He means pull it out from the infected cut. Leave your nail attached to your body, OP.

No, i mean pull out the whole thing. Trying to finagle the nail out of the infected bits without removing the nail is more likely to just slice up the infected area and push the infected shit deeper.

Yes, this will expose a bleedy raw nail bed to the infection, but when you dump the peroxide on there, it wont survive. Peroxide fuckin' kills healthy human cells, it takes no prisoners.

That will damage the growth matrix of the nail and make it grow back funny. Just trim it.

Well i don't know if that's theoretically possible, it may be. My nails never grow back funny when i tear them out.

Doctorfag here. Get betadine and scrub the fuck out of it, try and get under those fleshy bits and lift them up off the nail. All I'd do different in my clinic is silver nitrate those fleshy edges to oblivion.

Looks infected.

See a doctor.

Mines is worst op, fml


Infected, you're not going to die. Go to a podiatrist and get the sides cut out.

Get that gross ass infected shit in control

Go see a doctor bruv, You already fucked it.

Go to a podiatrist.
They can cut it out properly and put stuff on the root so it doesn't happen again.
When you keep cutting them out yourself they almost always come back again and usually worse.

It´s an ingrown nail, if you´ve bad luck you can get blood poisoning from that shit.

I clean it every 4 hours, I cleaned it before I went to sleep and by the time I wake up its gets like that.

I wish I had these. Used to have them a lot when I was younger. Not sure why I don't anymore. Felt great to pull the crusty puss out.

Why is it so satisfying?

Go to a fucking doctor you tard. I couldn't get my ingrown toenail fixed for half a year and it didn't get that bad, Jesus you're gonna lose your whole foot if you don't go tomorrow

Hello user

I used to get these like every 6 months and they suck. YOure gonna have to go to a pediatrist. Ask for the permanent procedure. They kill the nailbed and it doesnt regrow if done properly. The first time I had the perm procedure they botched it and it grew back. But now its all good. Been ingrown free for about 4 or 5 years now. My toenails look kind of funky and one gets brittle when long but better than the pain those things cuased. I do someimtes miss the sickening sweet smell of puss and moving the toenail back and forth and watching the puss ooze. Godspeed user

I had multiple this bad throughout middle and highschool for months on end. Some going on like 8-10 months. Very much puss and great pain. No foot loss

BTW mine looked the same if not worse. so you still got time.

Used to get this a lot. Keep it dry and if you're going out wrap it in gauze and pour some rubbing alcohol on it or whatever alcohol americans use to clean wounds

Or the little blobby bags of pus and blood. So satisfying.

Invest in some of this.

Just go to the doctor you pussy.
I had mine done when I was about 14. It was so bad I'd come home from school everyday with a white sock that was now half red with all the blood.
They give you a few needles which isn't fun but not a big deal and completely remove most of the nail. It aches for a few days but you get pain killers and I haven't had any major problems since.

Don't be a bitch. It's a fucking toenail at most, not a toe. Faggot