Do you guys think god is real? curious on your guys opinions on the universe. Where the fuck did we come from?

Do you guys think god is real? curious on your guys opinions on the universe. Where the fuck did we come from?

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It sounds silly, but I think imo "God" is not real. Jesus might of been a real man I don't see why only he is able to possess such power and not stick around. Why'd he want us to read his journal. Why couldn't he show us in person or guide us so we can believe it, instead of having faith. As far as how space was created I'd love to know. And I know it's there I can see it

We came from the Big Bang.

Inside Hoag's Object is another Hoag's object. Your argument is invalid.

All the Gods that people pray to are 100% real.. but they are not Gods. They are either Aliens or energy forces that when prayed to will generate wishes and blessings.

No I am not making this up.

Hindus, Catholics - they all receive blessings and cures if they pray to their Saints and Gods and Satanists, Pagans also receive feedback because our universe is made up of energy forces.

Of course no one here is going to believe me and call me crazy... sorry for trying to understand how miracles happen to Catholics, Hindus, Christians, Pagans despite them all praying to different entities - obviously the true answer is that there is something more powerful that helps explain why so many faiths exist not because of brainwashing but rather because energies attract people to certain faiths.

yeah its insane to think about what could be out there. Im not sure if god is real but our world is so intricate that i think it could be a possibility. I definately don't think any of the religions we have are real, they feel man made to me.

I dont believe any human interpretation of god is true. God may or may not be real but it is certaintly beyond human understanding and certainty doesn't give a fuck about humans, we're just a speck of dust in the fabric of time and the large universe.

We come from what came before our existence. Nothing.

op here, do you guys think in any way that psychedelics helped us evolve? They show some intricate shit and I feel like they help us advance.

> might of

People who type this are proof that there is no God.

I believe you

Thank :)

> understand how miracles happen

I'll save you some time. They don't.

What if there's more to tripping than we think? Shamans used to trip to communicate with the gods, what if that's what psychedelics are for?

I haven't tripped myself, but I want to

This dude kind of gets it. Labels for your beliefs are stupid, but welcome to the agnostic club

Give me facts, you really believe at one time one man roamed this Earth who was immortal? So when he woke up or was resurrected where did he go? Heaven? If Jesus loves us so much why would he make bad people suffer in hail. Can your soul actually feel anything? Where exactly is heaven located?

tripping is some pretty fun and introspective stuff. I've done dmt, and i have a lot of friends who think that the dmt world is somewhere we go in death, but it seems a little crazy to me

Here's a secret m80 the universe is made of order and chaos where order is chaos taken form. The quantum nature of reality is that anything is possible and everything is in superposition with itself happening, so if you pray long enough for something it will probably be rewarded to you it depends on the magnitude of the wish vs how much energy you put into it. The universe believes in balance so if you pray for 100 million dollars then you need to put 100 million dollars worth of energy into your desire. Or win the lottery. Point being no matter what entity you pray too what's actually happening is the universe the responding to the energy input you send it, this can trick simpletons into believing in God.

Why do people believe large,terrible,far away things they can see are proof godexists

Bud, wait till college. Your brain hasn't physically stopped growing yet, so 'tripping' might actually fuck you up permanantly. At least wait till you are around 20

"Can there be absolute nothingness" is really 2 separate questions I would think, as follows:

1- First, can there ever have been absolute nothingness, i.e. if there had never been a universe the way we know it to begin with, and
2- Given that something now exists, or equivalently has existed at some point, can it ever be that full nothingness can re-establish itself at some point.

Tackling question number 2 first - There is no credible mechanism for full dissipation of what is (at any arbitrary point in time when something happens to be).
The only way to reach full nothingness would be to dilute everything to a fully vanishing point, but then because of infinitesimal residuals all the conditions extant to create at least one element term of the Heisenberg equation would be there - thus immediately giving rise to quantum foam, which would by definition not be pure nothingness. It's too late for pure nothingness to ever exist

Which leads us to the first question: Could there ever have been full nothingness.

Pure abstract mathematics however demonstrates that the Heisenberg relationship is inescapable in any universe, including a void universe (its ensemble of conjugate attributes being a perhaps infinite collection of 2-element sets). Heisenberg will however always give rise to 'quantum foam' - i.e., to something.

Therefore the question can be equivalently reformulated as : Can it be that abstract mathematics cannot exist independently of some material support.
Or equivalently: Can it be that abstract mathematics is not fully abstract. This seems to be a logical inconsistency, and therefore it must be answered in the negative.
Therefore, going back up the chain, we can safely conclude that pure nothingness cannot possibly exist.

Our Universe may be regarded as experimental proof

it's just a computer program fuck

op here I just think its crazy that we have these natural growing psychedelics that help us change stuff in our lives. I believe that they are tools and why are they here?

You mean Ring Galaxy user
Hoag's Object is just the name of this one.

You fascinate me. It sounds like all you know about Jesus you have learned from movies, and that's fucking awesome.

Meh. If he is, cool. If he's not, cool.

Well there is a god, but is it really a god in the way we define god? No probably not. The more logical answer is that we are living in a simulation. And if it's humans in the future so be it, if it's aliens whatever. It is what it is.

I have a christian friend, but I feel like if a god is real he really wouldnt give a fuck about sin. It would just be petty human affairs

Believe nothing,
"No matter where you read it,
Or who has said it,
Not even if I have said it,
Unless it agrees with your own reason
And your own common sense."

Jimmy Carr

one dime I jacked off on an armadillo in the woods, thats my closest experience with god

God doesn't exist. If God made everything, who made God?

Omniscience doesn't exist. By definition, God knows everything there is to know and He/She can do everything. So, then if I, a mere mortal challenge God to create information he did not know, what then? If God, knows everything how can he not know something? If he can do anything, why can't he do this?

Omniscience is just a paradox.
Now, assuming there is a God , and he isn't omniscient. If he knows everything but can't do everything, how did he create the world? If he can do anything but doesn't know anything, how did he create the world?

See, God does not exist.

I've never seen trips before, what are the chances of that??? :o

>living in a simulation
Unlikely, but interesting. Tesla keeps saying we do, but most people educated on the topic disagree


How can nothing come from nothing? Can someone explain this too me haven't found any good sources

/Not thread
Hypothesis makes no sense

so out of nothing came everything....right....just like it says in the...

This is very plausible.

It does.

I was thinking about this at work today.

define "Nothing"

Physicists use a different definition of nothing than common people so.

That's like saying because New York exists in reality and Spider-man, Spider-man must be accurate.

Not according to the people who study it.

>Our Universe may be regarded as experimental proof

"nothing" doesn't exist.

That's exactly why I said MAY be.

if we are living in a simulation how was life created by the beings running the simulation?

op here im high af its hard for me to comprehend this shit lmao

If you are using Einsten's equation nothing could have existed at all. empty space empty matter a void attracts what with theoretical gravity. the absence of matter will create no theoretical gravity. hence bing bang should not have happened at all... honestly why should it have?

Pretty sure god =/= the universe.

everything is made of the same stuff (atoms)

we are conscious bits of the universe attempting to better understand itself.

I kind of see the universe as one big organism, with humans being comparable to cells in a body. All individual, but all with different functions and part of a bigger whole.

thats some deep shit user

I think this too often

I'm asking simple questions, why do you not answer them? When did God provide Jesus the power to do what the Bible said he did. If it was later in his life did Jesus talk to God in person or he prayed like the religious people do so they can communicate with Jesus. If he was born with the power when did he know he was capable of performing miracles? Is God gone and only Jesus is in heaven or are they both there? Has anybody saw the face of God? Why are there no pictures of Jesus?

Who create god? And who create the creator of his father?

Big question mark. I really think of that too often

All you've ever known is the reality that you're experiencing right this second. You don't remember what it was like to "not exist" before your current existence, you weren't aware to experience the nothingness that we came out of.

That alone means that you won't ever experience your nonexistence, you can only experience being, hence what we are doing right now, and always will be doing.

That's just my belief.

and yet everything you can account for since the beginning of your existence and everything anyone anywhere can account for was made by another thinking purposeful feeling planning human being. And yet here you are telling us that for no reason, nothing saw fit to create a singularity with several universal masses in an area smaller than a meson, planting this impossible thing in the realm of then never was causing the infinitesimally small quanta to expand 10 to the exponent 32 times greater than a fraction of an instant or tens of millions of times faster than warp 9.75.
Only to have this magical stuff for reasons unfathomable decidedly slows down to mix particles so it creates black matter and then the created bits engages in mutual assured destruction as the particles and anti particles battles for supremacy. Only to have the surviving particles create dark energy so as not ot congeal back into a singularity.
And don't get me started on on the belief that an anino acid molecule self created and chose correctly consectuively unto Proteins and even further, unto life, 20 let handed molecules; that's it chose correctly, consecutively without making one errror, billions of left handed molecules unto DNA and finally life.
And don't get me started about evolution and the strange and abhorrent, allele frequency.
You're to provide proof of first the big bang, as it happened and you're to provide proof of the singularity expanding a trillion times greater than light, and you're to provide evidence, that's testable observable recreate able proof as to why another big bang hasn't seeing as how the first big bang happened without warning or provocation, what's preventing another one? your response has to be testable observable recreate able proof. And you're to provide proof of the amino acid self creating and choosing correctly 20 left handed molecules unto Proteins and onward, consecutively, onto DNA.

You don't understand basic physics, let alone the complex concepts behind "nothing."

You understand that the Universe was so fundamentally different before it expanded that out current physics can't truly interpret it?
Some models predict that "nothing" is the idea state to form universes in the first place, though they may not be probable.

Read Kraus and branch out from there if you are interested in the physics. It is mind boggling.

And let's say there is a god - how the fuck did he get created? tbh this is fucking crazy as fuck to consider. whatever the truth is, whether it be god, the big bang, simulation, it was once created out of nothing. HOW NIGGA

Just to add, if the nothingness that we are supposedly going into after death is to be permanent, then why did we come out of "nothingness" this time?

If it's there, it's not forever.


More people believe in "aliens" than using common sense, to think of how detailed DNA is. Believing in probability is basically like smashing numbers against what is basically a more reasonable theory.

>testable observable recreate able proof
It doesn't have to be repeatable.
The rest of this paragraph makes so little sense responding is a waste of space-time

AIDS will degenerate your body's immune system to the point that naturally occurring bacteria will kill you. god will condemn you for wearing mismatched garments. you decide

The fact they can't explain why moonlight is colder than its shadow still confuses me. physics? theoretical physics don't explain anything. Laws of thermodynamics do. look at star in a jar or buy your own telescope.

Of course OP there is a grand designer. The very fact life exists in the universe means that our reality is by design.

Life of course is just life and we play are part in the universe whilst our bodies dont fail us. What happens when we die? Well i suspecy we are thanked for our contribution and live out our existence forever in another plane happily awaiting our families to join us.

>The very fact life exists in the universe means that our reality is by design

Got any source?

To answer that first we have to examine the philosophical reasoning behind it. "Forever" is physically impossible of existing as it requires that there was no beginning but for the universe to exist a beginning must have existed. Nothing can come from nothing and "nothing" is also incapable of existing just like forever, but for the universe to have had a beginning nothing would have had to exist first. These paradoxes obviously make the existence of the universe impossible, we have to assume there's a higher power or at very least a natural energy that's in or is the universe that made the impossible possible and simply always existed and set the Big Bang and formation of planets in motion. That doesn't mean any of earth's established religions are correct, just means that there is some form of a higher power out there

How about we became from"nothing", and if we die, We will came back from "nothing"? How bout dat?

I think people are the components of the material world that, being self-aware, and by default inquisitive about the universe/cosmos around us, strive to find meaning in it all.

Spirituality is a construct of humanity.
You can't with 100% certainty prove that 'God' exists.
Nor can you with 100% certainty prove that s/he doesn't.
'God' is a construct of mankind, and the society it hails from.

If people want to gain comfort in believing in God, then by all means, I'm happy for them.
If people don't wish to believe in God, then by all means, I'm happy for them, too.

Just don't try to shove either opinion down my proverbial theological throat, 'cause that just ticks me off.

The idea of god is perfect
I am not perfect
My idea of god did not come from me

The idea of god is perfect
Perfect ideas must be caused by perfect substances
God is the cause of my idea of a god

Basically that, yes.

Regardless, you won't be able to experience your nonexistence, you will only experience reality.

Because you and your atheist sycophants, has only ever relied conjecture, make believe and hypothesis. Admit it, you intolerable atheist, admit that in lieu of proof you've only ever used never to be proven repetitive, fantasies. Prove me wrong, show us the evdence, provide testable, observable, proof.

... if you have to ask that question, you are not aware of life itself.

but what created the higher power that created the universe? that just opens up the same paradoxes again

That's not how it works. You said for certain that just because we exist, it had to be due to a creator.

Post your sources that back up what you say. I can promise you that you won't.

That's what I'm saying user, the fact that anything exists is one big paradox. Seeing as the universe does exist the only explanation is that something simply always existed and at some point created the universe as we know it

>The fact they can't explain why moonlight is colder than its shadow still confuses me

Long story shory: Radiative cooling. It's not moonlight but rather the atmosphere that cools objects, which radiate heat. Being in shade allows one to be "insulated" against less of the atmosphere and thus will radiate less heat. It's weird, but that's kinda how it works.

I don't have a degree in physics btw. I just focused in it.

>only explanation is that something simply always existed and at some point created the universe as we know it

Possibly, or maybe the universe has always been without divine intervention.

We won't know for certain in our lifetime.

Oh I see. yeah this is some really truly crazy stuff. like what the fuck man we can't even solve it, there is absolutely no way ever to figure it out. damn

We came from the same place rain comes from. I mean nature just kinda makes rain fall according to certain conditions, and life appears in the same system under certain conditions. It's not hard to understand.

You came from your mother's vagina, dumb ass.

God, government education is shit.

I got in some deep thinking shit a few years ago and tried to wrap my brain around the concept of forever any it's bugged me ever since. Shit hurts my head

I certainly do. There is just way too much evidence for him not to.

Look at the life of Jesus and the evidence (mountains of it) surrounding his death and resurrection. No other religion comes close to offering the "proof" you desire.

I'm not on here to prove God's existence, but it is WAY more plausible than atheists would lead you to believe. No atheist has been able to convince me that god might not be real, but there is tons of intriguing evidence to the contrary. Do your own research, you'll be very surprised.

You don't think big, do you? Unless you always think about your moms vag.

We humans will come to a point where we realize that we have to create the universe.
Creating the universe will create a room for our past. From there we will design one of infinite timeliness.

but all the proof is just "lots of people believe it and its written in a book" seasoned with a little boyfucking

We are literally an evolutionary cocktail. Was intelligent design involved? Maybe.

That still requires the universe to be sentient to some degree filling the position of a god, or if you prefer to think of it this way there's a naturally set chain of destiny throughout the universe that caused life to come into existence

We're just animals man, and shit just happens. Anyone who tells you anything else is just trying too bullshit you.

Nothin wrong with a little boyfuckin every now and than


well maybe heh heh heh but shhhhhhh we should talk about it

I have done my research.

Everything I've ever read on that subject (especially the Bible) led me to believe there is no god, not one that is made up here on earth, anyway.

It warms my heart to hear you say that.

I'm being serious, I love listening to atheist's arguments. The rabbit hole never goes very deep with you guys.

What on earth are you saying?
You have to prove there is a god. You are making the claim. Atheists are saying that you need to prove it before they will believe in it.

> evidence (mountains of it) surrounding his death and resurrection.

There is no proof that Jesus resurrected. Currently there is no surviving evidence that confirms Jesus. Many historians think a Jesus, who would not have been like the mythical biblical Jesus existed, but can't yet prove it.

>No atheist has been able to convince me that god might not be real

They can't. You have to prove that there is a deity. You are making the claim, you have to back it up. Also, evidence doesn't and can't prove supernatural entities.

Our universe is a computer program

>That still requires the universe to be sentient to some degree

It's funny you say that, because the universe has a similar structure to brain cells. It's hard to say what it means though. Maybe it's some sort of living being or has self awareness. Who knows.

I mean... does it matter? Of course you are curious, everyone is. But, the only thing you can pretty much do is trust yourself and experience the world as it is. Instead of deductively making theories, how about inductively experiencing this world. Makes life interesting I think.

I'm glad you did, most people do not make it far enough to do research.

Far be it from to convince you, but everything I have ever read about the subject has given me more than ample satisfaction that what I believe is plausible. I have no ill will toward people of differing opinions, only those who claim to "know" without lifting a finger.

if god's real then he's a fag and i'm gonna tell him that too

this nigga right here