Is there a definite point when actors go downhill or is it a gradual progression?

Is there a definite point when actors go downhill or is it a gradual progression?

This makes me sad. The first legitimate non-shitpost thread I make and it gets ignored.

Only a shitty actor gets worse as they get older. There's a reason "the best times are ahead of you" is said a lot.

if you call out jews there is a definite point

Im sad at Jack blacks current career choices. He was never exactly high brow but theres no one else doing dumb white metalhead comedy anymore,

Don't these people have an actual passion for comedy or is everyone waiting for the family comedy gravy train like Ben stiller?

poop wee kaka

You either retire a good actor, or work long enough to become shit

I think there's usually a tipping point that you can pinpoint where the actor started making horrible decisions. In Jack Black's case, he's always done good and bad films. In my mind, he's been shit for a while but if I look at his filmography, Bernie was only 5 years ago. Prior to that, he did some Kung Pu Panda stuff (acceptable), Gulliver's Travels and Year One (abominations) and then Tropic Thunder (GOAT) so he's just all over the place and doesn't seem to make a lot of films.

I cried myself to sleep the night I heard he had killed himself.

God, I miss you Mr. Black.

He was considered a gigantic asshole in Hollywood that was horrible to work with long before he had his drunk episode. All that did was cause the public to see what a lot of Hollywood already saw in him.

his only respectable performance is in king kong

Sometimes it just collapses all at once and no one hears from them for years. After this movie I don't think I saw Mike Myers again until he showed up in a cameo on Last Week Tonight.

School of Rock
Nacho libre
kung fu panda 3

Oddly enough, he had his cameo in Inglorious Bastards a year after Love Guru came out.

I used to be Beverly Hills cop , know what I'm saying?

It's because he went into family movies. Eddie Murphy was one of the funniest blue comedians out there, and he made a ton of really good movies back in the day. Then he went into family films and it all fell apart.

I wish Will would call me more often.Been a while.

Beat it heeb, he is pure kino

>I'm wondering when they'll make Face-Off 2

>Hey Will,how ya doing,been a while.Got any news for Bad Boys 3 from the studios?It's been a few years uh,just wondering,ya know.heh.Could you call me back this time?Yo voicemail is starting to get old ,heh.

Pretty definite

Heard that a recent movie with Pacino and Anthony Hopkins majorly flopped, cashing not even 100 bucks.What happend in the 2000's with our generation of actors?

I never said he doesn't make good films. He does, he makes great films. He's just an asshole that's hard to work with, much like Bruce Willis.

Young actors are taking their roles.

there's a pretty obvious downward trend there
