Wtf is wrong with white people?

Wtf is wrong with white people?

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Lot's of stuff, just like everybody else

>Wtf is wrong with w/
so-called "liberals"

We have so few problems and struggles to deal with that we get bored easily

We let brown skins come to our countries. Main flaw that comes to mind.

They are just trying to enjoy themselves, nobody is getting robbed, nobody is getting hurt. What's the big fuckin deal

>Wtf is wrong with white people?


The privilege helps

White people mosh pits are degenerate ways to get out their frustration from being white. That's why they swing and kick everything. Also being in the sun too long can't be good for them either.

cuck faggot

I was referring to the pic lol

That's what op is referring to. They're not robbing or killing anyone. You know, normal behavior in shitskinistan.

Did you just post an external image link on an image board?

You must either be retarded or a ledditor.

They ugly for one thing


Shut up.

We also have an issue with letting the niggers think they are our equals. I mean we even put them in areas that are easy to drive past quickly.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Trying to keep civilization going while niggers spend every waking moment trying to destroy it is tiresome.

Rather, we get our racial anger out on the dance floor...Too bad lower IQ races, and you Zulu Shaka Yard Apes always wanna point out negative things when there's smart things to be talked about. This is why we need slavery again, the avg other race of man doesn't perceive things as in depth in both business and guess what, we also don't trust anyone else because y'all all trying to kill us. Go suck on your Liberal slavemasters dick, you traded one owner for another.

nothing unusual happening here

nigger subhuman said

> dance

Pick one.

all these fucking tiddy baby white kids defending white people when in any other thread with this image they'd be saying all sorts of shit about faggots, being gay, then posting dick rate threads. you cowards need to just fucking kill yourselves


Nothing is wrong with white people, in case you're wondering, conquered the earth and that, beat all the other slave traders at their own game, invented more useful inventions that any other being a million lightyears away, but what's going on in this picture? Tell me why white people are retarded OP, cause I'm dying to know what counters the most evolved beings known to man and dark ones.

We pander to minorities.

marriage? there's something wrong because clearly there's a father figure?

There's literally nothing wrong with the pic though. Ever heard of partying, having a good time, going to a concert without destroying other people's property like a monkey? OP's pic is what that looks like.

So you don't mean white people in general. You mean this specific group of people who happen to be white?

black panther detected, get shot by your neighbour over a mispronounciation, that's what you're best at


thats not how this works. thats not how any of this works

get your cowardly cryptic asses out of here. you're too freely interpreted, so you are nothing.

by looking at your picture then at [pic related] i'd say we are having fun in a different way than you niggers do

moar of this round assed fag


I'm curious. How much of the racism expressed on Sup Forums is sincere, how much is ironic, and how much is teenagers/young adults just trying to be "alternative"?

Damn. You'd think somebody as pathetic as you would try to just mind their own business in an effort to avoid further ridicule. Guess not.

I'd guess 75% is just kids trying to be edgy. The other 25% is actually racist and thinks their in good company.


depends on the board
Sup Forums has always been racist for the edgy taste
Sup Forums is genuinely racist, but can be broken down into retards on a bandwagon, and actual competent people that represent a real "threat" to leftist domination

If I lived in the states I'd be racist too. Our local negro population behaves, more worried about teen slavs with ptsd raping young white girls and starting fight clubs.

Nice bait kiddo

where is this place you come from with the behaving negro?

haha look at those sad cunts outside socializing and enjoying themselves