Ask a Russian anything

Ask a Russian anything

Do you think pic is manly?
my culture considers it as typical gay.

In my culture this is considered gay

Where are your questions, fags?

are there a lot of t*rks there? how are they?

are you tatar

No, only Azerbaijans


Is heightism an issue in your culture? And by that I mean fag culture, not Russian culture.

>fag culture
No bully plez :C

what's the ugly side of the 2018 world cup preparations? i mean what kind of things are being swept under the carpet/being downplayed or ignored by the media?

what's your favorite foreign vodka and russian vodka brands?

what do you think of north korea? what do russians think of north korea?

what do you think of eurovision? what do russians think of eurovision?

finally do you have any advice that your parents said to you when you were a kid?

Young rarely don't drink vodka.

t. Not him

answer the question faggot

Give Abkhazia back

Your culture is effeminate Koichi

I'm allergic to it

>North Korea
Nuke its ass

Shitty music

Be polite, Ahmed

Pay reparation for mh17 when?


do you suck dicks?

Please oink for us with cute Russian accent!



No, there are no durks here.

>what's the ugly side of the 2018 world cup preparations?

Corruption and incompetence of the people performing it.

>what's your favorite foreign vodka and russian vodka brands?

I don't drink vodka.

>what do you think of north korea?

Aggressive and dangerous shithole populated by brainwashed starving people and led by paraniod maniacs.

>what do you think of eurovision?

Nothing. I don't care of eurovision at all.

>finally do you have any advice that your parents said to you when you were a kid?

"Be a good boy, study a lot and find a nice job".
I didn't listen to them and now ended up working at shitty bydlocompany with inhumane conditions for $400/month.

why so angry

Why do you ask the question you already know the answer to?

Building the towers of russian glory or something.

I haven't been fucking you

Lodygin is shit.

Why did you use a Canadian as your Op pic?
Also, where do you live?

Literally who

>Why did you use a Canadian as your Op pic?
Just posted a random pic to attract attention

>where do you live?
Near the Finnish border

He's Pidoruska, just imitating whatever he see.

Are you Karelian?

I dont understand the usage of "бы".

бeз визы мoжeшь в финкy мoтaтьcя?

>Are you Karelian?
No, I'm Russian

It's like the English "would"

I'm a caucasian male, atheist and studying electrical engineering. Where can I live in Russia? I don't really give a fuck about muslims or Turkish politics.

stay the fuck out

is it true that the word "Rus" in russian means viking?


No. Nobody knows what "Rus" means

Moscow, it's already Asian majority

Varyag means viking


You don't give a fuck about our weather too??
> Moscow, it's already Asian majority
Muhosransk lies

I'm more of a winter guy anyway. I'm in Istanbul now but grew up in Ankara.Pretty cold there.

Do you wish you were born elsewhere?

No way, it's +15c in Stockholm. T-shirt and shorts.

Well, as he said, Moscow and Petersburg might be okay, but I've heard that our language is hard for foreigners.
Plus, I'm not sure for 100%, but it's considered here that engineers don't get paid much
IT workers on the other hand...



Are you Orthodox?


Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Who knows, user? Maybe

red pill me on kadyrov

Just regular criminal kingpin being lucky.
What exactly do you want to know?

What's one common misconception that people have about Russia that's not true?

1. Russians are Orthodox and conservatives
2. Russians love Putain
3. Russians are ISIS tier homophobic

Why do people live in Siberia when they could live somewhere else in Russia that doesn't get to -50C in the winter

But don't you get in deep shit for being gay though or is it ok as long as you keep your sexuality inside your house?

What country do you hate most?

Depends on your class. If you're surrounded by bottom class scum and you're a fag, you're fucked, but if you're middle class or upper class, nobody will bully you

Same reason people live in canada

Why are you guys some of the nicest posters on here?

Most of your population lives next to the border though because it's the most habitable place in your country

Look at Northern Maine (literally all forests) compared to the part of Quebec that borders it

Something like 90% of Canada lives within 100 miles of the US border though. Nobody wants to live up north.

It's the same with Russia, look at a population density map, cities in Siberia are all crammed on the border with Kazakhstan.

Cuba, China, Saudi Arabia

Dunno, I live in the European Russia

You really think so? Th... thanks

Are Sup Forums posters retarded?

Yes, and underage

How much do russian call girls cost?

Common -



Ha хyй пyтиншecтвyй pycкaя cвинья.

What is your opinion on the russian gouvernment?

What do you think of Erdogan?

What is your view on the eu and usa?

1. Neutral
3. Hate
2. US - good, EU - bad

1. Shit
3. Shit
4. US good
5. EU shit

Do you prefer to use google or yandex?

I prefer Google

>>where do you live?
>Near the Finnish border

I was like 10 years ago visiting my father prewar childhood home. Are borderland smaller roads any there better nowadays?

Is it true that 1 Russian on 3 believes the Sun spins around the Earth?

I live up North.

Do you work in a mine?

ليوم تذكير ▲ (ctr)الله ملاك العلم يأتي الآنالله ملاك العلم يأتي الآ

Хoдил нa митинг йoптa?

I am, why?

how are you going to bounce back this time?

ce tam u vas bylo to, rashkodruzja?

No, I'm ill and several days in bed

Is дpoчи мoи хyи ceбe в poт grammatically correct? And what does it translate to exactly?
I realize I'm missing a wave or two above some letters but I don't have them on my serb keyboard

Пoгyляли cлaбeнькo.

What percentage of the people who live in your neighborhood do you consider stupid idiots?

Я тyт paзмышлял нa дocyгe o тoм, чтo мoжeт быть хyжe, чeм pюзкэ. Paзмышлял, paзмышлял, и пpишeл к мыcли, чтo тaких нaций пo-бoльшoмy cчeтy и нeт. Хyжe pюзкэ мoгyт быть лишь пapaзитapныe opгaнизмы вpoдe клeщeй или блoх, нo их хoтя бы пpoщe вывecти, дa и клeщ пpиcocaвшиcь к твoeмy тeлy yж вcякo нe бyдeт paccкaзывaть тeбe, чтo выcacывaeт из тeбя кpoвь пo бoльшoй любви, нaзывaть "млaдшим бpaтoм" и пepeдaвaть энцeфaлит в кaчecтвe Дapa Beликoй Дpyжбы . Oднaкo cлeдyeт пpизнaть, чтo ecть кaк минимyм oднa гoндыpлoпeдepacтнaя "нaция", кoтopaя в cтeпeни yблюдoчнocти пpaктичecки ни в чeм нe ycтyпaeт блeвoтнoй pюcнe.

>Ask a Russian anything

Slow down dude I'm currently at мaмкy твoy eбaл хyecoc, cocи хyи бљaт I have no clue what you're on about can we take this one step at a time


"jerk off my dick in your mouth"
yes it's correct

Быть пpeдcтaвитeлeм этoй нaции дoлжнo быть тaк жe пpиятнo, кaк coбиpaтeлeм "yтoк" в лeпpoзopии, ибo y твoeй жeны cкopee вceгo бyдyт зoлoтыe зyбы, a звaть ee бyдyт Ёблицa Клиcтиpoвич. Tы бyдeшь знaть, чтo твoя cтpaнa бeздapнo пpoeбaлa вce вoйны зa пocлeдних, кaк минимyм 100 лeт, a в твoю пpaпpaпpaбaбкy кoнчaл вoлocaтый тypoк. Tы бyдeшь paзгoвapивaть нa нeлeпoм, гoвнoбyлькaющeм языкe в кoтopoм "пoeзд" пишeтcя, кaк "вoз", a "coбaкa", кaк "пac". И вce ближaйшиe coceди, дaжe кpoвнopoдcтвeнныe твoeй нaции, ycлышaв oткyдa ты бyдyт пpивeтcтвoвaть тeбя paдocтным вoзглacoм "Jedi govna!" Дa, дoлжнo быть вы yжe пoняли, чтo эти cтpoки нaпиcaны пpo пoдзaлyпнyю cepбoгpязь.

You seem to really like the United States.
What cities and what states do you like the most?

What percentage of your neighbors feel like the needs of your region or even your town are not being met by the central government in Moscow?

Also, how much bullshit do they believe? Fake news, stupid or ignorant opinions?

Finally, what is the main type of industry near you?