Do people in ex-communist countries look back on it nostalgically? Russia, East Germany, and the countries in between?

Do people in ex-communist countries look back on it nostalgically? Russia, East Germany, and the countries in between?

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No one here is old enough to remember what life was really like in the USSR


>East Germany

>and the countries in between

Only old people do really. Everyone else either hates it or doesn't know anything about it and has no opinion

I'd say it's limited to people in big cities, though, just Moscow and Berlin, really.

Dumd retired people do.
No you old,worn out paperbag,I am not interested about hearing how great the Kádár era was,I just want to take the bus in peace.

The ones that lived it? Yes
The Hollywood generation? Nem

Butbutbut everyone had jobs, the food tasted better, people worked harder and were nicer...

>everyone had jobs
You either have a job or go to jail and work there for free. Great achievement, yes.
>the food tasted better
It didn't. Maybe if you compare to the worst and the cheapest possible "modern food" then it did taste better, but overall - no.
>people worked harder
Half of the people were doing nothing on the work. I remember the Soviet joke "the authorities pretend they are paying wages, workers pretend they are working" about that.
>were nicer
Yes, people were nicer to each other since all of them were equally poor.

I remember a joke like
>Untily they give us payity-payment (tiny wage) we are going to do workity-work (small ammounts of work)

Food was shittier, but if you got half-decent sausages only rarely then it felt better. Nowadays everyone can go and buy decent sausages every day so there is no joy effect.

Most Hungarians believe that life was better in the János Kádár era before Communism collapsed in 1989-90, according to a survey by market researchers Gfk Piackutató.

In all, 62% of the 1,000 people interviewed said they were happiest in the period preceding the change of regime, up from 53% in 2001. Those favouring the Kádár era were generally the elderly rather than the young, and those with lesser schooling. The number saying that the pre-1990 era was the worst fell from 20% in 2001 to 13% today.

Some 80% of those 50 years of age or older consider the time before the change of regime happier. Nearly 75% of those aged 40-49, and 55% of those who were students and young adults during the late 1980s concur, whereas only 24% of those aged 15-29 agree.

Why do you think so? I went to school when USSR still existed.

Commiblock inhabiting proles with primary school education and old hags who miss "free shit"

am I supposed to beat some sense into you western fucking idiots

They miss how the social ladder was different and uneducated plebs were at higher positions than damn intelligents. Doubt they miss poverty and bread lines. They just forget about these. Also "during communism I could get an erection!".

We never really had breadlines after the 50s.
We were the most liberal of the Warsaw Pact.

The assumption is 80% of this website is between 16-20 years old and 95% between 16-25. This is probably true tbqh

But people forget how spread out the last 5% is.

Yeah. You guys didn't have it as bad as all the rest, but I believe the general mechanics behind this nostalgia is similar.

I do, but not ex-communist country.
¡Viva la Revolución Mexicana, putos!

That is why is it stronger here.
We didn't have a lot of (noticable) downsides.
But guess how were the workplaces and the free shit were financed?


My friend is polish and talks a lot about how communism destroyed Poland and his parents are still really bitter.

Romania violently revolted against its communist government when the Soviets were weakened so I don't think they look on it kindly.

Hungarians I think also dislike what communism done to Hungary.

Is it true that the USSR banned blue jeans and Elvis Presley for being representative of capitalism? Also, why are 90% of chess masters Russian?

In Russian is only some old people and unlogical blinded idiots

>Is it true that the USSR banned blue jeans and Elvis Presley
No. But jeans were expensive luxury. Even when they started to sell some Indian(and even soviet) jeans in official shops they costed almost monthly wage.

I bet Putin does.

Depends on the cunt. East Germany and Hungary have more nostalgia for commie times, Poland and Romania it's missed by no one.

Lol what. They enjoy such luxury party elite could never even dream of. That's why soviet elites destroyed USSR.

I don't think Elvis Presley was banned. Black Sabbath, AC/DC and these kinds of bands were banned though. Also stuff like many books and movies.

Soviet Union just didn't manage to produce jeans in any quality and even the shitty ones in only small numbers.

China is also full of old fucks who nostalgia-wank to Maoism, totally forgetting the poverty, being arrested and sent to the countryside for supporting the wrong political faction, and all the other shit.

Eventually though... :^)

> Putin wouldn’t want you to see this list. It proves that his beloved Soviets
lol wtf

It's not banned but "not recommend for discos". Banned is a strong word you could buy their records on a bazaar.

Ozzy and Pink Floyd had concerts in ussr in 1989

DJ-s/musicians had licenses though and these could be revoked or bumped to lower pay rates if some party fuck didn't like what he was playing.

Many people still feel nostalgic for it, for good reason too, we had very high living standards back then thanks to USSR funding.
The fall that followed created a hardcore base of old people who elect the excommie reds.
We will see how that turns out in the election tomorrow.

> Pink Floyd had concerts in ussr in 1989
My mom has been to that concert :DD

It was during perestroika.

In America, you can always find party. In Soviet Russia, party can always find YOU.

Ah ah ah

And the next year you were born?

Nah :DD
Here are more funny ones

I doubt Albanians miss communism much either since now they emigrate like a vast swarm of locusts and all drive the latest BMW.

I remember a Soviet joke I got told forever ago. It's probably one made by Americans to mock Russians, though.

One day, Boris need book. Library is rumored to be haunted, but Boris go anyway. Things seem okay when he get there. Librarian say he can buy book for ten ruble. Boris buy book, then go home. He opens book and gasps in horror! Book cost five ruble. Librarian is Jew.

a man bought a bat and it was just what he needed
a king has caught a Russian, a Nemec and a Hohol.
Then he says: you must teach a bird how to speak. Those who will be able to do it will get a lot gold, those who will fail will die. They try their best to do it. Russian and Nemec guys failed and were executed, but Hohol did what he was asked to do and brought two birds: an owl and a pigeon. King asked them: -Pigeon, can you speak English? The pigeon answered: -Sir, yes, sir! -And you, owl? Da, eto tak - answered the owl.

> library
> buy a book
uwut. have you even been in the library?

>a bat
a hat, ebany v rot

It was Jewish library, obviously.

a lot of*
fucking dvaches, man


I didn't say the joke made any sense, just that I heard it in like 1994.


a family (mom, dad and daugher) get into a car crash
after some time some dude sees the daughter and he asks he
-Hey, what's happened?
-We've got into a car crash. My parents are dead and my hands and legs are broken
*unzips dick*
-Well, ain't you unlucky

>Also, why are 90% of chess masters Russian?
It was probably the only intellectual pursuit that wasn't classified as subversive.

Among us young romanians Ceaušescu admiration is on the rise. Especially among us born in other countries of our diaspora (italy has more than 1million of us)


Yes, the old and the poor.

Some miss the "free" roof over their head
Some miss the "positive" message in the news about state succeeding in everything, including relieving Canada of their capitalist overproduction of wheat.
Some just miss the days when they were young.

Many Jewish Soviet immigrants in Israel always look back to compare life here in Israel and back there. My parents from Belarus and Ukraine always say how more free and friendly it is here than there. But also say that back there people would behave better and smarter, better and more strict education and even litter less in the streets.