Kept off weed even tho alot of mates smoke it

>kept off weed even tho alot of mates smoke it
>always thought it was bad, gonna end up in a ditch dead
>new people i meet always tell me stories about shit happening when they're high

considering to try weed, what should i be expecting??? and is it worth? / describe ideal smoking situation

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In a comfortable space preferably with friends, lots of water to drink nearby, its going to hurt your throat if this is your first time smoking anything.

don't make a big deal about it. if you're curious, try it. it's not gonna hurt you.

A buddy of mine tried weed once in an attempt to fit in with his new college friends, he's got a hole in his throat now.

its not worth it man, stray away

It's a great time but not necessary, try it if you want.

It's not an opiate it's not an amphetamine and it's also not a benzo, it's thc you've got nothing to worry about

The only downsides with weed is that it is illegal in some places and you consume a lot of food

Chances of you winding up dead are about 100%...

Chances of you winding up dead from smoking weed a few times are extremely remote. Smoke a chill strain with a few friends. You'll laugh your ass off and have a great time.

buy an eighth of weed from a friend and smoke it by yourself. and just relax

don't try it, why subject your body to substances that aren't even needed?

You will hallucinate and start biting your lip, you man even kill your mother. Don't do it.

i recommend smoking outdoor with your mates, don't know how your city is but if that's not possible, try it in a room with loud(not too loud) music. and do not drink alcohol

>Sad and alone.

I once knew a guy that tried it once, thought his gun was a toothbrush and blew his fucking face off. Don't dood. Its not worth it man. Dude. Man.

>considering to try weed, what should i be expecting???
Expect relaxation and psychedelia. Some people get a little wiggy if they smoke sativa so don't smoke too much until you're familiar with the feeling. If you do end up feeling anxious, just remember that WEED WILL NOT HURT YOU. It's you own mind fucking with you.

>and is it worth?

>describe ideal smoking situation
For a first time, I'd recommend just hanging out in a comfortable environment with a friend you can trust. Have munchies and drinks handy. Movies, video games, music, pretty much everything is better under the influence.

None of the shit your friends have told you is true. They're fucking with you.

Sometimes it doesn't work properly on your first time because your body doesn't recognize it.

But basically all of your senses are heightened so everything will come out as more vivid. Don't freak out if you get a little paranoid and trust muscle memory/ instincts.

Make sure you snort it the first time, then you can start injecting it after that.
One weeds is a good amount.
Two weeds is to much!


This is true. My first time didn't affect me much. It altered my consciousness a bit but not much else besides being in a better frame of mind.

The second time it really worked.

It will make you gay.

After you smoke make sure you move around or go outside, cause youll feel like a sloth and wont be able to move without getting nausea, but even getting up to get a glass of water will help you

You have to stop smoking and catch your breath a few times when you smoke.
You're dealing with oxygen deprivation.

Deez guiz r mad stonaz dood, smokin DAT kush lol xD so chill lisenin 2 colt 45 he he lol so chill nd kool food lolz XD

>I'm sorry guys, i'm fucking retarded.

so long as you don't mind raping your sister in a blind hormonal rage and possibly fucking your dog, too! this is a pretty typical reaction to first-time pots smoking so beware

>what should i be expecting???
Lasts about 30-60 min. Mildly psychedelic. Makes shit funny. Tired and hungry on the crash. Relieves some pain, but not in any narcotic fashion.

>is it worth?
Not worth paying for, but easily worth smoking if you're offered.

>describe ideal smoking situation
Fun way to get to know somebody. I like to smoke just about any time. It isn't much of an experience itself, but rather, makes an experience more worthy.

Be careful about which drugs you use marijuana with. It is harmless, really, but it can greatly potentiate other drugs, like PCP, and even alcohol. Not always a good way to "calm down" or whatever.

Weed is wayyyyyy overrated.

And shit for your lungs (if you smoke it).

Ideal situation: hash brownies, chilled out situation with friends, snacks.

Alcohol will get you in a worse (better) state than weed ever will imo - which is why I prefer it. Weed just makes me slow, and my perception of everything foggy.

Weed is the drug of choice for hemp-wearing hippies who hate The Man for criminalising Mother Nature, teens who want to rebel but don't want to do anything dangerous, oh and rastas.

But fuck it - try it. Then you'll realise it isn't worth the hype.

t. someone who's never smoked quality bud(or at all) in his life


You wont end up in a ditch dead, but if you smoke too often you could become a fucking retarded loser like me. If you do smoke, do it in moderation. Doesn't matter how many hippies tell you it's great, it's only great if you can control your usage, otherwise you'll have trouble concentrating all the time, wont sleep as good, you might develop some underlying anxiety, and you'll never want to do anything other than sit on your ass.

Just keep that in mind.

chilling with friends is probably the best situation. i reccomend bringing water since its ur first time ur most likely going to cough a lot. honestly its not that bad, nothing bad will come from it

If you want to be a degenerate and failure sure go ahead.
If you want to be worth something then don't.

OP, it is your choice to smoke. Don't let anyone make you. Usually it's pretty chill and relaxing especially with friends. There are a few side effects that can happen (although it's rare). There's the possibility of getting anxiety, green sick (you just get sick and you can guess what can happen). These are pretty rare though, but it's up to you. If you end up trying it, I would recommend smoking a little at a time until you are comfortable with how high you are.

>My opinion applies to everyone

It's always the self centered fucks who don't like weed, probably makes them too introspective

People get weird when they're choking; like they need to save everyone else from it.
I personally think they subconsciously are dissuading people from using pot because they don't know to breath deep in between blows.

Using dry herb vape is a lot healthier compared to combhstion. Only need to take 1-2drags to get the medicinal effects. The drug works wonders for some but can be a living hell for others. I'm INFP_T for my Myer Briggs and marijuana is like heaven on Earth for me. It's like I'm a zombie when I'm sober and when I get high in finally waking up. Biggest downside for me is the cost.
One if the benefits is increased appetite. Something a lot of people don't know is that what people interpret as taste is actually your sense of smell. If something happened to your nose that reduced your sense of smell your sense of taste would be reduced as well(without your realizing it) so when people get the munchies from marijuana it's actually increased sense of smell. But smoking in general is known to reduce sense of smell and taste in cigarette smokers probably because cigarettes can burn at 2000 degrees For and that heat can damage tissue in nose from long term smoking. Healthy nasal breathing is a lot more important to your quality of life then a lot of people realize. So yea like I said use a dry herb vape.

Probably gonna die.

Did this really need to be greentexted?

Forgot to describe ideal smoking situation. Sitting in my bedroom alone in front of PC with headphones on browsing Sup Forums

Weed is bad for your lungs but manageable. You could get high and not smoke anything , or if you want to smoke you just have to stay healthy as you normally would.. I know if I ran/ did cardio my lungs would be in great shape regardless if I smoke bunches of weed

I don't get why you assume everybody who thinks weed is overrated is 'choking' or doesn't know who to properly toke a joint.

I've smoked plenty, and no I'm not fucking rolling around gasping for air, vomiting and forgetting to breath.

Weed just isn't that great. It's a light, dull kind of high.

don't do it dude.
I smoked all day every day for 2-3 years, its alright at first but then you get numb and dumb and it all goes downhill, you don't wanna do anything if you haven't smoked before and you just become less fun to hang around with in general
not worth it

Projecting this hard

It's not worth the hype.

Weed is fucking great, if you are an anxious person it will make you less anxious, it will make you have interesting abstract thoughts, perspective shifting, reduces boredom, makes food and drinks taste amazing, makes you more relaxed physically/mentally/emotionally, easier to bond with people, I could go on.

Sensitive much?

I don't rate da 'erb, bro. Sorry I don't think your tacky bespoke grinder and handblown bong are cool, and I don't think your drug of choice deserves all the dingy little forums dedicated to it.

Weed has never made me introspective. It just makes me slowww. Which is fine, if that's what I'm in the mood for. I'm just saying - it's not some kind of magical gift from nature. It's just a stinky, psychoactive clump of plant that makes you feel a little different.

Weed makes boring/meaningless shit more meaningful and less boring

People say they don't feel high the first time so I recommend just jumping in with a big toke. I got really high but the experience showed me it wasn't all that bad

Shitty food will taste a lot better cause the munchies can be real strong

It mostly just slows you down a lot. I feel pretty lethargic and relaxed on it. It's nice after work when I'm just gaming

Holy shit could you be more of a faggot?


Drugs are for suckers, everybody knows.
You're just gonna be nervous for a while, and you'll have a hard time focusing on anything, your thoughts might be erradic, and you'll be low on energy for a long time.

>could you be more of a faggot?

Yeah I could suck a big juicy bag of dicks, but that still wouldn't make weed the wonderdrug you think it is.

This is true

This is bullshit

Weed is pretty good. I'm not saying it's the second coming of Christ but it's pretty fucking good. It can definitely improve your sense of well-being and the overall quality of your life.

It's a drug, how the fuck is it gonna improve your overall quality of life?

makes you admire the small things in life; food, music, friends etc. not a massive game changer but its nice when used appropriately

Lol I'm not sensitive, I was poking fun at you for thinking your opinion is fact and not considering that might just be your personal experience

I'll ignore your remarks, but if that's your experience with weed you must of smoked some bunk or not got high properly. Some of your first highs can be like doing psychedelics if you're smoking good weed.

No one claimed half the shit you said in this thread. You're either trolling or you've just been needing an excuse to spew your faggotry

As a recreational activity among many other activities, it's fine. As you said, when used appropriately. But you can't tell someone it's gonna improve their quality of life. When people get high to improve their quality of life, they're on the fast lane of becoming junkies. I should know, I've been there.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

The friends I had in college who smoked weed all the time were zoned out wasters who were all fucking sharp and witty in the brief intervals when they weren't slumping about like mongs. When they were high, they were usually boring and incoherent. None of them were physically healthy.

The people I knew who used it as a 'coping mechanism' just ended up getting worse re: anxiety, paranoia. They needed actual fucking help, not to zone out in their hotboxed bedrooms talking about how weird/amazing everything is.

It's an ok short-term mood-changer. But that's it. I'll still smoke it on occasion at parties, but I personally do not get the hype.

My opinion's as valid as anyone else's - just giving OP my 2 cents.

>ice cold drink
>music, ~80bpm with funky grooves if you have it
>comfy clothes
>comfy temperature
>comfy snacks
>two extra bottles of water for when you inevitably snack so hard your mouth dries up
>smoke that shit
>blood pressure will drop
>heart will beat faster to compensate
>dontpanic.jpg, smile and sink into the music to stay calm
>start sipping your drink
>turn any thoughts of panic into excitement for how groovy you're about to feel
>suddenly your drink will start to taste 10x better than it did a moment ago

from there I'd just draw, jerk off, or take some deep breaths and just enjoy all the deepened sensations, smell especially. Every deep breath in fresh air smells amazing when you're high.

Don't take advice from some asshat who can't even spell the word erratic right.

You're acting like a baby because I have a different opinion to you - that weed is overhyped and a waste of cash.

It's ok if we have differing opinions but being a butthurt stoner suggests you invest waaay too much value in other people's opinions of your precious plant.

And I don't need an excuse to spew my faggotry.

get weed, relax, smoke it by yourself
music, videos, the feeling...
get food and some delicious liquid you've never tasted like this before ohmyfuckingod what am I drinking?

And don't take advice from some yankie clown whose only argument is based on a spelling error.

chill dudes, have some!

yeah i do agree with you, i would never recommend it to somebody in order to change their life. if you wanna do then go for it. if you dont then dont do it

this is real talk right here user. those are all the reasons that i gave up weed.

I'm acting like a baby? Kek

Says the guy who came here to say "weed isn't good cuz I don't like it" then got all defensive when someone questioned him. I don't care about your opinion, I'm telling you you and your experience is subjective, you're too dense.

But you didn't address anything I said, goes to show the argument is over and you have nothing meaningful to say

It's just one of those things almost every person in modern society have at least tried once. You just have to be the one who decides when

If you're a minor don't unless you don't give a shit about future you. It is known to have a negative impact on brain development. If you're an adult what are you waiting for? Just try it

don't do it

Listen to pee wee tell you how cool it is.
gotta be cool.

I never said my opinion was fact - you acted like I did because my opinion offended your sensitive disposition. And you're still doing it, because you're still offended. Saying kek doesn't make you seem less offended.

Should everybody bookend each subjective statement with "just my opinion guys" in case you think they're claiming it's fact? Life doesn't revolve around the slowest members of society. Ease off the herb a little - it'll do wonders for your reading comprehension broseph.

I shared my opinion with OP, you got all upset because my experience isn't your experience. The End.

first it might be tough to get through the green out phase, some quit straight when it hits them, some troop it out and continue (the only way to get into smoking)

After that its pretty much like drinking a can of beer or something. You feel a buzz, do what you normally do, but its more fun, then it wears off and you're back to doing the same shit, just sober.

If you decide to smoke 24/7 then you clearly haven't got much going on in your life but if you smoke like once at the end of the day or whatever it might be a nice way to close the day + even in countries where weed is illegal its still reasonably cheap when you take into consideration how much you're using and how much that bit of weed would cost you compared to what alcohol costs that would last you just as long and provide you with similar effects over a similar period of time.

No drug is worth it. They're all fundamentally incompatible with the human brain and whatever seemingly positive short term effect you get comes with a negative you might never rid yourself of.
Feel free to try it if you're too weak to resist the urge.

Actually yeah, you should say that's your opinion, because you came off as an arrogant fuck without it. You laid blanket statements on all stoners and being high in general, if you can't see how that may spark a conflict then you truly are an arrogant fuck.

Actually you shared your opinion, I got all upset, anything we disagreed about was never discussed because this is just your dickwaving exercise for the day

Do you have someone to have sex with while high?

>that run-on sentence
I think the cannabis has fried your brain


get high, go in dry

Oh for absolute certainty you faggotini! Holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you've got to get high and jack off!!!

nah, you must be retarded to think it happens to everyone who smokes weed.

I'm busy atm, just wanted to write down what I have to say on the matter but couldn't be fucked going over the sentences and fix them so your lazy ass could read it easily.

Also who calls weed cannabis lol are you 12?

Stop the government and your isp from seeing your online activity

yeah fap to mlp or so

Dude it is good.

I'm high right now.

Different highs for different people. Some dont like. Most usually do.