Ave. True to Caesar

Ave. True to Caesar.

Mfw caeaar's legion is actually filled with retards

Fuck that wankstein. Mr House for life

just watch yourself, profligate...

God these were good times, I appreciate them more and more as time goes on


Ave, True to Caesar

Why does this image so god damn ugly

Patrolling the Mohave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

>Hurr Durr, let's abandon modern medicine for no real reason even though it causes a major increase of casualties that could otherwise live
Get the fuck out of here before my securitrons blow you the fuck out of Nevada




This is why I go independent vegas.


Howdy, pardner!

>Implying the NCR isn't the one and only respectable militia

Fuck you all. Gonna gas (cloud?) you kikes.


sara is not for sexual

No sex here. Only "playtime".

At least I got the holorifle from this nigga

Hey, Elijah, there's something really cool in this vault, you definitely should come see this!

Omnicidal bastard, I gonna pull a cask of Amontillado on your ass. See how you like being trapped with no hope of escape besides death

>Killing Elijah
Why would you kill the one true savior?

What, where? DON'T TOUCH IT IT'S MINE.

>>Killing Elijah, the one true savior
Achievements and gold my dude.

His volume was turned all the way up in the game...

Btw, is the achivement for locking Elijah in the vault luck based (you need to find a stealth boy in one of the Dean's cases)

Pick one

This guy became one of my favorite characters in video games.
It's a shame we saw so little of him.

I just started playing NV again Tuesday night. I'm only like level 9 and badass assassins are coming after me. I was at the quarry and those faggots fucked up a few deathclaws before they bought the farm.

The bandages didn't help things that's for sure

Can you breath a little bit more, my teddy bear?

if you close the door to the inner vault he doesn't realize you escaped as quickly, if you leave the door open he figures it out quicker

The trick is to not piss any factions before you can fuck anyone up.. Otherwise they'll just spawn high level enemies behind corners

yeah I know.


Still prefer that sexy stealth armor to any characters, lol

Great now I have to replay New Vegas. Why did Fallout 4 have to suck so much ass?

You guys wanna see my Caesar's legion cosplay

>"Hey Veronica here's a dress."
>"So... you gonna put it on now?"



Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit if it aint't my old friend from Goodsprings!

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit if it ain't my old friend from Goodsprings!

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit if it ain't my old friend from Goodsprings!

Yeah, there were not many chances to resolve things nonviolently with speech like in NV, most of the speech checks just made your reward/quest outcome better, but you still had to shoot everything. I wish you could have just convinced the BOS to fuck off rather than blow up their airship. Institute deserved everything they got though, heartless bastards.
>Single handedly created all the supermutants you see in FO4
>don't give a shit about what happens on the surface
>create machines that can think and feel but still treat them like machines

Autists, not retards.

Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

still had a better story than FO3 though


poisoning the water supply isnt the same as purifying the water supply tho

The Caesar has marked you for death, and the Legion obeys! Ready yourself for battle!

I used to follow Caesar, like you, until I took an arrow to the knee.

Whore! But I wrote a green about her slipping into a skin suit and railing her new body


That was only the last part of the synopsis, there's stupid shit before that too. The fact that the Enclave really has no use for the water given their advanced technology(Probably the most advanced in the US (possibly excepting The Institute) they wouldn't need the purifier,You could say the part up to your dad dying was ok but the impetus for the whole story after that makes no sense.and the villains motivations are murky at best

doesn't invalidate my point


Your ride is over, mutie. Time to die.


I don't know why they chose to be only a vrain in a jar with monitors for a face. They could have made a body way better. Those trauma harnesses were still working for >200 years, they could have modified it and put their brain in there or in any number of different robotic/semiorganic bodies better than that

their robo bodies are more easily modifiable tho

rumor has it that the Malpais Legate still lives. What do you think brothers?

Assume the position


You realize mutations still occur in the absence of radiation/FEV right? The claim to be the last bastion of pure humanity while inbreeding like hillbillies in heat. Even the institute found out their DNA had degraded and they lived underground (the reason they stole Shaun was to get pure DNA). The Enclave have changed too through divergent evolution from a common source

Aye. I have seen him deep in the canyons of Zion, although that is no fit talk for us brethren. Instead, how about we discuss that retard Otho and how he never has anything fun to fight.

Not really, look at Automatron, they could have modified the fuck out of any robotic shell easily, they're scientists

Ah yes. His offerings of combat have grown rather dull. How I long to take the fight to the NCR once more.

proving my point
i was arguing the fact that the trauma harness was less modifyable than a fully robotic body


My technology is superior. Welcome to the ashes of history.

If Caesar hears you saying that he'll have you crucified. He know's he's still alive, but admitting that would destroy his reputation for infallibility in the legion


It's it's still a machine just more complicated, again they're scientists, they'd have found a way.to suit it to their needs.

It uses electroactive myomers (synthetic muscle), which are more complex than hydraulics but stilll just a mechanical actuator


I want to fuck that bitch who's obsessed with nuka cola.
Also, Bittercup made my dick hard.

That's why he had a the White Legs attack him and his allies instead of sending legionnaires to kill him, giving them the order would have shown that he made a mistake.and cause his forces to realize he's no a demigod like he claims

A v e t r u e t o c æ s a r

I want to fuck Lucy West

You can fuck whoever you want, but Sierra Petrovita is mine.