Can't bring myself to study changed degree twice now, no drive to be something better...

Can't bring myself to study changed degree twice now, no drive to be something better, AM i a pussy for not forcing myself to work ? My dad says im too imature for college and that i should work and travel for a year.... I dont know already wasted 2 years i AM afraid too waste more, and get comfortably numb in a jerk off job, but something has to change. What to do ?

Im in the exact same position pal. If you find out the answer let me know :p

Same here no motivation at all

I think my problem is probably balls department, facing your demons and what not, but whats the point ? Used Tô have shit ton of hopes and dreams, but now only beer and weed

stop masturbating, talk to a consuler and be honest, start a relationship with God.
no motivation means something important is missing, god for example you my think that's all below you and that religion is dumb, but I can think of a few people who are religious that are way cooler than you. Try anything good, it may be what's missing

It's hard to say what direction your life will take, but honestly you probably just need some time off to get motivated again, truthfully the best motivation to work hard is hard times. Go be homeless for a week even and see how some people have to live so that you can begin to appreciate what hard work can do, put a damn roof over your head and a meal so you don't die. Really though it is possible that you are struggling with depression, which actively works in your mind to make itself worse. Idk

Just find an entry level job, identify a need, and fill it. Learn any new skills necessary and exercise confidence. Definitely don't need a relevant degree to do well in a career. I have a history degree and am a DBA. Started off writing reports.

Bro i have been in the religious Path and i am always turned of by all the paradoxes and antagonismes in every docterine, philosophy seems to make me overthink everything so i reject most of it turning me into a ironic little shit

This makes lots of sense but i AM afraid i will like the *homeless" "dead beat" life style....

Does anyone actually like that? Or do they die before they get to make their minds up?

This also makes lots of sense but if i dont take a degree Imma be the first Tô do só in 3 generations spamming more than 100 people....Kinda wanted to hold the ball.....

some people are just stupid and worhless, like myself. i have no problem admitting that. it sure puts my life in a clear light by doing so.

not saying you are stupid and worthless,, but not everyone is going to be CEO of a major international company or a rock star.

You might be right, im just confused as hell

I know this but stupid and worth are bad adjectives that show low self-steem and are Impossible for a human to Cope with its in out nature to better our selfs

Same situation here man. First one, just buckled down and got it done. I married you guys and have two kids so that didn't hurt. Kind of motivated me not to fail.

I know English is a second language

Go to therapy. I don't know what country you're in, maybe you can get it via universal healthcare, maybe you have to pay for it.It sounds like you have at least vaguely supportive parents, sell them on it.

There's nothing to be ashamed of with needing therapy.

People who say they don't need therapy usually need it the most.

Its called having a goal, doesn't matter what it is but without some thing to work towards motivation will be hard

there is no right or wrong, what you get out of life will be influenced by the amount you put it.
Does your plan require a degree? what job do you see your self in? Does seeing the world/exploring interest you?

I gave up on huge ambitions and large dreams for small ones, I started by finishing college which I also hated, worked for a year traveled for a full year, now I work a pretty easy/boring job, but it gives me money to continue my passion of exploring the wilderness, I even met a girl who is likeminded along the way

Is my life good? who knows I just figured out I needed to stop trying to live someone elses life, i am happy with the small gains I make, I still set small realistic goals and try to stay motivate through my shit job by having the reward of travel at the end of each year

You either continue on your path or you find something to give a shit about. Neither is more right than the other; do what you must.

I'm in pretty much the same position after studying electrical engineering for 2 years in 2 different universities to no avail. My parents think that I'm some kind of miracle kid, because I wrote a few simple program and built a few circuits in high school, but I really REALLY suck at math, and that's what engineering is all about.

Here is what I suggest:
Get a job that pays enough to rent a small apartment of your own, then learn about entrepreneurship.

Read The 100$ Startup or The Art Of The Start by Guy Kawasaki. You can start working on your idea while keeping your job, until it generates enough income. I suggest you start with some form of online service or software (you don't need to be a programmer to write one, you just need to have a few friends who can code, or in a worst case scenario, hire someone from India), because these barely need any capital to start, but can net you huge profits, if people really find it useful.

If you do this, you'll thank me in a few years.

there are shit ton I agree, I myself struggle between either path. I know in my brain, God isn't real it just isn't a logical thing to believe from what we know as intelligent humans. I choose to believe him, and I don't regret it at all, I love God and all the motivation he gives me in life. I hope you find it too, but it's understandable if you don't and think I'm another dumb zealot.

2 years seem like a lot right now
when youre 60 2 years dont seem like shit. nothing wrong with thinking you wasted years, but later you might reflect and realize how critical that "wasted" time went in helping you figure shit out.
plus, I feel you should adopt a mentality of finishing what you started, no matter how how big or small, finishing something, even half assing it is better than never completing anything.

Im not a compulsive quitter i just do not conforme with the idea of mediocrety...Hope it doesnt sound edgy....

Thx for the advice guys

I see what you mean and its actually pretty clever form of self brain washing wich i think its great,