Hey Sup Forumsros I have a fat disgusting terrible piece of filth that I call a roommate

Hey Sup Forumsros I have a fat disgusting terrible piece of filth that I call a roommate.
Any ideas on getting her kicked out or to leave.

Eat her

I would rather sautee my own testicles

Watch porn in your boxers in the common area. Don't masturbate, just watch it. If she's asks about it just say "it's like a soap opera, just with lots of sex." Find foreign porn films so she has no I idea what they are saying. And As long as your not jerking it she can't even say it's sexual harassment, your just watching it. That's it. She'll leave as soon as possible or if she's a slut, chances are she'll watch with you and eventually fuck.

>buy bag of weed
>plant it in her dresser
>wait until she's there
>anonymous tip to cops
>dont go back for a while

This is why I come to Sup Forums

Then do that

Feed her until death

Dubs don't lie

The problem is my GF lives with me, and the last thing I want is this meth mouth, whale looking ass bitch to come on to me

Ah shit, okay then go with weed guys idea.

Does your GF hate her too? How'd you end up in this situation?

Picture of her?

Yes she does, we both hate her. She seemed alright at first when we moved in but now she is becoming a massive headache. Unfortunately the rent and location are great and we don't want to move again.

Now this cow that can walk on two legs is becoming a massive pain in the side

...pics of her?

Bring it up to her like a man, you faggot. Stop being a passive aggressive bitch.

Are you above homicide? Cus if she's fat and a druggy it wouldn't be hard to slip her poison make it look like she ODd or had a heart attack. If you would rather stay clean your gonna need time to annoy her and probably wait for the lease to end..

Pics or no think think

Been addressed several time

She's the woman, not sure who the guy is

Then keep addressing it till she fucks off. It's worked 2/2 times for me. As much as you hate her, she hates you more for calling her out. Hence keep pissing her off.

Okay are you in upstate NY?

I like this idea, if it doesn't work I'll just use the weed guys idea


I was gonna say that looks like 2 people I know from college, Kelly and Manny. Like the resemblance is fucking uncanny.. But we're up I'm Albany

Fuck her until you both love one another

Nah I wish she was there and out of my life

story time?

How the fuck?

Cops actually respond to "They have WEED!"?

Just remember to do an inventory check every few days, and don't have anything self incriminating.

By your wording, you moved into her place.
However, if she moved in under your conditions, you can start legal action under house rules and if she doesn't abide by them, bye bye. Not the first time I've dealt with nasty roommates

Good luck with that.

Gibson money