Currently going through horrible opiate withdrawal. I have no access to anything...

Currently going through horrible opiate withdrawal. I have no access to anything. What's the best way to find shit locally? And don't tell me to go down to my local police station..

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Go to your local nigger neighborhood. Then tend to whisper what they have for sale when you walk by them. Some of those guys are pretty good at guessing what you use just by looking at you.

Robotrip man. It awful for you and you fell like shit after but no more withdrawls

this is not a bad idea. It's not a necessarily a good idea either, but its not bad.

Eat lots of poppy seed bagels should feed you opium addition


@ head shop

Lol you have to eat more than physically possible to even get a fraction of the same high as you would with real opiates

Go get some kratom . It's legal in most states and cheap as fuck . The gooks have been using it for years . Helped me kick a 5 year heroin addiction

Where do u get them in the first place? Every opiate addict I've ever met has a solid supplier. For u to be sick in the first place u have to have a big habit and idk how since u don't even know where to find them. Faggot

True except for it being awful for you, you feeling bad after, and it removing withdrawls.

It is however an excellent way to pass the time that's ultimately the goal here.

Kratom works. My ex-wife's mom was seriously addicted to opiates. When her GP cut her off, she had withdrawals bad. Kratom relived the symptoms pretty well.

Also a good idea, possible better than robotripping since pure dxm is actually hard as fuck to find now thanks to social idiocy.

Kratom works great. It's way cheaper online than in a head shop, and it's disgusting, but it will make you feel way better.

I buy 00 sized capsules, pack them myself, and take it that way.

it will take years to clean up from that shit...have fun


Go get Imodium, faggot. (Or Loperamide or w/e it's called in your country.)


Probably not the syrup though. Not an expert, just know people.

Go to your local vitamin store and ask for multi vitamins, one a day preferably that have labito boosters and drink any type of "sugar free" energy drink.
Energy brink gives that energy boost obviously.
And vitaman/labito booster will give you that missing link your brain/body is craving.
I would also suggest buying some Pepto or imudium cause your gonna have mad diarhhia.

Oh, and if you're in a major city, parking lot attendants are almost always able to hook you up with something.

Don't trust the foreign ones. Stick to an American.

As someone with medical problems that cause a lot of pain, is there any chance at all in today's climate of a doctor actually prescribing opiates for pain management any more?

I've been to specialists, they've tried other treatment methods, and literally the only thing that has ever worked for me is opioid analgesics.

I need them again, and I am worried nobody will prescribe them to me.

Imodium high doses no withdrawals

methadone clinic

You will have to figure out where to get opis yourself but if you're really suffering, you'll find some.
I guess your from USA? I don't know how it works over there, but here (ger), you can go to a doc and get methadone right away. Piss in a cup, tell him you need help -> problem temporarily solved.
If you don't want that a few recommendations:
Alcohol / benzos won't make you feel better, rather worse. Kratom works, but you have to order it which won't help you right away.
Oposed to what many ppl might think, a good substance to suppress opiate withdrawal is amphetamine (or methamphetamine which I assume is easier to get in USA?) - It buys you time.
Speed might sound like a bad idea, but its not. I've been addicted to opiates for 15 years.
Just in case you can get you hand on some of it easier than ops.
good luck

Thanks for some of the responses, alreasy tried immodium with minimal success. Wish I could just find subs or something and taper myself off

never worked for me
just gave me kind of bowel occlusion

try taking 3-5 bottles a day for 4-5 years

life is a trip :%^)

>constant state of panic
>heart rate at 160 bpm doing nothing in bed


>'t tell me to go down to my local police station

Got down to your local immigration officer station. They aren't police.

Since you've been drowning your receptors in dopamine it might be a good idea to think about replenishing your brain's supply of it. L-tyrosine and D-phenylanine are both precursors to dopamine and are available at any vitamin store or online. Helped me tremendously when I was kicking a heavy kratom addiction

Holy smokes man how's your mental state after that amount of dex?

Imodium high doses no withdrawals


and that is 3 YEARS after completely stopping it and taking no other drugs or alcohol at all lol

don't be an utter retard

be a retard to begin with obviously

couldn't take anything that would show up on a drug test

fuck it dude i'll just kill myself with his over time

that louis ck joke about not dying right away just dying a slow shitty death has some truth to it

robitussin, when you hit that perfect level, is kind of great but kind of shitty at the same time

you can take a walk and you're disconnected in a weird way

and of course no hang over like alcohol

might sound silly but until 2006, we had potent poppy seeds in the supermarked. 250g bags of poppys. We used to wash the alkaloids off with water and drink it. Was my first highly potent opiate. Consumed several kg of poppyseedwater a week.
After a stupid girl almost killed her child with a poppymilk recipe she got from her grandmother. It became public and they took the potent poppy seeds off the shelves. When they tested the potent brands they found ~1gmorphine/kg. Good times.
Needless to say, they changed regulations and every badge had to be washed clean before hitting the shelves.

Kratom is the answer, but if you wanna curb withdrawals immediately, find your nearest GNC or Herbal health food store and buy a bottle of "Black Seed oil" also known as "Black Cumin Seed" and take a tablespoon of it. It should stop the withdrawals or at least curb them enough to live.

Your State (USA) might have a program where you can talk to a medical doctor online and get a prescription. I know someone who just did it. Literally got Xanax legally the same day.

Black Seed Oil nigger

Wait I'm extremely interested any links to so called "internet doctor"? I need xanax but stupid fucking primary doctors won't give it up. HOW DO I GET XANAX?

if you can find xanax, just take a ton of them and smoke weed for like a week. should ease you through the worst part, thats what i do

Go with unwashed poppy seeds lemon juice and and distilled water.
if you do it right it's like taking a morphine sulfate 30mg tablet for 8hrs and then it peaks beyond that depending on how active you are or if you eat after you have ingested the solution...

>Black Seed oil
interesting, never heard about that stuff but just googled it and that really seems to be a thing.
Do you have personal experience with it?

Do not listen to this. That shit will ionize your kidneys. Always leads to kidney failure. And it doesn't do shit for withdrawals.

damn, wish it were that easy now days. i buy the dried poppy pods from ebay and grind them up to eat or put in capsules

let me tell you about something called darknet markets, where you can order whatever you want, and get it delivered in your mailbox so you dont even have to talk to anyone

Oh fuck. Your going to be miserable. If your in withdrawal, try to get a hold of some suboxone. This won't do shit if your on actual opiates.

you don't need the lemon juice and tap water is fine.
Also: Where is that still a thing? Its impossible to get potent seeds here since 2006!

Have your primary doctor refer you to a psychiatrist. Describe symptoms of high anxiety and panic attacks. Collect Xanax scrip. If doc A doesn't give it up move on to doc B. The beauty of mental illness is you can't really test for it, so if you learn what the symptoms are and can play the part well enough you will collect fun psychiatric medicine fairly easily

you need to throw away the seeds after you have drained the wash, because mold and fruit fly's become a problem...

I've tried to get xanax previously from a psychiatrist but they gave me a bunch of bullshit. Gabapentin and some other shit that sucked

This user. Or get Fioricet. It's a barbiturate. It will let you sleep. Say it's for migraines. Migraines will get you opiates. Have to lay it on thick. Make them turn the lights off if possible.

Get yourself well. Your going to end up suffering through it otherwise. Day one is easy. Hate to say it.

Have you tried to get your hands on some Maeng Da kratom? Or tried to get some suboxome?

Yes, it's a known opiate potentiator, but also has been used for years by people experiencing withdrawals. In fact I have a friend who was getting off opiates from a long history of usage and Black seed oil was a godsend for him. He was able to sleep and function until he could get into see a doctor and get on a program.

I guarantee there's a store within 10 miles of you that carries it, and Amazon sells it as well (with prime shipping). Its been mentioned in the Torah, Bible and Koran as "a cure for everything except death".

Tbh, try Kratom

If you do it right, most doctors will write a script for this, sooner than anything else. Many don't even bother to notice it's a barbiturate. Butalbital. The best ones are 50mg of butalbital and 325 aspirin. Don't kill yourself. Shit is strong. Best of luck.

you need a citric to loosen the alkali from the seeds and you have to drink some of it to test whether you can handle it or not, also you should take your body weight and height into consideration because you could viciously go into a nod and get rekt because you do not expect it....

sure you do. You put the seeds in a plastic bottle (hard), add tap water until seeds "float", sheke a few minutes, put sock over bottle, squeeze the water with all the tasty alkaloids into a cup. Chug the shit. Wait 20 minutes until it hits -> vomit -> feel great \o/

Get rid of the old seeds and repeat with new ones the next day. Cheap happy opiate life.

Now tell me where you live please. They don't sell unwashed poppies in my country anymore

If user is actually sick, this shit is garbage, b/ros. Sorry to tell you. Put this next to Dilauded and you have, shit.

Don't vomit hold it in never yak if you feel the need to vomit then that means that you messed up and used a bad bottle or let the seeds sit to long, also thrombosis is a part of the trip and also mild twitching and itching once it hits...

no you really don't need anything else than water. Try it, its no different. I did it many years back in the day.
But of course its not a bad idea to test how much you can handle. Its impossible to know how potent the badge is.

Fucking retard you have no idea what you are talking about...

If you want good poppy seeds. Sincerely Nuts brand on amazon. Decent prices too.

Vomiting is rather normal since opiates are emetics and since you drink about half a liter to a liter of bitter liquid, it would be weird if you dond't have the urge to vomit after that. You don't have to vomit, but after 20-30 mins the opiates kick in, most of the alkaloids have been absorbed and you can relieve yourself and feel better.
Itching isn't part of any trip. I mean you can call an opiate turn a trip, but it's not one. Anyway, any opiate/opioid will cause the release of histamine in your body which makes you feel itchy. Ecpecially morphine/codeine cause a high histamine release and since poppyseeds contain all natural alkaloids, it usually gets itchy.
lol im not sure if you're trolling right now.

Have not tried but from what I see its all the same its left overs from the biotech companies.

yeah I'm the idiot.
Washing off the alkalois from poppyseeds and dissolving heroine base with the help of citric acid are to completely different things you dumbass

I hope this post stands out in this sea of shit but

IMMODIUM bro, the anti-diarrheal. It's a pseudo-opiate that does not pass the blood brain barrier so it satiates the opiate cravings, it gets rid of the withdrawal, and naturally it helps with the diarrhea and flu-like symptoms of withdrawal.

If you were severe into opiates take 10 a day, if just a smaller addiction like 50 mg of hydros a day, only take about 6 immodiums a day. Taking more immodium than you need will make you feel sick, like give you all the negative feelings of having too much opiates without the high.

I don't know why more healthcare professionals don't preach treatment with immodium.

It's helped me many times. I tend to do opiates off and on, I have a pretty heavy script of oxy that I get a month and I'm through with it in 2 or 3 days.... then I detox with immodium for a day or two.

In the past I liked heroin, intraveneous morphine, and oxy quite a bit and had a fairly regular habit. Immodium lets you quit with almost no cravings and after tapering down on immodium for 3 days (or up to a week if you're a bad addict) you can function normally, be happy, not be sick, and beat your addiction.

Way better than methadone or suboxy that just become replacement addictions.

No Imodium dumbass. His body needs to get the toxins out

25mg Diphen-Hydramine may cut down on the itch...
I weigh about 250lbs and am 5' 9" so I drink 2 liters of the solution from about 1lb of seeds with two drops of lemon juice added along with the water to release I soak the seeds for about a half hour and then I drink the solution after straining through a piece of clean long john material that I cut to fit over a two liter bottle opening put rubber bands around that and squeeze out the solution...

I hate liberal hippie douches that literally consider all chemicals toxins (note: your food is loaded with them).

Immodium is a very safe treatment plan that doesn't result in a substitute (often worse) addiction to methadone or suboxy.

And you can just taper down on immodium for 3 days and have very little withdrawal, or if your addiciton is severe, about a month. It will let you continue to go to work, be functional, not have the flu-like withdrawal symptoms, be able to sleep, and not have all consuming cravings (even when I was a heroin addict, immodium treatment gave me NO CRAVINGS).

So yeah, I think this "toxin" is worth having....

It's better than having to take a week off work because you're projectile vomiting and in such a black despair you're strongly debating suicide.

Immodium is a life-saver for opiate addicts that too many people write off because it sounds like such a silly solution.

But it works. No withdrawal, you can sleep, and very few cravings. But take more immodium than you need and that can make you feel sick too (like when you've had one two many lines of oxy and you feel nauseous).

When in withdrawal, my magic number is 6 a day and taper down every day for 3 or 4 days... then by day 4, I'm out of the woods and typically don't need it.

Go get some neurotin (gabapentin). It's a nerve pill.. it helps a fuck ton.

No the citric acid breaks down the resin that is the opiate and then within your stomach you create a three phase heroin,morphine,codeine sulfuric aqueous solution that then rests within your bowels for the following twelve to twenty four hours one of the side-effects is that you can stay in the opiate high/state with no fatigue or sleep deprivation consequences.