I'm An environmental science major with a minor in political science ask me anything...

I'm An environmental science major with a minor in political science ask me anything. Also coal is a stone age job rednecks

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?client=tablet-android-att-us&q=clean energy cheaper than coal&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwixmpqU5__SAhWk6oMKHe_-A88QvwUIFigA&biw=800&bih=1280&dpr=1.5#xxri=3

Less regulations = more jobs. End of story.

Jobs better suited for automation you mean. Also they're protections not regulations. Too many Flints out there already even with the protections

>coal is a stone age job
You're right. Lets just put a halt to coal and replace with currently expensive green energy. That totally wont cost a shit ton and lose a LOT of jobs.
It totally wont make companies outsource manufacturing to places with less enviro regulations like China, India, Mexico.
If it stops in the US, it's gone right guys? It totally doesn't get even worse? Out of sight, out of mind I suppose.

You short sighted liberals piss me off. You care not for macroeconomics, or anything other than what's right in front of your face. You can't see into the future. Coal isn't a stone age job, it's powering the world right now.
A slow replacement of coal w/ green energy is viable. Enacting government policies to harm coal/oil will only hurt the economy, force businesses to do their work in China, where the pollution would be worse if they just did it here with some standard regulations.

Fuck you and your worthless degree.
Oh and by the way, those "rednecks" do the necessary work that your uptight ass would never do.
And when you fly over "hick" country and you look down? Yeah, that's your food, ass hole.

Flint is a crisis because of failures of democrats in government. Also, protections ARE regulations, whether you like them or not.

There's no demand for coal. The industry isn't collapsing because of over regulation, it's collapsing because it's 2017 clean energy is CHEAPER to produce.

Found the retarded hick.

Go back to fucking your sister.

You do realise how affordable clean energy has become in the last 5 years right? Most coal has been replaced with natural gas. Coal is only good for manufacturing cities who can't create any other jobs.

"Clean energy" is absolutely not cheaper than coal, but that's a nice fantasy you've constructed

Also, when you force outsourcing because of restrictive regulations, not only are you sending the work to a place without even the basic, viable environmental regulations, you're also increasing the amount of 'pollution' in the world by creating an environment where products need to be shipped across the fuckin ocean.
A little bit of regulation is good, we have TOO much right now.

Less regulations=More jobs=less pollution overall.

More jobs/richer economy/less regulations=private companies attempting to create green energy tech can move along at a faster pace and actually get results, making green energy a legitimate option.

As someone studying environmental science, how do you feel about Trump's actions on the environment thus far? How about his appointment of Scott Pruitt to the head of the EPA?

Coal is and has been replaced green energy is just getting cheaper by the year and it will continue to be replaced the US is the only country holding on because they're fuciing cucks

Nobody cares except for the whiny crybaby libtards. Trump won, he's going to appoint Republicans. Get over it.

Not OP.

Green energy is cheaper than fossil energy.

We only get cheaper fossil energy because of the government subsidies on it.

Without said subsidies green tech is cheaper, and has been for years. Those subsidies come from your taxes, so you're still paying more for it either way.

We could switch to green tech in a couple years if the oil companies didn't have us cuck'd so thoroughly.

If we started subsidising green tech we'd save money as individuals and as a nation, and we wouldn't ruin entire fucking ecosystems and rivers.

Clean coal would cost 10 trillion to implement nation wide, it's a fucking pipe dream red herring.

Trump is moving us backwards.

>found the retarded hick
I wish. I live in shitty LA. I wanna get out to suburban montana, or suburban kansas.

You people are very out of touch with reality.

I'm guessing all your news and "statistical facts" come from Breitbart right?


Lib logic: all you have to do to win an argument is say 'Breitbart'

How about evidence that proves my point false? Protip: there isn't any.

With the cut to fundings I don't think I'll be able to get a job for the EPA or in the oil field as I hope. Also having a man who goes off his beliefs and not facts and having no scientific background as the head of a science department is battling to me


Living in "coal country", allow me to say this: its not the EPA or any president who's cut coal jobs. Its the actual coal companies. Coal mining is no longer some guys going into a mine for 12 hours with a pickaxe and a canary. Most coal mines are not using automated drillers. They can program to mine at the exact point, it takes one guy to operate it, they don't have to pay it, it doesn't cost them money for insurance/union/etc, and other than downtime to work on it, it can run 24/7/365.

Just in this part of KY, coal production is actually at an all time high.

google.com/search?client=tablet-android-att-us&q=clean energy cheaper than coal&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwixmpqU5__SAhWk6oMKHe_-A88QvwUIFigA&biw=800&bih=1280&dpr=1.5#xxri=3

>I don't think I'll be able to get a job for the EPA
good. it's too large and parasitic right now.
>Trump literally but some dude who has no idea what he's doing in there guys im baffled


You faggots should've voted Ron Paul in 08 or 12. Stupid burgers.

Should have said "coal mines are using automated drillers".

you are a retard

Reeeeee you're right thread over time for bed

Wrong! It's all regulation, no other reason.

thank you friend nice to see that others agree with me

How fucked are we?

Enjoy being a barista.

You're a funny guy. Oil companies should hold on to protections because it saves them money in the long run. Environmental regulators make 200k one of the !Let profitable jobs in the oil field

You ever watched a jayda diamonde film? Or perhaps the Cody lane gangbang? It's somewheres around those lines

1) Republicans promote fracking.
2) Natural gas deposes coal.
3) Blame Democrats for the decline of coal.
4) Nothing but win from desperate, inbred coal-industry morons.

Good luck with that.

Stfu you are 21 and know nothing.

Exxon and shell have urged to keep protections and not pull out of the Paris climate deal because even corrupt CEOs know the environment is a sound investment

Honestly, its a sad lie. Coal miners were lied to by the coal companies. "Gotta let you go...Obummer and the EPA is cracking down" or "Just no demand anymore...going to full time solar/wind/etc" or "closing the mine because xxxxxxx power plant is closing down". None of that happened. They closed the mines for a month, fired damn near everybody except the mechanics/engineers/security/few other people and brought in college kids to work the drillers. Mine reopens, people think their getting their job back but nope. So they blame whoever they heard, which is always Obama and the EPA.

Then again, these are the same people who voted for a governor to get rid of Obamacare yet keep the ACA because it's different.......



Fukn rekt

Bra Debby Ryan