An American expresses his opinion concerning an European issue

>An American expresses his opinion concerning an European issue

An American bumps your shitty thread

An American followed by a Japanon

>a european brings up "free" healthcare

>An American or European expresses his opinion concerning a British issue


>Americans take over your thread

>a yellow-green-red flag and it's not africa

>Lithuania is an European country
Always nice to meet new countries. Can you tell me something about yours? What is it famous for, sights, good food, anything?

If it was famous for any of those things you'd already know.

and many yuros appreciate and jump on it. its what Sup Forums and Sup Forums are

Why are there so many of you here? Why aren't you here? There is even a lithuanian girl at my work living with an albanian, I give her lifts when she gets out I immediately sniff the seat and masturbate, shes fit as fuck

Americans probably have more insight into western-Euro problems than some ex soviet shithole

>B-baka!!! I-it's not like a I care or anything!!!

>m-muh healtcur is a priviledge, not right
This is low even for African standards

Are you faggots kidding a nigga? The whole world got some shit to say about our affairs.


He's buttinjured but right

>Czech """healthcare"""
I'd rather operate on myself desu

>An American expresses his opinion concerning an White people issues

>am american banters you with the banter for another state
>it's better banter than the banter in question

Funny considering most Americans aren't even remotely aware of European "issues", but Europeans always butt into every discussion about American politics to talk about (((free))) healthcare, how bad guns are, and how racist our country is

but it's okay for you to obsess over our politics because it "affects the whole world" right?

that's the point, you ignorant fucker. europeans have decent enough education to be able to pontificate over burger issues, while americans can hardly distinguish european countries

>a European expresses """his""" opinion about Americans

>not liking it when an American shows any form of care for a different country/countries
>an white

>an European
I know it's technically correct but it always triggers me.

Why would we ever give a shit about what a bunch of irrelevant countries that are basically vassal states of ours across the ocean do in their spare time
You guys dont even have oil or anything of interest to us

you don't to justify yourself. you are willing ignorants and this thread is just pointing that out. it's banter, stop being butthurt

Thanks for the memo off brand Spain

you're welcome. now go shopping and shit your pants in public. go, go.

>a eurocuckold expresses "his" opinion on anything

>Americans fail to understand free healthcare can be good
You can still pay for private healthcare if you wish

Taxation is theft

Don't kid yourself, Europeans don't know anything about the US apart from what your state run media tells you. You believe the most retarded shit that gives most Americans a run for their money, only you then claim to be 'intellectually superior'.

judging by Sup Forums,
>burger being btfo'd by yuro over european issue view: happens daily
>european being btfo'd over american issue: never seen it

the flags will always fuck you over, m8. just delete this website

Polish Lithuanian Commomwealth

> implying you dont already pay a shit ton of taxes
> implying most of it doesnt go into bombing brown people roaming around a desert
> being American and being allied to the Saudis while giving a blind eye when they fund extremist churches in Europe and fund small terrorist groups in the middle east
> Being American and being OK paying taxes to support terrorists in Syria agains Assad but getting mad when the taxes are for healthcare.

but yuros do the same thing to us

That is some top banter.
Cheers and more power to you leaf!

they do it much more frequently at that.

Hell, even their national news channels are loaded with "news" about the USA. Where as our news really only mentions them when they have a terrorist attack, which it isn't our fault that happens every day now.
They chose these politicians and polices.

So wouldnt IT suck to pay 600billion a YEAR for a unnecesseraly big army

actually a lot of taxes are being sent away as "humanitarian aid" in one of the greatest communist redistribution of wealth schemes.

However everyone is too stupid to see it.
They don't ask why we are sending billions of dollars to Pakistan and different African nations for no reason. Because they are told its good, its "helping the world" so people write it off and pretend its just caused by bombs or healthcare. Which isn't true no matter which side of the fence you sit on.

You're all just fucking good goys arguing the wrong details.

but you are all subhumans
many of us wouldnt reply to americans if we knew that there is a non white behind

>unnecessarily big
>rivals are Russia and China
>allies are all weak cuck Europeans with small armies who would get raped in a modern war scenario.
its not, and you fags sound like the weak cucks that caused the fall of the Roman Empire.

I guarantee someone just like you was saying the same thing in Rome right before the Huns came in. "why do we spend so much funding these lazy legionaries? they aren't even necessary. Rome is too big to fail, we are one world now!"

america is made up bastard nation
evil country
full of idiot people

Why are Germans so autistic about their hatred of Americans

Is it because we cucked you with our military bases all over your country?

He's Turkish

that is a Turkish diaspora that posts under a German flag
he is a regular on Sup Forums
you must be new if you didn't know about him