Why do people think you need to shower every day?

Why do people think you need to shower every day?

I shower once a week, maybe less and I don't have acne, skin disease, rashes or anything of the sort

Did I win the genetics lottery or is the whole "shower every day" thing just bullshit?

are you french?


it is bullshit to shower every day. It is bad for your skin. However, in the summer when I am sweaty, I shower more so that I don't smell

its not bullshit, i smell like asshole after a day or two of not showering

Im the same with you, usually once or twice a week. I could go longer without having greasy hair or smelling bad, but I take them because i want to.

In the summer there are lots of days i take a shower everyday, but thats just to cool down and because im sweaty

This is why you have no friends OP.

Don't sit on my couch

I shower everyday, but only because the thought of climbing into bed unwashed wierds me out

News flash: you do smell like shit even if you aren't aware of it. I have coworkers that only shower every other day and they believe they don't stink when in reality they smell like dirty fucking hippies. Shower every day you stinky Frenchman

you smell like shit, go shower, in bleach.

>News flash: you do smell like shit even if you aren't aware of it.

I'm afraid I don't. I'm actually praised for smelling nice often. I don't roll around in the fucking mud, I have good hygene, wear clean clothes and take care of myself.

I'm not some shitstain american who rots in their own filth and needs to shower everyday to not smell like absolute garbage.

>I have good hygene
nigger, you can't even spell. why should we believe your bullshit.

>Implying hygiene and spelling have any correlation.

Stay stinky Amerifag

> mfw its called deodorant
> mfw its not expensive
> mfw its cheaper than showering every day
> mfw mfw


Deodorant, some clean clothes and non stinky genes and you can go about showering every few days fine

> Showers once a week
> Have good "hygene"
Nigger, you can't have both. Surely you smell bad, and people are polite enough to not let you know, which in turn is reassuring you of the false sense of "good hygene"

I can smell you from here.

>cheaper than showering every day

If you're avoiding showers in order to save money, you might be the poorest person I've ever come across on the internet

Surely your experiences are just like everybody else's.

Your ass must smell like a garbage dump full of dirty diapers

Me too man. I went weeks without showering (still washed hair), and I got a fucking compliment for smelling nice.

Also, my mum is complete nazi when it comes to hygiene, and she would definitely tell me to shower if she found me smelling bad.

Thank you deodorant and clean clothes.

I'm showering every day for a few months now though.

No I'm actually like the other guy. I know my roommate will smell like shit if he doesn't shower everyday, he just naturally has bad body odours/oily skin and hair etc.

But I know a lot of people, especially girls who shower once or twice a week and they're fine. Like you could still wash your face, hands and all other shit and remain pretty clean.

90% of the time though, you'll smell like shit.

your just a disgusting degenerate and you either dont go outside or people are too polite to tell you that you smell like a dead animal

You won the genetics lottery. Also, your lifestyle probably doesn't involve much manual labor.

However, you're right that people shower too often. But most people need to shower once every 2 or 3 days. They aren't usually so lucky to be able to go a week without bathing.

I shower everyday but just put a dab of shampoo in my hair, soap my arm pits and feet. That's it, my eczema went away, no more dry skin in winter. It's a compromise between op and society.

You're covered in dead skin cells and sebum, whether or not you think this smells is beside the point, people wash every day to remove this - it doesn't kill you not to wash everyday or every week but it's not very fair on others in modern society.

I luckily don't have a hairy asshole, and have a bidet, so my asshole stays clean.

In the summer though My balls become a swamp so I do shower every day/other day.

I'm Canadian and its cold/cool for most of the day and I'm an artist so I don't have to worry about doing manual labor and sweating (except when I go to the gym, i take a shower right after).

*Most of the year

I was like you only showering once a week. Then one day while naked wrestling with my grandma she powerbombed me and i smacked myself in the nose with my nutsack and i realised something.

In too old to be wrestling with my grandma.

Hope this helps

nobody showers every day except americans, and we all know they're idiots.

I shower every day but don't use soap. I just rinse off because it feels good and wakes me up in the morning.

Showers aren't the problem its soap. I'd you read about it, soap/shampoo/and other beauty products were never the result of market demand. They were a limited use product that advertisers created campaigns for to increase use.

Do you not just FEEL grimey after a while even if you (apparently) don't smell? If I skip a day I end up with grease in my fingernails and rough hair

Where or what the fuck is Bura?

I sweat and then smell bad, that's why I do it everyday

it's all about what you eat

it's a type of wind that regularly blows on the coast in croatia

Well guessing from the flag chances are high its in Croatia

I shower everyday twice a day. Once at 7am and once at 7pm. I work my 11 hour shift in between. Not showering at least once a day is fucking disgusting. You can claim whatever you like no working man ought to shower once a week. That's fucking nasty.

What about his mother

unless you work in a fucking coal mine showering twice a day is just retarded

Where or what the fuck is Croatia?

Bura, yes the country known for its impressive construction capabilities, and also known for not being known by anyone.

You know king's landing?

i shower every 2-3 days without stench / body issues.

and thats cuz where i live its constant 80% + humidity and 90+ degrees (south texas)

id say its bullshit. but it cant hurt to practice good hygiene.

It's not that dirty, but it's pretty fucking dirty. When I worked office jobs I would just take one a day. With the job I have now it's two. Ive went weeks without a shower when in training... And let me tell you. I stunk, everyone else stunk, girls smelled like shit etc. I find it hard to believe someone that doesn't shower at Least once a day doesn't have some body odor. Unless if they literally sit and do nothing.

That's a TV programme and is not real bro

Showering daily just makes me feel daily fresh. Like the same reason why I put on clean clothes daily. I dunno man you sound like a nasty lazy fuck. I'm glad I don't know you in person.

Well irl King`s Landing is the city of Dubrovnik with added CGI, a city conveniently located in Croatia.

Also im not your bro dude.


>not knowing where Bura is
hello there amerifag!

you're not only a dirty pig but you're also mentally retarded

You must enjoy destroying what's left of your immune system by constantly stripping away your body's natural defenses by overshowering like an idiot.

Once per day for manual labor. The only reason to go more than that is, like the user said, a fucking coal mine. If you were full-on showering once per day for an office job you better hope it was because the AC was busted constantly and you were sweating up a goddamn storm.

I just shower once my hair looks greasy. Which is between 2-3 days. I've gone longer but then I start to smell homeless. I know I stink though. I'm not a delusional retard. My clothes help hide it but I try to keep my distance with people at work and shit. I'm usually on the road by myself for work though. I'm a courier.

>Indian detected

I shower every time I take a shit but rarely use soap due to dry skin.

I haven't showered in over 6 months

Well maybe you work an office job and don't sweat.. fair enough.. but if you do actual work you need to shower or you smell like shit

>being this stupid