On a vraiment eu de la chance de vivre dans le continent maitre course

On a vraiment eu de la chance de vivre dans le continent maitre course.

Vive l'Europe, Vive la France

Ca rage sec les Americains



oui oui cochons
never baguette
get rekt

On ce fais un petit diabéte au Mcdonald's ?

Europe as a continent is fine, it's the EU that sucks donkey balls, so glad we voted out of that fuck up.


If you had any doubts about the greatness of France...

La France, le pays avec la plus grande histoire

I love Europe for letting in so many Muslim brethren. Honestly it's going to be the first place ravaged and overtaken by us in the inevitable civil war. On the other hand i hope you kill all American Muslims. They are deluded enough to actually think we can co exist with Western society. At least eu Muslims have ghettofied

It is regrettably the biggest disease of Europe

>> continent maitre course
Fucking bad translation

Nigger lovers.

>Europe has mudslimes
>America has niggers.
I'd rather go live in Russia.
Won't find faggots or niggers there.

sums it up nicely.

If I wanted to live in a third world shithole I'd move to one. Enjoy getting raped by immigrants.


I can understand why you might feel that way. Know that i hate you and your people as much as you do mine. in the end we don't really know how it will turn out but i believe we will triumph simply because of the fact that your societies have shunned any sort of honor of pride in the martial realm for some fucked up naive pluralistic wet dream


>implying muslims can use computers

Who cares. Not me.

>implying you're a muslim
silly jew,mudslimes can't read or write!

Yeah, but you're surrounded by Russian people... not exactly a step up.

Slavs are basically niggers.

I understand what you mean. Unfortunately indeed I think it will soon be too late because of the left on what happens to us. Indeed your continent will survive better than this chaos by contribution to us, even if at you it becomes shit too (Canada)

Unfortunately, human beings are made to remain in small groups and can not have love for other groups.

Sorry i don't speak american its translate.

>Be American
>Have white skin

How are they not European? Nationally, no. But The Scots, the Germans, the Swedes, the Swiss, all these people who are American, aren't European? Elaborate.

Mis à part la véritable infestation de muzz de merde qui fait des cocus enthousiates que nous sommes devenus la risée du reste du monde... oui, l'Europe c'était beau.

L'Europe ces 30 dernières années me fait penser à un homme en bonne santé et plein d'empathie qui sinjetcerait volontairement le SIDA, tous les jours, 3x par jour, pendant des décennies. Avec des justifications qui donneraient à cet homme un air un peu plus con chaque jour.

C'est ridicule. Nous sommes ridicules. Ils ont raison de rire de nous.

I apologize if there are formatting errors, using the mimi app first time and Sup Forums after 5 years. I actually had a dna test done since im a pashtun and it turns out I'm descended from Alexander the great, or one of his cousins/general's(can't be sure) who settled in the area around the khyber pass

Je pense exactement comme toi.

Comment pouvons nous etre aussi aveugle et altruiste quand de jours en jours les " Chances " grignottent peux a peux notre térritoire sans avoir aucune resistance.

J'habite en région Parisienne, de plus en plus je perd foi au peuple Francais.

lol so called white amerifats are mixed race ugly mulattos i.e. they are truly mongerl subhumans with a mixed genetic cesspool of european criminals, negroid slaves and redskinned savages

russians are lower than niggers tho

don´t wanna pop your bubble, but the brexit hasn´t happened, the brits just voted for it

No,not really.
I've met a bunch of slavs.
Their children are degenerates but most of them are nice people.
I went to Serbia and i didn't see a single nigger or muslim. I didn't see any shootings nor did i see any public fights. 99.9% of the people i've met were really nice people (they're still white,after all),except the teenagers. God,their teens were like giga-niggers,still,i'd say that applies for any teen.
They were poor but not mudslime-poor,food,drinks and land/houses/apartments were dirt cheap,literally nothing. You could get a big ass pizza for like 2 bucks. Electricity bills/bills in general were also extremely cheap due to their low wages. Kids/adults had smartphones so it's not like they were at mudnigger-levels of poor. The cars were all trash,though. Out of a thousand cars that you could see pass,not a single one was made past 2007. And a large amount of buildings were in pretty bad condition. Of course,i was in Kragujevac,not Belgrade,the capital city. I've been to Belgrade once and it's not half bad,really.
The outskirts were poor but the center had a massive number of people and buildings with a "modern-city" architecture. Their monthly wages go as low as 150-ish$,though.
>150$ a month,not even kidding.

La solution est a notre portée

it's literally happening right now

Ça c'est juste un début de solution. Les bobos ne la laisseront pas défendre notre pays.
Ce sera juste le début.

C'est fou quand même de voir que le continent le plus puissant depuis 2000 ans ce fait exterminé à petit feu sans aucune conscience depuis seulement 20 ans ...

L'empire romain qui a duré mille ans s'est désagrégé de la même manière: laxisme, tolérance, estompement des normes, afflux de barbares pendant des dizaines d'années (contrairement à ce qu'on apprend à l'école), lent pourrissement jusqu'à ce qu'une idéologie plus forte (barbares affamés contre poètes et pédales romaines) prenne le dessus et renverse ce qui restait de pouvoir en place.
Ils ont eux aussi tout vu venir et n'ont rien fait.

Tout est dans les livres. Nous devons nous dresser contre ça. Le FN et les "populistes" européens c'est juste un début. Un début que les pédés contemporains vont vouloir ridiculiser.
Nous devons nous regrouper et résister.