You're being attacked by 500 5-year-olds. The kids know basic combat (punches, kicks, etc.)

You're being attacked by 500 5-year-olds. The kids know basic combat (punches, kicks, etc.).

You're given a random superpower that could assist you. BUT, this is the only attack you could use.


How fucked are you?

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Waterbomb the area to a depth of 4 feet.

Wade slowly back to the tequila bar and order another round, wait for the onslaught to tire and drown.

Absolute Growth Inducement problem solves itself

Oxygen manipulation

Easy mode

Fire storm creation: the power to create a terrifying inferno that incinerates all.
Yeah I think I'm good

Electrical levitation...fuckin ZAP

I got Time Infusion.

Pretty badass since i can just time shift them all into fetuses and watch them starve to death.

meta combat

I win

Compisite Deity Physiology. I am become god.

Weapon entity generation. The question is how fucked are they

Chemical Breath.

500 melted 5 year olds.

Infra hearing, sound below normal hearing range.

Thank fucking god.

So, all you can do is hear more things?

Good luck.


I think I'll be fine.
>create 500 clones of the kids
Ez win

Seduction Immunity....... WTF

Art manipulation??
At least i can get fogged and thronged in style

I think I might destroy the world. But hey, problem solved

Psionic Embodiment
I'm good

Speed Strike

"Physics 101. The faster an object moves, the more mass it attains. At lightspeed, my fist hits like a white dwarf star."
― The Flash, DC Comics

The power to enhance physical attacks by moving at great speeds, gaining momentum. Technique of Enhanced Speed, Supernatural Speed and Absolute Speed. Variation of Enhanced Strike.

Kids as good as dead

I won

Humanoid Bomb Generation:
>The user can create bombs made of humanoids, which is unique in that they can be motile, possibly by the user, causing the bomb to move in unpredictable movements. They can be sent out or projected and explode on contact.


The power to manipulate matter on a molecular level.

Im good

The fuck is Kaoi Ken?

500 five year old gangbang

Little faggots are fucked.

im fucked Invisible Skin


I think I got good synergy with this card.

Gun Manipulation.
I'm fine.

What am I gonna do with this?

Mental control, so if I can control them, they could be my army

The ability to summon pedophiles from hell

Hybrid transcendency

I think I'm ok

If they're paranormal 5 year olds... I have paranormal expertise...

Those child souls, are MINE
Pretty fucked, my power is the power to have a power wtf?

Welp at least I know how bad the planet let me down on a deep emotional level
lel gonna burn all the little fuckers alive

i think i'm alright

Mines to vague to know how fucked I am, but I can still outrun them so I'm probably fine.

Meant this

Omnikinesis, Which is a better solution. Fling the five year old's into space and on the chance they fall back into our atmosphere they burn up on re entry. Or just fling them into the air and let it rain 5 year olds across the country?

Supernatural strength. Noice

Mine is pretty cool
Trapping Combat
The user is a master at using any manor of sealing, restraining or incapacitating enemies. Using a variety of trapping and immobilizing techniques either utilized through magic, gizmos, science, physical ability, etc. and use it in succession with physical combat.

I'll trap all the little kids..

>Video Game Mimicry
So I basically have all the powers between all the forms I could choose. The only question is HOW to win now.

Omni-Physics Manipulation
at least give me a challenge

All of them get gunned-down by your average everyday muslim.

Don't even have to lift a finger.

I kek'd.

i'm ready.

I got: Irony Inducement - "The ability to cause the least expected situation to occur. Sub-power of Paradox Inducement."

Can't complain about that one at all.

Well maybe I can piece together how they work and get out of the situation.

I will kill them all by just walking thru them. Fucking easy mode.

Turn into 1000 centipedes, what 5 year old ain't gonna shit themselves and run away?

The power to make a pole arm from energy? I mean...whenever I learned the martial arts I did(Brazilian jiu-Jitsu) I did not learn that's a thing. I would imagine just HAVING the weapon would do SOMETHING for me right? Questionably curb stomped by 5 year olds?

HAHAHA, I win.


I got telepathic language instruction. So... frequency jammer? Those fagot kids couldn't handle that

Anti-god, I'm good

Best one

Slime Manipuation

User can create, shape and manipulate ooze, slime, and goo of every consistency or viscosity, whether sticky, slippery, etc.

FUCK YEAH QUANTUM MAGIC! Meta teleport all 500 of them into space.

So the more energy they use to kill you the stringer you get?

Arms turn into AR-15

Remote possession.

User can host themselves into another body without need of actual entry within their being with contact nor distance being an issue. They can remain in control of themselves be they spirit or flesh. User may be able to control multiple hosts at once while retaining control over your core body.

make the children fight each other, fuck yeah

> anxiety inducement


Blood attacks

I'd rather have children beat the shit out of me

Negation. I can negate everything, apperantely. I always wanted that power. Like Touma from Anime: Index.

Basically, yeah.

Alien Dragon Physiology

User is or can transform into an alien dragon hybrid. Species like these are highly capable of intuition in nearly anything. Alien Dragons can be vicious and are a force to be reckoned with, as they are experts in combat. They are advanced in their wits, high in their prowess, possess great genes, and can evolve quickly in ways that are beneficial. Due to their respective hybrid species, they have an unnatural condition that is unique unlike any other.
I assume I win the fight

Portal creation going to any place any dimension I wants
>spawn one portal
>spawn above ocean

Prefer accelerator's power myself

>Inertia Reduction

Object are less resistant to acceleration.
I can launch 5 year olds

I think I'm good.

Divine Presence
Holy shit i think im like a god

rolled this...
so many options...

Iron Mimicry, so I can turn into iron. Easy mode.

The ability to manipulate pulsars. Variation of Stellar Manipulation.

Also Called
Pulsar Control
User can create, shape and manipulate all aspects of a pulsars, highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation.

I have good chances I'd say, depends if there's glass in the area

Nigh-Complete Arsenal. Almost every superpower imaginable.
fukin' hit the jackpot

Failure Embodiment

Challenge to beat this

I got Gyro-Telekinesis

Those kids are fucked

Rainbow manipulation, create gay spears and impale the little shits

Photograph entity.
Power to enter into any photo
I.e. Slenderman

Fork manipulation.. Telekinesis.. Guess I'm gonna fork five hundred five year olds

Atomic Manipulation

The power to manipulate matter at the atomic level. Sub-power of Physics Manipulation and Subatomic Manipulation.

Shit, I think I could take on the whole universe with that power.

Dark Wall Generation
The ability to create, summon, generate walls by using darkness.

I can protect myself from the kids then sit in darkness forever

Im good. How cn i get this power for real? Shit.

Monotheistic Deity Physiology: Be the supreme being of all existence.

I am God.

Going to build my self a nice wall

You could multiply the kids tenfold and they're still fucked.

Passion manipulation
Aka death by sex. Breaks into loli orgy

Someone needs to edit the known users on this one and add Trump.

you don't need any super power to take on 500 5 year olds. the worst they can do it bite

Partial Invisibility

Gl kids, my basic combat kicks and punches are going to be coming from invisible limbs. too easy

>ultraviolet vision
I'm good at fighting, anyway, I'll do fine.

I'm good fam.

I think im okay