That one kid thread

>That one kid thread

Lets hear about him Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

>that kid who would listen to minecraft music videos in class without headphones and with the volume on full blast

>That one kid who would run Naruto style down the hallway

>the reddit user who goes on Sup Forums for the first time

>The dumb faggot who doesn't know the rules about calling someone a newfag.

>Being this new

>that one kid who never talked that much
>that one kid who always got picked on
>that one kid who had a really bad speech impediment
>that one kid who had no friends
>that one kid that no one ever noticed

oh hey wait.

that was me

>That one kid who covered up his hentai drawings
>Those kids who were best friends with the 40 year old art teacher with white hair


>That one kid who thought he could win friends if he beat me up
>That kid that thought that by beating up the shy kid he'd get the bitches
>That kid who got me suspended because I beat his ass so hard he had to go home
>That kid who shat his pants during the fight
>That kid that made me a chad for a day

I know you're on here Jared, you horrific NEET.
Thank you.

I remember when I was in first grade and had this one special ed kid in my class. I specifically remeber random times walking down the hallway and hearing this kid scream at the top of his lungs

>"DO A BARREL ROWWW" (sounded like "row" instead of "roll"

also there was this one social awkward motherfucker when i was in middle school. Wanted to ask this girl out so I told him to just go do it. He went up to here and it sounded kinda like this...

"hey, femanon?"
>"Yeah, user?"
"would you like to ummm... uhhh..."
(The whole time hes making no eye contact and like awkwardly scratching his head)
>"Yeah, user?"
"umm one day... uhhh... nevermind"

walked off and that was that

>That one fat kid who would actually fucking kamehameha people who pissed him off

I'm not even joking

>that one kid who started growling at people he didn't want to talk to

>For a day

How did you blow it user?


your fuckin with me???

>that kid who ate Mayonnaise for lunch

>That one kid fake falls on the floor for attention
>That one kid who isnt funny but tries to

>There was a kid in my school who was annoying as fuck
>He was weird and had many warts on his fingers
>If you would hang out with him at somepoint he wouldn't stop trying to hang out with you.
>After a few years of this annoying guy he moved to denmark.
>In the 10th grade he came back way different
>He was cocky as hell, never came to school and was dumb as fuck
>I smoked weed with him once and he got really aggressive and wanted to fight someone
>Two years ago he robbed a bank with two guys
>They had toy guns and made around 5000$
>Now he is in prison for a few years
Fuck that guy.

>the kid who acted tough but got his ass kicked by the naruto kid

>That one kid who sat in the back of the class during computer times and always looked around the room every 5 minutes
>that one kid who got caught with porn
>that one kid who acted tough but couldn't fight

There's a guy in my college who wears a trench coat and a Nazi M43 field cap literally every single day.

>that one kid who used the windows operating system
>that one kid who used google chrome
every time

>that one skinny aspie with tight sweatpants, tennis shoes, and a long sleeve T who always talked too much and everybody kind of hated

The kid who got caught with porn was me.

become friends with him, when he shoots up your class he might spare you.

That kid who wore fatigues and walked military parade march through the highschool quad everyday after talking to the recruiter.

>That one kid who kept using weeb terms to me just because I'm asian

>that one kid who kept cleaning a pond in the schoolyard from rubbish.
>every recess
>every day

japanese asian or regular

fucking weeb

You weren't sneeky breeky enough. I knew it was you!

>that one kid that broke my super Nintendo and got his nose broke by me
>that one kid that told his mommy and got me grounded for a month.
Brian if you're In here--you're a faggot for breaking my super NES. YOU'RE ALSO A BITCH FOR SNITCHING ON ME AND GETTING ME GROUNDED.
>snitches get stitches

>That one kid who wore shorts every fucking day.



The kid was autistic anyway

>that kid who ate a tub of icing in class
>that kid who always talked backed to the teacher thinking he was funny
>that kid who could never find a partner for group work

Kenny is that you?

>That one kid who raped a cat in the woods to impress his friends
Cool guy

>that one kid who jacked off to a picture his 60 year old teacher
he was really fucking weird

That one kid that was fat as fuck but claimed every pound of it was muscle.

pic related

That one kid who found Sup Forums and tried to act like the Sup Forumstards he saw there, told all his failfaggot friends who logged on and also acted like annoying retarded tryhard Spazcrippers with forced memes and memes used out of context. They all grew up but still act exactly the same I hope all you cunts die.

I knew a chick who would eat mayonnaise sandwiches every day. Literally just mayo and bread.

Cool story bro. kys.

>That one kid who was the edgiest kid in school and told his friend that he was gonna stab everyone at school
>That kid who made youtube videos at the age of 13 thinking he was cool or that he would become popular
>That kid who everyone made fun of in school for having clunky shoes
>That kid who people hated being around because he had his head crushed under a car which caused him to be unable to hold his shit in
>That one kid who thought he was the coolest kid in school but the only reason why people knew him was because of how much of a fuck up he was
>That kid who tried becoming a DJ
12 years of school really does introduce you to a wide spectrum of people

>that one kid who quoted memes
>y u no liek mudkips

>that one autistic kid who is edgy, who thinks he is insane, with a speech impediment, literal skeleton, wears only long sleeve shirts to cover his hands, runs with one hand on his chest and goes up to random girls and hugs them

tfw I went to school with this fag

I can continue with what he did if youd like


Let's hear it then, user

in the mood to give forty keks, so why not?

>that one kid

Pic related. We all knew him, and we all hated him. He probably had a trampoline so you tolerated his friendship for too long.

>that one kid whod always make gay jokes
>hed always follow up with "no homo"
>actually tried to suck my cock in the bathroom once
If i werent a teacher id let him


lets hear it

I was this kid. I apologize fellow anons.

>that one kid who masturbates in class
>that one kid who takes pictures of girls' butts during class and in the hallway



>That one kid who kamehameha'd during a talent show in 6th grade and pointed out specific people in the crowd to join him
No one joined.


arent school talent shows usually talented for actual talent first

Fukken kek

I still have a friend who is still like this. He's 26 and still lives at home. Used to all hang out at his place on weekends. Same hometown friends are hanging out down there while he dictates what everyone is doingthat night, playing first player always, and having general autistic fits when he doesn't get his way.

Mom makes us food though. It's cool. I just get bored of that shit.

this was my brother. Every day to lunch. He ran right by the class I was in. We laughed basically every day. One day he fell down. Funniest shit ever.

for curiosity

thats actually kind of cringey user. 26, still lives at home? im only 19 and have already moved out.

>that one kid that drops out halfway through the year and not even the school notices
G-good thing that' not me, r-rite.

be more specific

>"hey dude did you know you can get mewthree by doing this this and this?"
>no, the sprites from that game are all online. There is no mewthree.
>"whatever, man..."

Adding on to this list
>That artsy autist who drew hentai
>Then got suspended for it when a teacher found it
>That kid who pulled out his dick and fucked a desk in front of the entire class when the teacher left
>Those kids who would smoke in school and then expect people not to notice the smell
>Those fucking rejects who made fun of my friends when my friends were dealing with family issues
>Those rejects who preferred to fuck around at school and disturb the people who tried to learn

>that one kid who brought a rifle to school
Hey at least the hallways sped up after that day

that one kid who could be described today as "species fluid" going back and forth between acting like a horse and a human.
>galloped around the halls
>whinnied and neighed
>would turn around to threaten other kids
>fucking kick them

> middle school
> watch as that one kid that ran up behind someone, screamed "Planting claymore"
> you could hear him throughout the full cafeteria
> he'd squat down and act like he was placing a claymore mine
> runs away and screams "Double kill!"

Yeah I moved out when I was 16. So I see this dude still acting like a faggot with this shit. He moved to the city and moved back home in the same month. It blew my mind. Guilt trips me for not coming to hang out but shit man, I can only hang out in a basement for nestolgia once every year or two.

Fuckin lold.

>those spics who would always swear in Spanish in front of the teacher and not get in trouble

What kind of loli is this? dislike this video for the god shadman k


>that one kid who was sociable with everyone but noone really hung out with
>that one kid who could figure out how get video games onto flashdrives and started lan games of Halo
>That one kid who basically became IT for every class and eventually his college dorm floor
that one kid was me


>be me
>13 in 8th grade
>all the school is at pep rally
>cheerleaders doing their shit
>this kid is a row down from me
>I can see in his eyes he wants one of them
>(I am only typing how he sounds btw)
>he says
>I wiesh i cooud fhack dem oull
>after they're done principal selects a few souls to come down and "play fun games"
>Some chads, some stacys, and a few autist him included
>runs down the steps making this godawful whining noise
>arm held firmly to his chest
>everyone gets down there
>princapal hands a chad the mic and says pass it around
>im chad1
>im chad2
>im chadthundercok
>im stacy
>it gets to the autists
>Haii, im cool
>next downy
>our protagonist
>Hei ehm rhyan-can, egh lik ahneme and vida games
>everyone looks at the downy
>enndg i lhuve ahl uf u
>rushes to every girl down there
>tries to hug them
>he still has the boner
>they start running and he thinks this is a game

>that one autistic kid who thought he was Ezio and wore a cheap assassin's creed cosplay every day
>he never took it off once, even for gym
>listened to depressing acoustic music and skrillex
>bumped into female friend once, she apologizes and he responds with "all is forgiven"
>one time some guys were picking on him in the hallway
>Edgio Autistore yells something in italian, phone comes out from under his sleeve
>he has some shitty hidden blade app on his phone that turns the flash on and makes noises
>pretends to slit their throats and runs off on his tip toes
>don't see him again until 2 years later
>he's wearing some shitty anime trenchcoat
>bleached white hair
>one day he can't open the door to biology
>thinks someone locked him out
>starts banging on the window, threatening to kill everyone

Do it

>girls scream in horror feeling his
>tent dent
>they jump over the railing back up to us
>chads pin him down
>he is screaming
>i mean bloody murder
>he shit himself and naruto runs away
>we left for the rest of the day
>he was "armed and dangerous"

I'll tell you more when I get back from the store

Could you spread the word someone who goes by spooky on discord r9k and steam is a 30+ year old pedo/sex offender who uses fake pictures of traps to lure young boys into sending pics and meeting irl to rape then and assault them =) thanks


>that one kid who wore camo head to toe every day
>that one kid who ate lunch in the bathroom stalls, off the floor
>that one kid who fapped in the bathroom
>that one kid who fapped in the hallway
>that one kid who pissed on a random girl's head
>that one autistic girl that was obsessed with horses
>that one autistic girl who was obsessed with wolves
>that one nerdy kid who had a bunch of medical disorders
>that one kid who stalked and sent dick pics to that innocent science teacher

how did a student get the science teachers number?

he sent it to her over facebook

>Edgio Autistore


>That one kid who had his pants down to ankles and tripped down the stairs after his pants fell down
>That one kid who would make autistic screeches in the middle of class
>That one kid whi yelled "IS THAT POKEMON, I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL" at the top of his lungs in the cafeteria after he saw the autistic kid with a 3ds
>That one kid who actually tried downloading minecraft for free off of a sketchy website
>That one kid that dyed his hair and dresses up like a faggot everyday but still doesn't come out and say he's gay
>That one kid who jerked off in class
>That one kid who vaped just to look edgy

I used to be that kid.
but only because I got bullied by my brother.
I did on to others what he did to me.
Sorry Sup Forums

>that one kid who called himself a metalhead and grew out his hair
>he only listened to Metallica, Disturbed, and Avenged Sevenfold

I wish i could do the same thing...

Once there was this kid who Got into an accident and couldn't come to school, But when he finally came back, His hair had turned from black into bright white, He said that it was from when The car had smashed so hard


>That one girl in class crying over some boy only to have this shit happen every week or so

CentOs and Lynx user here

>Hair turned from black to white
He's trying to be kaneki.
easy solution: stab through the eyes and kill his best friend :)))))

>that one kid who had a 29 science average
>that one kid who repeated the eighth grade
>that one kid that dyed his hair so often it looked like a shit-stained rainbow


There's this one kid in class that reminds me of Ed. His name is John paul, but mexican version so Juan Pablo. He sounds like Ed, he looks like ed, but he's pretty chill and is somehow every girls wet dream. I don't fucking know how this dude does it, because I always hear girls talking about how, "oh yea, john paul is handsome/qt"
Like, he's clean, he's get's a haircut every week, he doesn't smell bad, you know the basics, but this dude looks like he has down syndrome.

but yea, if you're reading this JP i love you man no homo