Genarel League of Legends thread

genarel League of Legends thread

>Is elo Hell real and what is it?
>whats your elo Sup Forumsros
>what champ do you play
>which lane?

and so on.

the elo hell is real
i am plat 3

op here guess Sup Forums dosent like lol ad all kk


Currently Diamond 5 but with a shitty winrate of like 47%
Play yasuo and lucian
Yas top (mid for second) and lucian bottom.

casual game for faggots. dota 2 is better. those who say otherwise are casuals

>elo hell is not real, you'll make it to the rank you deserve and no farther
>gold 5
>master yi main (laugh all you want, he's fun)

I only play REAL mobas. Fuck 2d mobas

Agreed, the only people who i know play this are ones who are too afraid to challenge themselves and would rather slam their face into a keyboard for 30 mins. Dota 2 actually requires a brain to play.


Yeah couldn't agree more. Elo hell is just made up as an excuse. It's like when one of the Laners die to a gank and blame it on their own jungle. Just people not seeing their own mistakes really.

>no elo hell, i was a booster for a few season could get from basically anything up to plat with 90% win ratio.
>diamond for like 4 seasons
>ADC main but most games are on lee sin
play on oce if anyone wants to play

Very rarely play ranked because people suck & toxicity is real, but it happens sometimes, so I guess I'll answer.

Elo Hell doesn't exist, bad luck & bad teammates happens, but on boths sides, if you can't make the difference, you're on your elo.

Last season I was plat III with 60% winrate and few games, I guess I could have ended diamond if I played a bit more

I play top/adc/mid.
Top : Gnar, Rumble, Vlad, Irelia.
Adc : Jhin, Kalista, Cait, Vayne, Ezreal
Mid : Kennen, Syndra, Orianna.

I thought everyone with a brain stopped playing this.

Apparently not

>elo hell is a lie, you are the rank you deserve
>plat 2

12 year old kids do not have the same brain functionality as an adult brain. and LoL tends to get audience with the lowest IQ as possible

Fun fact : I actually consider that a terrible LoL player is also a worthless human being IRL. And the way someone plays/communicate on the game show a lot of his/her IRL personnality.

Also, what games do you play, you superior master race shithead?

witch doctor mid

This game became from a good pvp game to shithole

im hard stuck d1
adc main
kog and jinx