Feels thread I wanna fuckin die

Feels thread I wanna fuckin die

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I'm tired, user

What's happened to you?


Not even sad, just tired

I do not feel like doing anything, I just sit in my room and when I want to remember, I spend the day

No friends, no couple, no family, however I am not sad, just tired

Tired of trying or people or yourself?

>work like a dog
>can only afford enough to live like a dog
mean while doctors feel breasts and balls
and live in mansions.
makes sense.


Follow your dreams user

Become a hero

Thought about it, don't wanna end up as a tard if I fail


I make 80k a year, live with 4 friends, but I'm still unhappy all the time. I don't know why

ITT: see a psychiatrist

Any medications?

what do you do for work?

I see one every 3 weeks, it helps most of the time

least u have 80k...
i feel u tho bro...
i make like 12k and also pretty unhappy
it's like whats the point of life if u don't have some chica to go home to...im just existing for myself and I don't even like myself half the time

I have been abusing my medications since i was 13. I've been on Concerta for most of my early life and abused the shit out of it in my teens

now that i'm in my adulthood its gotten out of control and i feel like i lost control of my life and the pills have taken everything from me

help me

checked quad 4s
four 4s
ohhhhhhhh shiiiiiiit nigga

it is really easy to just shank a stranger in the streets and get away with it.

Do nothing but live in parents basement and smoke weed all day fucked up my first shot at college and now I just don't want to fucking go I have no clue what I'm doing or what I want to do and don't see anything I end up doing making me happy

>make good money and live with friends
>not being grateful for anything while people struggle to make ends meet.
>unhappy and have enough money to realistically do whatever you want.
>feel bad for me because life is hard.

I really get sick of this crap. You're unhappy because you're an ungrateful cunt that can't appreciate anything. Just boo hoo and not even know why.

Engineer. I know I should be happy with the money, but everything feels meaningless. I don't know. Keep thinking if I had someone, I'd be happy


How about stop smoking weed and be an adult and take responsibility. Weird concept right?

Every girl I've ever been interested in already had a boyfriend when I got to know them.
To this day, I've never been able to ask out a girl I like because they already have someone.
I try my best to let the pain make me stronger, so that one day, I will still have the courage to find that person.
Today was another day of pain: The girl I liked has a boy friend, and I just journey on. This ache in my chest is only spreading as the years go by and I don't have solution to stop it.
Its only worse because all of my closest friends get relationships really easy, or some of them have found people they can spend the rest of their lives with.
Everyone tells me that life is about the struggle, and no achievement is worth it if it wasn't difficult, but I'm starting to question that.
All I've ever done is struggle for no pay off. I just live day by day holding all of this pain inside of me.
Trying to "make life happen" just doesn't work. I'm starting to think that everything in life is just luck based and im getting screwed.
Is this a cruel joke? Can I just get mugged and murdered already?

Not that dude but life is full of shit man you can't dismiss depression as taking it for granted

I'm in the Air Force and they are deciding whether or not to discharge me cuz they found out I have the asthma
>mfw I don't have anything to go back to if I am discharged

That's a fair response. I'm grateful for the money, but it doesn't make me feel happy if that makes sense. Life just feels empty mostly


Stop smoking weed and take responsibility good idea never thought of that one. Responsibility by doing what

That's right. Base your happiness on someone else instead of being happy with yourself.

Great idea

That way once she realizes you're really a drag she can leave you and... whoaaaa. You're even more worse off than you were in the first place.

why is it always in moments where everyone is having fun/having a good time that i realize happiness is fleeting and ruin my own good time?

That's life for yah

I saw this pic and started crying. What is wrong with me. This completely sums up my day. I just want to die.

Nope, not clinically depressed I don't think. Life just feels... empty if that makes sense

Im here w ya. tired of life

Too self aware. I do this too ill be in a moment and so happy and then just start tearing up because I know it'll just be a happy memory that I look back on in times of shit

It makes sense, and it sucks

You fucked up college.... which was probably handed to you on a silver platter... but you just smoked all day and blamed everything else for your problems.

How about get out of your parents basement and do something responsible. I don't even care if it's taking out the garbage.

>im just existing for myself and I don't even like myself half the time

That's the most real thing I've read in a long time

Then you're doing something wrong. Unless you feel that if you keep doing what you're doing you're going to one day enjoy life.

That's called insanity

Go work at a Bullshit job with no responsibility and flirt with the young girls that work there. At least your life would be interesting instead of hanging out with your 4 friends and being an engineer.

I've got a part time job about to go full time in a month and that hasn't helped shit. All my friends left me and I have this delusion that if I leave everything will be okay and then what go to another college to get myself 40k in debt to get a job to pay off for the next 50 years what the fuck is the point of that

I am depraved of all feeling.
It is hard for me to be able to cry.
I've become so good at clouding my emotions behind screens, music, and caffeine that I no longer realize they exist.
I just go through my day, doing my paperwork for school, studying for tests.
When I am done with all that, I play some video games, and then just sleep. I barely have any time during the day to do what I want.
I don't feel much of anything anymore but exhaustion and boredom. I'm not addicted to any hardcore drugs because I know myself well enough to stay away, addictive personality, all that shit.
It was way too easy to get hooked on caffeine, I want it all the time. No way I'm touching any kind of other shit but maybe weed later because I know weed is the safest.
I just can't keep living a lie. There's nothing I really feel. I don't feel like I even exist half the time, I just do what I need to and then what feels good after all that. I don't have a life. I have tasks I complete endlessly, every fucking day. Maybe once I get out of college I can just start making money some other way, I hate 8 to 5 type shit. I just want a life doing fun stuff, like writing stories/poetry or making music or something. Something interesting. I don't ever want to be bored again, not like now or before now. I hate myself because I didn't have the balls to leave my parents behind and live my life. Fuck it all man. Fuck it all.

I almost joined the army with asthma and backed out before I signed my contract.


I've been debating suicide for the past week. GF been shitty as fuck, entire family turned their back on me, going to be homeless starting May, literally days after my birthday, got laid off from work, out of money. I have no fucking point in being here anymore and I just want someone to fucking help me even though I don't know how.

Are you one of those retards that Bullshited your way in the service knowing you have asthma?


Join the club, use to abuse alot of basic shit back in the day, liver is fucked. because of it. I'd advice rehab or talking to your doctor about it

Same boat as you bud I've got a kickass bus and going cross country this summer let's start a band

Your friends didn't leave you for no reason. It's because you became a depressed neckbeard in your basement and your mood and attitude made them want to leave.

Do you do drugs? Mentally disabled? Or are you diagnosed with depression? Any felonies?

Can't do that, sorry bro. Need to help out my dad, he has a deteriorating spine because of soriatic arthritis and if I don't stay to help him make money before he becomes paralyzed I'll be leaving behind the only person who ever truly loved me. My dad has always been with me, always helping, always loving and caring for me. If I leave him behind I'd be a heartless sonuva bitch

LSD, Weed, Shrooms, Mesc.
Not a tard.
Diagnosed with depression.
Thankfully never charged.

Myself, why can't I just be normal?

Where you at/going? I can play a few instruments

I'm sorry, dad. I was always a failure but I kept it well hidden behind some decent grades. I hope one day you'll forgive me. Please don't die on me dad. I love you. Please.

This isnt so much a 'feels' but more of an observation and i also dont know where else to vent this out.
Ive noticed that women have this sort of hivemind way of thinking, where they almost always need some other woman to clarify their ideas. This also goes for situations, for example, if a lady is laying on the ground for no particular reason, heaps of other women will come over and ask if shes alright. However, if a guy did the same thing, no one would come up not even guys. idk theres probably better ways of putting it but it feels like women always try to involve themselves in situations regarding other women for no reason other than to just get a sense of belonging.
i notice this alot because i work at ER in a hospital and we've literally had men die because the nurses are to busy tending to their fellow womyn's needs. fyi, these nurses arnt sexist or racist or anything, im pretty sure its hard coded into their dna

I'm 18 years old and I live with my parents. I'm pretty sure I've had ADHD my entire life but my parents refuse to ask any doctors or psychiatrists to test me for it. I can't focus on anything in school and it's my senior year, I might end up failing. I can't focus on doing much of anything. Even writing this I've been distracted twice. I don't know what to do, I'm incredibly depressed because I think there's something wrong with me but I don't know what.

Also, if your girlfriend has been shitty to you then dump the broad.

If your family has turned their back on you it must be for a reason. It didn't just happen out of thin air. So if you did something fucking stupid then tell your entire family you are sorry for making them feel that way. Realize you're fucked and take responsibility.

Find a job that pays well and takes you out of state or something. Lots of jobs are like that and you can use that time to self reflect and unlucky yourself.

If you kill yourself your girlfriend wins, your family gets fucked and you never get to do anything ever again.


Nah I had no idea, they discovered it on my medical from when I was a kid but I didn't even know I was ever diagnosed with it

Weird how everyone who is depressed as fuck is on drugs.

Quit all of the drugs you use. If you can't, then that shows you what kind of problem you have.

Drugs mask your problems. That's why antidepressants are retarded. You need to surround yourself with good people. Even if you're not religious join a church group, or take a lame class learning how to make baskets. Do things besides cry and do drugs.

>A close family friend of mine recently died.
>She had beaten cancer years ago
>double mastectomy
>then it came back last year
>it was aggressive.
>She died the day after her 37th birthday
>Survived by her husband and 3 kids
>night after HUGE storm
>like the skies themselves were in mourning
>Not particularly spiritual, but calling that coincidence seems lacking
>Thought I was fine
>It's been years since I've seen her
>We didn't get along when I grew up anyways
>Text from dad to family, talking about her
> "I remember how user used to say he loved her lol."
>Every memory coming back
>I'm not fine Sup Forums

The family thing is due to them believing my meth head aunt's word over mine, she's pissed with me because I got her ass kicked out of her mother's, she was stealing and taking advantage of her, so now she's out for blood. I wish it was as simple as me fucking up, but they won't even fucking talk to me.

Surprisingly the use of psychedelics have actually lead me away from suicide, I haven't done anything but smoked weed since Feb 22, bad trip.

Any more like this?

If you fail high school you will be officially retarded. What has distracted you twice? The holy spirit? Or something else you keep focusing on.

I recommend learning about meditation and appreciating silence. It takes some practice but you will feel better because of it. Become a buddhist. Idgaf

I'm not sure I'll check

Yeah, you're fucked and you need to ask your parents how come they didn't tell you because obviously that is a disqualifying condition.

Hopefully you finished your tech school. You sound like you're young. You'll be fine. Just focus on getting your footing when you get back home and don't overthink it.

I get distracted by most shit.

The first thing I noticed was that my screen was dirty so I went to go clean it and when I went downstairs to get the screen cleaner I got hungry and made some food and came back upstairs and got on Steam before I remembered I was on Sup Forums.

The second time was that I have a dentist appointment coming up next week so I went to my calendar and looked it up, then I started looking at certain dates to make sure I remembered people's birthdays for about 10 minutes.

The artist's name is chiara bautista

Then your family are retards.

If they dictate how you're supposed to feel then you are damping yourself.

..... if you're saying drugs have kept you away from suicide.... but you literally said you've been contemplating it for a week. And you haven't used LSD for over a month and a half.

I can tell you're full of shit. Just bend over and die since you can't handle a few problems. Lie about LSD and explain how it helps when it doesnt. I'm sick of fucking babies. This generation is so fucked

In Illinois going literally anywhere that might make me happy

Lad, have you ever used a psychedelic and spent the entirety of the trip introspecting? Useful shit.

stop feeling self pity and go live your life..the way you want to. You only live once...do it right

That's why you're depressed and suicidal and I'm not

Im in NC dude, if you get this way I'd be down as long as you're not insane/murderer/etc

So my best friend from middle school and halfway through highschool died last night. The thing is i haven't seen or spoken to him in almost 4 years. We grew apart freshman year because he started hanging with all "cool" kids. Started doing drugs, selling drugs, etc. But the point is we were inseparable growing up, he would spend the weekend at my house i would spend the weekend at his house, we watched movies, play games, walk all around town. But that all changed. I'm just sitting here wondering if it's worth going to his funeral, because his current "friends" are the type of people who hated the type of people im friends with.

I don't know what to do.

Sorry about that weight Sup Forumsrother

Do you really think these people would start shit with you at a funeral? If you feel like you should go, or that you would regret not going, then go.

Fucking same bro I'm sane don't worry other than the depression I just want to be happy man

funeral was thursday, didn't go in to work then or friday, not looking forward to work on Monday.

No reason to keep suffering, op. Ropes are cheap and noose tutorials aren't hard to find.shit, just go spend all you money on a gun, sell all your shit for bullets, and spend the day on the range shooting shit. Save a bullet, come home and do it.

simpler still, lie down on a RailRoad track dick first and let it run you in 2.

Don't want to leave a mess? Rocks in your pocket and walk into a lake.

Inhale nitrogen gas until your happy and dead.

go diving and ignore the instructor and head straight for the surface and die of bends.

Possibilities are endless OP

I just "want" to spend all of my days smoking weed in my room and consuming entertainment.
I cannot sleep without being heavily sedated and then I cannot wake up .
I have a very loving GF, who is hell sometimes but she really cares. I don't think I am inlove anymore but everytime I try to end I immediatly regret ir although I know is the right choice.
I am almost finished with college, but somehow I don't have the energy or the will anymore to try and do it, I just kinda dropped out. I fucking hate me. Nothing is wrong in my life, not really wrong, but still I am so dumbfounded by life, this experience is just surreal. There's no purpose to anything. God fuck I wish I could be ok.
Love you guys.
I fell so close to you depraved fuckers.
I really hope we all get better and then one day look back to this threads and remember all the support.


not yet through college, but I think it only gets worse. Try not to overdose man, there's better ways to go

Dear OP, life is tough and yes, some of us opt to back out early.

I wouldn't blame you, but I think finding the 'comfort' in things other than, someone else or something else might be the best.

It's hard, but folks find themselves in relationships so frequently because they're so afraid of being alone, and why are we so afraid of being alone though?

It's because we're scared of truly facing ourselves and the possibilities that we might actually be the only company that we get forever.

Think about it though:

When people are with other people they tend to forget about themselves and their problems, which isn't bad but is only a temporary fix to a long term problem.

And that's why I ask you to think about living with yourself for a while, and finding a way to do that before trying to offer yourself as a friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/father/mother.

Do what you need to do to take care of yourself first and foremost, above and beyond this guise of "helping others," because honestly how will you help them if you can't help yourself.

It's selfish, but find a way for you to be okay with yourself first.

And then if the only thing you can do is to back out of life, like I said I wouldn't blame you, but do what you need to do to make yourself feel okay again.

I know folks don't believe, and I'm far from the best religious broskie out here tonight, but I'll pray for you, just like I do other folks in these threads, I'll pray for peace and comfort and that you'll find that peace in some way, and that your problems will be solved, cause as user, that's all I can do OP. I love you man, just stay strong and do what you need to do.

I think hope is a cruel joke
Happy people just came up with hope so they could watch me suffer instead of just fucking killing myself so I can be free.


got anymore from that artist?


young dude stable job, good pay, no drug use and a supportive family. Good friends going and I'm fit. 3 years ago none of that was true but the want to kill myself hasn't changed at all.

Never base your happiness on not having this or that. You will chase that carrot forever. That is the trap, it's by design. Life is suffering.

I know you are thinking I'm just trying to make ya feel better but I'm telling you things DO balance out in the end! Have faith. Take care of yourself, do things for others, you'll feel better I promise. :)

Hope is fake user.

Hope is what they tell you to hold onto like some placebo that's supposed to hold you over till the next "good thing happens."

Problem is when you hold onto ideals like "hope" you end up missing out on the good things you can make for yourself now.

"Hope that you can get a nice car, eventually it will come."

"Hope that you can get the body you always wanted, eventually it will come."

"Hope that you get the girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband you've always wanted. Eventually it will come."

Keep in mind there's nothing wrong with hope, but society's ideas of hope are staunchly over rated, because 9/10 you end up with everything except for the "perfection," you strive for. You'll never find it.

And so, find contentment.

Contentment is having your favorite food but just enough of it to eat so you can get relatively full but not overly so.

You fill in the gaps.

Find contentment rather than hope, because hope is always theoretically risking waiting for a future that may not come because of your personal weaknesses (be real with yourself user) but...

Contentment is the now you need to find and be.

It's the thing that will help you be okay with how you are now, and when you use that in conjunction with the self-improvement you know you need to do (stop doing drugs, stop binge drinking, stop sitting on your fat ass and go walk around the block daily and slowly pick up the pace), maybe you can find contentment in the things you can do with your own capabilities.

Best of luck OP, life sucks ass, there's no doubt about that, but when you can find the equilibrium to settle with yourself then you'll be at peace.


my aunt die when i was 15 and i didnt go to her burial bc i was home fapping to a new porn dvd which i stole from my dad stash...FeelsBadMan...