Vlad the impaler was real

>vlad the impaler was real

What the fuck I hate Wallachians now?

>babys first history assignment

fuck off underage faggot

>Baruch Goldstein was real

Uh, no he wasn't?

>It's some dude that owned a castle

He did get a lot of mileage though didn't he?

>Duke of Caxias was real

>Rasputin was real


>Anne Frank was real

>King Arthur was real

> shrek is real

>wrestling was real

>Bane was here


>the Holocaust actually happened

did u just watch dracula: reborn?

let's stay on topic for now, the thread was going so well

>american education

> this is real

heh heh, ya know jimbo...


>the moonlanding was a real movie