Am I the only one that thinks Amy Schumer is an unfunny fat cow?

Am I the only one that thinks Amy Schumer is an unfunny fat cow?

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I kinda like cows.

yes user ur the only person who thinks that.

Cows look kinda cute. But not this livestock.

You are definitely not alone OP

>talking to friend
>"dude she's so hot"

How the fuck can anyone look at that and think that

What is your circle of friends like that all you ever hear about Amy Schumer is that she's gorgeous and funny? You need to reevaluate your life, OP

Nope. I'm fairly impartial when it comes to the meme machine and I seriously couldn't stand her leather special. It's the equivalent of cheap fart jokes for slutty women, it it had any depth beyond that maybe it would be rated higher than 1 star.

A lot of us think it, but we don't give a shit enough to post a thread about it every day like it personally offends us

She looks like - she just walked out of a stinking trailer after fucking 5 fat fucks - all the the fucking time

I mean you aren't wrong but... she's rich and famous and you're bitching about her on Sup Forums, so who's winning?


Op here, my friends say she's funny in a "its so bad its good" way. And they say that she's average looking.

This is the worst bait I've seen in a while. You know exactly how Sup Forums views her, user.

She is a joke stealer, she should be fucking called out like carlos mencia

The Dalai Lama?

She's ugly as shit, too.

Yeah, and it's definitely not a very popular opinion on the internet at all.
You fucking retard, of course she's really unfunny, all her jokes are either plagiarized or about pussies, she's disgusting in every sense of the word.

so your friends are normal human beings who don't get all butthurt about a slightly shitty comedian and you seem personally offended by her existence.

Work on yourself user, love you bro.


Your friends are secretley Amy Schumer friends. You should find new friends bc they sound like cucks.


All her joke are fucking trash

What a fuckin pig.

Can anonymous murder this cunt?

Jokes*.. her career is a joke

I'll murder her cunt... with my dick

I don't hate her or even find her that unattractive, but one flattering airbrushed photo isn't proof of her being hot. She's just average looking and who the fuck cares anyway.


Obviusly JLaw, you fucking faggots.

Give anything to fuck her.

cow produce a valubal service to society.

Amy Schumer is the niece of pedo senator chuck schumer

Jennifer Lawrence really let herself go.