Any reason to buy the Switch if you don't care about Zelda?

Any reason to buy the Switch if you don't care about Zelda?

Not really, but I like Fast RMX.

No. If you don't like Zelda or Mario then the Switch would just be an ugly paper weight for you


The answer is the same as it usually is for Nintendo consoles: do you like Nintendo first party games? Do you like them enough to buy a console to play them?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then you're going to want a Switch at some point.
If the answer to one of them is no, then no.


not even. Zelda is shit

>97 on metacritic
Be careful with that edge user.

careful with that independence, dont think for yourself

well clearly is has wide appeal which is what op would care about given that he's a member of the general public


This would unironically be a much better question for Sup Forums. They're a bunch of insufferable faggots but they could still give you good answers.

The two best games of this generation are only on PS4. Pic related and Bloodborne. I mean Automata is on PC but I'm talking consoles.

who cares about wide appeal? Trump has wide appeal, rectal examinations have wide appeal, so now i have to like them?

Trump doesn't have wide appeal. He appeals to a narrow class of retards, there just so happens to be millions of clones of this exact same retard making up almost half our population. I wouldn't call that wide appeal.

You might hate chocolate too, but telling other people that you hate chocolate is pointless, especially when whether or not you like chocolate isn't the topic of discussion.

he won the election didn't he? The popular vote?

Re-read the post.

but it is the topic, op is waging pros and cons and this is a big con. SWOT bitch

i did. It says you are wrong

Is this a Trump thread?

>Any reason to buy the Switch if you don't care about Zelda?
So no, whether or not you like Zelda is irrelevant to the topic.


Even Metal Gear Solid V has perfect scores everywhere and the internet is full of faggots who say that the ending twist is superb and IT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!!11!!one!

But still the game is utter shit and I regret every day the 59€ spent at the day one on Steam, ever in there actually are faggots who insist this game is the best metal gear ever.


read my first post
>not even
suddenly Zelda was relevant, you twat

No, it wasn't. Are you retarded or just autistic?

i'm actually a teacher for kids with aspergers and i am definitely recognizing some of their stubborness and resentment here. Have you ever been screened?

So the answer is that you're autistic. Got it.

As a trump voter i cant even express to you how unbelievably happy posts like this make me. Almost takes me back to election night. Watching all of these delicate crybaby bitch liberal scumbags wandering around in disbelief actually crying. One of the best nights of my life. Also the switch is kind of a pos. Dont get it unless you re really into nintendos games.

ohhh snap. I'm not surprised you don't know what teacher means

Of course I do. Your response is how I ruled out retarded. If you are either retarded or autistic, and you aren't retarded, then you must be autistic.

>As a trump voter
Stopped reading there.

it's not the same as autistic, retard.

Sure ya did.

What isn't the same as being autistic? Who or what you happen to teach is irrelevant to whether or not you are autistic.

All you are doing is digging the hole deeper.

Virtue signaling at its finest.

Aspergers/autistic is not the same. Try and keep up. What hole, i think we still agree here that for anyone able to think for themselves, Zelda is shit

Zero reasons.
>What 4k
>What is more fps than shit tier fake 4k locked at 28 fps
Kill yourself.

>Virtue signaling
What does this meme term actually mean?

>Aspergers/autistic is not the same.
I know. Who or what you happen to teach is irrelevant to whether or not you are autistic.

You are making me seriously reconsider ruling out retarded. I feel bad for your students.


Do you need help understanding lol


As a [insert any noun]
>stop reading right there
Fuck off.


Played the last Zelda for 6 hours and still not at first level; dropped!!!

Massive Zelda fan just can't handle the kiddy graphics. Fucking Wind Waker ruined everything! The ones I love are Part 1,3,4 and Twilight Princess oh and seasons was legit; ages wasn't bad.

If the Wii and the Wii U were any indicator, the answer is no. They've been relying on gimmicks for too long instead of simply making good consoles, that's never a good sign.

I seriously not abig fan of playing a pre teen boy who is out to save the world, to be honest. But let's be honest, it's nintendo, it is stupid to expect much from it other than its own franchise.


Not really op, Zelda is worth it honestly. It's a really dense game and it's a joy to play. Other than that I mean I guess you can get snipperclips? I have someone to play it with I just haven't bought it. If you're into Zelda I say go for it.