Will there ever be a film documentary based on the history and evolving of memes?

Will there ever be a film documentary based on the history and evolving of memes?

I want to know more about the first ever meme, the 6 lined S and how it managed to spread around the world in a time before the internet

Other urls found in this thread:

pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

That's a secret.

let me say, there's a story behind it.

It would be much better if that never is made.

Sup Forums, of course, is one of the most significant players in the history of memes and meme culture, and there is no way media would be able to come to terms with us. It would be similar to when the media noticed Sup Forums vs Chanology, and immediately tried to conceive of 'Anonymous' as this leftist revolutionary thing. They can't seem to process the notion of the cutting edge being largely ranging between apolitical and far right.

So in other words, this is like when people here say they want to see a big Hollywood Lovecraft adaptation. It would be better for such a thing to never be made - they couldn't possibly get it right.

Sup Forums *during Chanology

lots of typos in my post, it's early for me

The oldest meme is the Sator Square.


Art history degree holder here, and if I were to ever abandon my dreams of becoming a physician to instead pursue an MFA or PhD, I would almost certainly do my thesis/dissertation on the evolution of memes and internet culture.

Basically, Warhol would have had a heart attack from all the joyful endorphins if he had ever lived to see Sup Forums and meme culture in the flesh, Sup Forums, yes, especially Sup Forums, included.

You are a massive newfag redditor if you think that during the days of chanology Sup Forums wasn't massively far left.

>first ever meme

is this a bait?

Sup Forums was apolitical before it went mainstream.

By strict definition, a meme is just a communicable idea/concept.

So literally everything is a meme.

First modern meme was that guy sticking his nose over the wall our granddads used to draw.

Slipknot did it.

>first ever meme
the oldest meme I can think of is this


Yea I bet they enjoyed taking pictures of it on their phones and snapchatting it to their followers. That's why Hitler invaded Poland, because his spies told him there was a wild charizard there

"Modern" isn't the same as "contemporary" you fucking idiot.

Pretty sure the Romans used to meme and shitpost all over walls

newfag can't stussy S

Will there ever be a film documentary on points?

>The graffiti about the Roman who tells women to weep because he's given them up and now only plugs men's behinds

Next level public shitposting desu

Wrong dude

"Abracadabra" and the satre square both date back to ancient rome

Espn 30 for 30: Of Magic and Kids
How the Wizarding Elite rigged the Cup

Sup Forums was far-leftist or apolitical, like most "alt" things back then, you massive polcuck. it has never been "far right" until stormblerinas invaded and shitted the whole site en-masse.

reminder slytherin won six year prior and the trio had 150 points taken from gryffindor for visiting their lonely giant friend and 5 points taken everyday by snape just because hermione interacted with him in class. they deserved the points for saving the school

I "who, did you think, were the most responsible for ensuring that Gryffindor won every year"
Aged Ravenclaw Quidditch star "Without a doubt, McGonagall and Dumbledore"
I "Who are the two most venerated faculty from your time at Hogwarts"
Ravenclaw "Don't even have to answer that"

pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

Guess it's that time again, pick your favourite Roman shitpost

>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1882: The one who buggers a fire burns his penis