Programmers of Sup Forums, what's your weapon?

programmers of Sup Forums, what's your weapon?

for me
c > c++ > python > shell scripts >ASM > JavaScript

what makes c superior to c++?

C# knife, Python Chainsaw? lol faggot detected

>Being a programmer
Poorfag detected

A- B- C
1- 2 - 3
C++ means you are near to D
So C is closer to number 1 than C++

>in the year of or lord and saviour 2017

It's always C, the mother of all dragons.


Python. So intuitive and elegant to code in.

OPs graphic is a terribly ignorant piece of work.

- C would not have a USB stick in it. Its a medium-level language so why would it have storage capacity.

- Haskell is a widely used functional language so what does mushrooms have to do with a strict mathematical paradigm?

- PHP is a lazy language, but far more capable than Javascript, so why is it a broken spoon? It somehow implies that MySQL makes the language better even though it offers nothing to the language itself.

- Java and C# have very distinct philosophies, so they shouldn't be grouped together. C# is a bloated monster, and Java is one of the only strictly typed languages reliable enough for high critical applications, on par with Mirsa C but not quite at the level of SPARC Ada. Still, not a butter knife at all.

- Lisp is not by any means a broken fork. Its an extraordinary language very well suited for scientific applications. It may not be a great language for making games or some other shit, but its better than most other languages for AI and simulation logic.

- I don't get why python is a chainsaw.

- But I do agree with Visual Basic and the spoon.

It used to be intuitive, not anymore.

i'm not a game developer
literally why ever write javascript directly when there's better languages to transpile from?
JWM is my waifu; java isn't
i don't work at facebook
i'm older than 20
i'm younger than 40
lisp's not a weapon; it's class of weapon
>visual basic
i'm older than 12
i'm employed
never needed it
i have release cycles shorter than two years


No language is superior to another, they are just different.

C is a higher level language of Assembly, but easy to make a compiler in and know what the compiled code will look like as you work with it. Also easy to extend or create parsers for.

C++ adds more functionality like object orientation and overloading which makes the compiler do more stuff that makes the object code impossible to work with directly. You'd have to trust the compiler at that point. On the other hand you get access to high level features that can help with speeding up development and improving readability and design.

As a scientist, I program in fortran 77

how so?

I liked python 2x but 3x made python into every other OOP ever made

What the fuck does Java have to do with C#?

Cmon man. Putting C# in the same bracket with Java?

same language

and your code is awful

Is Windows programming done with C#? Does anyone still use C and the Windows API?

That axe is genuinely interesting, is that a bone handle?

what about HTML, i program with that all the time


Driver developers, engine programmers, people creating performant tools.



Then go ahead and write a code to generate supersymmetric particles and simulate scattering events for me

you were born broken and you will die broken

How do you learn Windows API programming? Petzold's Programming Windows hasn't been updated in a long time.

how to spot an 'intro to compsci' kiddie

>b- but C# and Java are totally different guys!!

some of us are old enough to have been excited by BASIC, and then PASCAL at university...

I started with punch cards. Also COBOL, and CP/M

many industrial robots still run on PASCAL you know...

it all depends on what you are triyng to achieve
- desktop app/game that runs optimally then c++
- mobile app then java, c++, objective-c
- easily deployed web application, then php with optional frameworks or CMS systems for quick developments
- web application that can handle ALOT of requests, then python with django, ruby on rails, node js etc.
- fix a legacy system, depends but mabey Lisp, haskell, algol etc.

and even these are generalized problem groups that can have specific instances with even more choices in languages/frameworks. These days its not about thats superior but what can be applied and in what situation. Multiple languages is a MUST

Made a z80 emulator in vbonce. It's doable but tedious. pic related.
Using C now.

I like JS to make simple webpage tools without having a compile an actual program. For anything that doesn't need storage between uses, I'll gladly make a simple webpage with an input, output, and code a function rather than make a program.

pascal? seriously? Here pretty much all of the robotics run on C based systems

x86 asm is best

What do you even use then

>popular things are bad
cheers OP

let me guess....C#?
anyways theres nothing that can replace javascript on clientside since there are no other clientside languages supported, yet pure javascript is garbage i agree

I think you're underestimating the role of javascript in the modern enterprise. They've tacked on so many extensions now that it can do almost anything. Javascript use has really exploded in the last few years.

That being said...

>mfw I'm a Powershell guy


>No knife is superior to another, they are just different
>A katana is a higher level knife and easier to wield than a plastic fork. But if you want to gobble up some mac and cheese, the plastic fork is more versatile than a katana. A plastic fork can easily be extended by duct tape and rocks to comply to different food as well. You'll have to trust the plate on that tho.

>i'm younger than 40

ok, got me a smile
(Still, 27, NLP engineer, lot of Perl prototyping, since I don't trust Python)

All excecpt perl, pascal, and haskel

>lisp for ai
>tfw no forth in list

It's functionally the same

c++, c, js, php, sql, python

As someone who has worked professionally with both languages, they are NOT functionally the same. Not even in the same planet -- worlds apart. C# is overly complex in a way only Microsoft can masterfully shit out of its ass. The compiled code is absolute crap, inefficient as all fuck, and dependent on literally every resource. Though it does have lots of out-of-the-box facilities that makes it a strong rapid application development platform.

Java is far more efficient than C#, less inherently complicated as a C-based language should be, and has far stricter types. The compiled code is far more optimized and the source is scalable in a way C# only dreams it could be.

The languages themselves are very similar so its easy to see why someone would say they are the same, but you start doing more complicated stuff and you will start to see the limitations and curse the day C# was ever shat out.