Hunger Games with 24 tributes

Hunger Games with 24 tributes


Da Thermic Lance

Cum Dumpster

Slave Boi

Naked Maisie Williams

Arya Stark

Mr Doggy

Mr Wolf

Tentacle girl

Burning Woody

An Entire Dothraki Khalsar



Cum Slut

Dr. Alphonse Mefesto

The Sun

A lvl 34 Mimic

The Entire Human Race

Miles and the Walrider


Black Lives Matter

this dick cat

Adolf Hitler

Minamoto no Raikou

Activate Soros

Mr cat

6 Million Jews

Check, pls

Lets get this party started


We already have a decent amount of fights

Time to give some F

Not bad not bad

RIP slave boi

They're already experimenting paranoia

A friendly attack

No doggy why you kill your friend? D:

Pay respects once again

Nice try
Damn it

Who needs a sword when you can use your hands?

So many failed attempts until now

Rip Mr Wolf

F for them

Is this the apocalypse?

Well, they must have their reasons

Burning Woody slays The Entire Human Race

This means we are ded?

>mfw Woody killed The Entire Human Race and not me
The ningens had that idea

An honorable duel


Fire damage is real

Rest in peace

Come on doggy i believe in you

Sounds fitting for him

Ningen haters kingdom and Weird fetishes kingdom (?)

I should be start the ningen hunt, what am I doing?

Oh no, the plague

Hitler i swear to god if you kill my animals agan il cry ;(

Poor guys

And just 5 of them

Fucking furry ningen
Now I want Dick Cat to win

Nothing special on this feast

Another after this?

That must be painful

F for them

Srry fam u had aids, cant let you live bro

They should die already

Nice catch

That was close

Just 3 left now

The final tributes

Cmon Maisie

And the next arena event decides the winner, so, if you want to place a bet, now's the time

The medieval airstrike

