Do people like pizza in your cunt? What kind of pizza?

Do people like pizza in your cunt? What kind of pizza?

What the fuck is pizzagate

A gate made of pizza?

Sup Forums meme about The Clinton Foundation having a bunch of children stashed away under a pizzeria in Virginia where they're used for sex and Satanic rituals.

The actual pizzeria called the cops multiple times, because people kept harassing them by sending death threats.

Also, the name is a reference to the Watergate scandal back when Nixon was president. It's actually more of a stupid normie meme to call every scandalous event [noun]-gate now.

It's this insane conspiracy theory Sup Forums cooked up. Basically they think the Democratic Party leadership is molesting children in pizza shops as a Satanic rite. That pic is from a pizzagate rally that happened in Washington DC today.

So Sup Forums managed to meme this into mainstream US political discourse? What the fuck.

what the fuck

I'd heard of it but I thought it was a joke about how Le Donald ate pizza with a knife and fork like a pleb

>Crazy conspiracy theory

Fuck off pedos

It isnt a Sup Forums mimi. Rumors about satanic child sex abusr has been around in the us since the 80s. This is just another variation of it

ananas pizza

the weirdest thing is that the pizzeria in particular isn't that big and they've got other establishments right beyond the thin walls on all sides

where the fuck would they have the eyes wide shut satanic pedophile sex parties? why even involve the pizzeria at all then?

>Virtue signaling
This conspiracy theory is so fucking retarded


Plain cheese autist race reporting in!

No pepperoni?


The pepperonis might be unevenly distributed, and I don't like the taste of them.

iirc the connection was made because cp -> cheese pizza.
A mentally deranged man believed this stuff, and showed up to save the kids. He was armed.
It's probably pol's best meme t'bh

>Cheese Pizza pls
>9 Slices

Jeez so many requests like that in the deep web after the Pizzagate hullabaloo.

fucking Christ. If that family lineage ends right there it would be doing humanity a favor

>all these pedos ITT
hope you all get chemically castrated

Oh? They're clearly breeding. How many kids are your educated friends having?
Yeah, I'm glad to be dying in the next 50 years.
t. middle class and white

Can I have a cheese pizza please, sieur? No pepperoni please

>implying white degenerate hicks breeding is a good thing and that these ones are nothing more than white trash

I'm not implying that it's a good thing at all. It's poetic justice that they're destroying themselves and this country that they feel they've inherited ownership over.





>child abuse
Can you think of a better way to generate mass hysteria in Americans?
Well, can you, Mexico?