Let's guess the worst ting about each other based on the album we are currently listening to

Let's guess the worst ting about each other based on the album we are currently listening to.
>pic related for me


You masturbate in your parents room while they are sleeping.
You try to *accidentally* grope Asian women asses outside.

pretentious af and thinks he knows everything

kinda superficial

Wants people to think he's nicer than he actually is.


Likes to put cigarettes up the arse
Masturbates to Japanese women shitting in each others mouths
Have 3 dead children in your basement
Have taken too many LSD trips and will soon be forced into a psych ward by your estranged mother, from whom you have stolen drug money from earlier.
Surfer ''dude'' who think he's so cool but in reality living off a girlfriend who's only child you fuck.
Was at a concert once and wet yourself while everyone else was moshing. You went back to your parents basement and hasn't been out for the past 7 years as you've been living as an massively overweight neet for the past 7 years.

I fucking hate this album.

German turk (literally the worst)


I got nothin'

Like to cut yourself...horizontally...like the bitch you are.
Just recently became a hipster, lives in LA sucking cock for money.
Likes to vape. No further comments needed.

Unironicly love this album

You are addicted of erotic asphyxiation, to such an extent that you have alienated all your family and been disinherited of the 2 million quid your grandad was gonna give you

you'd sell out your friends for cooler friends

you're a bit of a boring guy, deep down

you're superficial and your entire persona is made up to make friends who dress a certain way, a strategy you devised after you were probably not cool in high school

you think you're MUUUUUCH smarter than you actually are


A live performance of John cages 4:33 in my living room

You ave had short hair your whole life even though you always wanted it long, but never dared because of peer pressure.

Thats funny. Not guy you replied to, but I was like that till my senior year and liked it. One of my biggest regrets was cutting it after graduation.

get mad bc people always call you a pleb even though you think youre not, but just maybe you are
rude to strangers
superiority complex

now do me

haha actually i had long hair for like three years in high school, i'm good, i'd never go back to it

You think very highly of yourself and every night you go to bed, you say to yourself that you deserve better than to deliver pizza for a living.

spot on except i think too highly of myself to ever take that job in the first place

Smokes like a chimney
Watches The Walking Dead or some shit and won't shut the fuck up about it
Has an IQ

you secretly love country music

inferiority complex
really into old school hip hop
wishes he lived in a time where going to the circus was still cool
yeah me too actually


you're gay


objectively wrong


Shit, how did you knew?

probably avoidant, leads people on and then ghosts them frequently

doesn't go after what they want in life

vapid, smokes to much weed, and unconsciously likes Mac Demarco partially because Mac validates their "see, slacker do-nothings can make it too" philosophy

social outcast, wastes their life on the internet


hasn't grown up and clings to nostalgia

you're not gay
you've been manipulative and abusive in several different relationships and still convince yourself most of the time that it's not your fault
you own a Crosley and look down on people who listen mostly to music in 4/4
you're kinda pretentious and are "that guy" who's way too into existentialism
you're lowkey a fascist with entry-level taste in post-punk
runs an unpopular meme page on facebook

>runs an unpopular meme page on facebook

Well fuck I typed out responses to a good bunch of you, but I accidentally closed out of the window, so I'll only retype a few. Don't worry they were mostly friendly.
You're into light bdsm
You're a sweet person, but a little mopey, and your taste in music iso overall similar to my girlfriend's.
You personally don't think you like earlier swans, but that's cuz you never gave it a good listen.
You only know fourteen facts. It's kind of impressive in a disappointing way really.



>social outcast, wastes their life on the internet

Sort of the first one, definitely the second one.
>runs an unpopular meme page on facebook
Double ouch

You pride yourself in listening to music no one gives a shit about and acting like you're above everyone. That, or you yearn for the past. Move on, bro


>You pride yourself in listening to music no one gives a shit about and acting like you're above everyone. That, or you yearn for the past. Move on, bro
>being this threatened by people listening to music you don't know
Grow up, bro

You want to kill yourself but are too scared


Relax buddy did you even read the OP

never mind then

You need alcohol

Probably a Masshole


Severe depression, may contain traces of believing the world is inherently a fucked up place because all humans (yourself included) are shit.

Still kind of an edgy teenager despite being in his 20s.

Extremely pretentious.


true true, recently hit 30 days sober and it's been hard as hell

You self-sabotage yourself often.

You rarely speak unless spoken to.

Unsure of your life goals.

You require validation from others in order to maintain your self esteem.

Smokes a pack a day.


really just can't stop listening to Blem

Well fuck, I was only referencing the song... sorry user. Keep up the good work friend

You've used someone you loved and may not forgive you, and wish you hadn't
You don't take anything seriously
You think could've helped your friend who OD'd

Crying for help but not really
You wear the same clothes as your friends and you just desperately want to be genuinely loved by your absent father and/or mother
You're thirteen and jerk it to the beat of "She's Lost Control"
ur gay
Started listening before DAMN. came out and are being too stubborn to listen to it because of the hype



stuck in the past

I mean yeah you right

you carefully pick out what you're going to wear to a concert because you strive to be the "coolest" one there

about to graduate from college with a useless degree and moving back home with parents, trying to enjoy the last few days binge drinking with people you'll never hear from again before you go home to no job and no friends

tries to brag about music taste to friends

you only like this album because you bought the tshirt once to impress a girl

makes it a point to be a contrarian and justifies it by "playing devil's advocate"

nostalgic for how depressed you were in high school

cant maintain eye contact

talks on the phone while at the checkout counter

also nostalgic for how depressed you were in high school, after a girl dumped you

white guy who thinks he's "woke" because he likes popular hip hop

whole personality revolves around being a nihilistic 20something

pitchfork trend hopping sjw

inb4 "you hate white people"

>whole personality revolves around being a nihilistic 20something
Hit the nail on the head :/


>pitchfork trend hopping sjw

lel, I'm actually only listening to FJM cause I saw his new album came out and realized I never have listened to anything about him.

I do kinda ride pitchfork dick

you hate white people

You secretly wish you were a free spirited southerner when really you're a middle class suburban teen in the northeast

definitely a masshole


You don't understand why anyone would think this is better than Oasis.

You cut your wrists to it

You're not from Boston but you root for our sports teams

You're into pegging

masturbates way too much, actually that may apply more to Pinkerton but it works here too

what fan of weezer isn't stuck in the past?

you're basically the Harvard ponytail dude from good will hunting

One who enjoys "Feels Like Summer" unironically