What's a life lesson you learned the hard way?

What's a life lesson you learned the hard way?

If youre going to suck a log of shit out of andy sixx's asshole, make sure you sedate him first.
I managed to suck the log out but holy fuck does andy put up a fight

you can't hide from user's who post literally shit out of someone's ass - learned this the hard way:

Non-sequiturs impress no one.

Don't stick your dick in crazy, unless you have karma to pay off.

once you have identified someone as a sociopath, never turn your back on them. never tell them the truth. never trust them. avoid them as much as you can.

Splashback can be avoided by folding up some toilet roll and placing it on top of the water. This also silences the turds.

Wouldn't say I learned it the hard way, but it would have made shitting a lot more comfortable if I'd learned it earlier.

>If you're not sure you can trust someone don't
>peoples actions show you who they are not their words
>any relationship with a selfish person is inherently abusive


Also 5% of the world's population is either a sociopath or a psychopath so odds are you've met one

a girl's body will likely look like her mom's later in life.

This is only about 70% accurate. It's more a function of her activity level.

Never use your money during a Phone Call. I lost 5000 in a day With a son of a bix from cypro that wanted me to do a trading session under his suggestions.

Pussy hair turns gray too.

If you only hang out with crazy people for fun, you'll be so crazy it won't be fun anymore.

tell me how less than 30% makes more than 70?

Checked. I would like to know aswell how 70% is "only".

Trust no one, not even yourself

Activity level is more predictive over 90% normally if her mom was active she'll be active but it's her activity that matters

If she's a unicorn then you will never ride her.

Never date an active alcoholic.

Never fucking ever.

according to ancient legend, only a virgin can touch a unicorn.

When ye wanna guess what her cunt looks like, just turn her mouth so the line is nice and vertical-like. Puffiness, wrinkles, thickness. Seems to work for the "average user" - as in - if she aint been used, or alternatively, has ruined it, results will vary.

You will Always see niggers in kfc. Always

Don't go to university just because you feel like you're supposed to

You won't like everything you learn about yourself

>I'm clinically paranoid


painfully accurate, fuck..

The other half of that legend is that non-virgins will get fucked to death by the unicorn.

Curiously, Ridley Scott skimmed over that part.

College doesn't teach you anything

Don't drink and drive.

You picked the wrong major

That Law and Justice do not necessarily go hand in hand.

According to modern thought, a virgin is a unicorn.

that was like the first thing my teacher told us about law.

Although if you post this in a "learned in a hard way" thread, then you might have experienced some shit.


No its not

So the unicorn can always ride you good to know

The court of public opinion can be worse than an actual court