Thoughts on the new It movie? Was skeptical at first, but after the trailer it looks pretty decent

Thoughts on the new It movie? Was skeptical at first, but after the trailer it looks pretty decent.

dont know how to feel about the change from the fifties to the eighties, im still looking forward to it though

The new pennywise looks like fucking shit on a stick
that earns it a hard pass from me, it's not good if im gonna be laughing at the clown the whole time
If there's no childhood orgy what's the point of a movie adaptation anyway

If there isn't the childhood orgy, I'll be pissed. But knowing this libtard age, I'm not expecting it.

Ending in the trailer gave me spooks though.

I would have preferred a Dr. Sleep movie, but I kinda like it. Maybe I'll go watch it

I thought the tension in the trailer was really on point, better than most horror movies, at the very least. My only gripe is that the ending shot of the trailer was too long, and they should have only shown Pennywise in fleeting glimpses. I'm sure in future trailers they'll show him more and that may ruin any surprise factor they have.

I think that's a "later" stage Pennywise, and when he first appears to the kids he'll be in much better shape, makeup/dress wise at least. Unless you're just talking about his general appearance.

the CGI is gonna show some really disturbing visuals in the kid's trip out scenes with him.

True, but most of pennywise in the book was disguises anyways. However, the new pennywise could land an airplane on his forehead.

The point is: the book is something like a 1000+ pages, a lot of stuff . i'm sure the film is only the first childhood events.maybe a sequel?

looks great actually

The design is garbage. Just overall. Hoping for a cool spider form though.

There's two phone numbers, an 800 and a local, on the missing person's flyer. They're non-working numbers, but they may start working when the movie gets closer.

That or they rush through it. I wouldn't mind a three hour movie if it was decent.

Probs a sequel though.

Yeah, I agree with you that it's kind of a questionable design choice considering Curry's was so much more clown oriented. If they're doing it simply to differentiate this one from the last, that's retarded.

I'm willing to bet there is no spider, which would be stupid as fuck.

You are correct sir. This movie is supposed to only be the kids. And if it does well enough, which I am sure it will. Then a sequel with them all as adults will be made

and as for you fucks wanting the train scene where Bev takes em all. Come on, really? they won't have that. Ever.

Actually the spider stuff is something they add at the movie. Big spoiler, IT is something like an old alien comes to the earth Who nerd to eat one times in years

Doesn't a time turtle destroy it or some stupid? Ending was weird as shit in the book.

It's nearly impossible to do something that long with Hollywood, they seem to think the general public has no attention span and force projects to fit that 1.5-2.25 hour range. I think that's unfair though and I would absolutely sit through 3 hours of this if it was as tension filled as this first trailer.

Chud is love. Chud is life.

King was always good at the first 90% of a book then had fucked up endings because I guess he just didn't know what to do so suddenly aliens and weird shit creatures.

Yo who is that

That's a tranny, faggot.

Deus ex machina.

Yep . turtle it's something like the creator of the universe And blablabla .i really think that Steven king was drunk when it wrote that shit

its actually not, faggot
its this dumb camwhore who won't even post any nudes unless you pay, literally a dumb bitch

her tumblr is swimsuitsuccubus

It says it on the fucking picture you gaddamn mong!

It was a joke, faggot.

Or they're just stupid. The Long Walk was anti-climatic as shit.

He looks like a methhead rabbit.

after seeing this cunt i wish Tim Curry was around to save this pos.