Can I do anything to fix these?

Can I do anything to fix these?

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Epoxy putty and acrylic paint.


this, do it faggot

Two things

1. Stop smoking meth, inject it into your veins
2. Get your teeth pulled and get dentures

>do number two

if you werent a poorfag you would've went to a dentist by now. at least you dont have to worry about kissing girls with your yuck mouth since your such a massive faggot op

But if you keep smoking meth it will fuck up your dentures...

Fix them? No. Your teeth will continue to deteriorate as you age and eventually you'll have to have all of them extracted. You may already have an infection and that is really bad news.

What you can do is settle for dentures or better yet, dental implants.

None of this will do anything for you if you cannot maintain proper oral hygiene.

You'd think girls wouldn't want to kiss me.

enjoy the maggots living in your gums

Rip out your eyeball so when people stare out you they'll be staring at your eyehole and not your mouth

That isn't how anything works.

I had an infected one extracted before. Just curious what a dentist could even do for me at this point.

Like I said, a dentist can extract them all and give you dentures or dental implants. There is no point in allowing you to maintain those teeth unless you cannot afford dentures or implants.

Stop being English.

He could remove all of them and replace them.

ever heard of Steve-O? He had really bad teeth, similar to yours, before joining Jack Ass. After getting on the show he had some extensive oral surgery to remove and replace all of his teeth with expensive fakes. Might even be densures. Look into that.

We don't really do dentures anymore. Dental implants are about the same price.

are you english?

I'm American and I voted for Hillary.

He's teeth look weird. Worse than Gary Busey.


Don't meth as hard

Pick one


1st of all you clearly should of been worried a long time ago and deserve it for not doing anything sooner,
2nd if you are a poor fag look for a dental school, it will be much cheaper because students are working on you and theyre fairly good at it,
3rd, seriously wtf guy, just prepare to pony up for dentures.

good one!

try this:

rinse with clove tea
rinse with magnesium and sea salt

That depends on who you mean by "we." "We" where? In America, dentures are the least expensive option, even for a full set which is what OP is in need of. Dental implants cost an average of $600+ for individual tooth replacements. Dentures for him will be the economic option if his insurance does not cover dental implants.

not much. you're looking at extensive fillings on multiple teeth, most of which have massive decay. At this point you would almost have to extract the whole lot and get dentures, or if you're well off, dental implants

>2nd if you are a poor fag look for a dental school, it will be much cheaper because students are working on you and theyre fairly good at it,

This is good advice.

I don't do meth anymore and I only smoked it a few times. I normally snorted or ingested it. I smoke weed daily and I drink large amounts of cola.

Can you not drink cola anymore?

well that'll do it if you don't brush your damn teeth.

>Can I do anything to fix these?

Stop riding the ice pony.

Well good luck with fixing those fucked up chompers.
And staying off meth

I wish

What you do is go to the pawn shop get the cheapest handgun you can find. Get yourself one bullet for it. Load it and put the gun to your temple and pull trigger. Problem solved methfag.

well then