Hey anons, my principal wants to take away all his students phones! His arguments are terrible...

Hey anons, my principal wants to take away all his students phones! His arguments are terrible, currently they are running a survey at "surveymonkey dot com slash r slash 5FHMB6X"
>fill in random answers and put random sites for the section when it asks for other social media (e.g. pornhub.com)
>for the last question of the survey put " user wants his phone back nigga"

Kid's shouldn't have phones in class/school. Period.
It's a distraction that's keeping you from your studies.
We don't need another generation of half wit failures.
Leave the phone at home, do your damn school work, become a productive member of society.

This shit ain't for me nigga (senior year), but the lower classes actually need this

They don't need their phones in class either.
No one does.
Just like when I was in school, we weren't allowed calculators.
Because you're there to learn the logic/processes. Not just plug shit into a tool.
Which is why I can do most basic calculations in my head just fine. While some 20 year old twat would more than likely struggle without having to pull out his phone.

20 (if it matters) I was a shitty student without my phone. Why the fuck do highschoolers need phones in class? Youre there for school not to fuck around on instagram or 8ball. Its not supposed to be fun. God I hate everyone in my generation.

I do too friend.... I do too....

Also, seeing how you're in that age group. Can you tell me why everyone seems to think it's okay for kids to be walking around with $200-$300 electronic devices?
Kids break shit. Kids steal shit. Kids break other kid's shit.
What the fuck!?

Hey I'm student teaching right now so relevant.
They're a blessing and a curse. If you have them out during instruction and you're getting distracted, distracting your friends, not getting your work done, fuck yes I'm taking your phone away.
If you finished your work way ahead of everyone and you're bored? Whip that shit out I don't care.
Also, they /can/ be nice for ending frustration. If gives students a kind of escape if they're having a bad day and a way to vent to their friends.
But, more often than not they're a huge distraction and I have to take them away or tell students to put them away. If they're being banned at your school, that means that students were using them when they shouldn't have been. Nothing is more frustrating than teaching or having your students doing a lab and Jimmy or Jasmine won't fucking put the goddamn phone away and do their work.

Quick question:
Would it be possible to integrate phones into the lessons?
Such as using them for direct research/lesson purposes.

Also, would it be possible to simply "jam" cell signals preventing cell phones from working at all on school grounds?

It's not your phone to take. Confiscating phones and other electronic devices is theft. As the instructor/administrator it is your job to find other ways to punish students for using their phones in class, or provide incentive to not use them,

Pretty sure teachers have been confiscating distractions from student's from the beginning of education.

Just be happy you don't get a strap across the hands for being a twat in class any more.

Tradition does not justify action. Taking a student's phone against their will is theft in every sense of the word.

>This level of autism

I give them back at the end of class fuckwad. I was a student in high school when everyone had a smartphone too. I'm not offering some kind of "incentive" to not have their phones out when they shouldn't anyway, and taking it away for a single period is a hell of a lot better than docking them points or some other deterrent.

The student is not being forced to hand it over.

Most school policies state that if the student does not hand over their phone, they will just receive a harsh consequence instead.

No, because it's being CONFISCATED.
It will be given back eventually.
It's also called discipline. You lack it, so the teacher is giving it to you. Like adults have been doing to kids since the dawn of fucking time!

School trains you to be a failure anyways

I can't answer the jamming, but as for the first part, yes actually! There are quite a few apps I have experimented with in class such as kahoot which let students use their smartphones for instruction and reviews. There are definitely good ways to integrate smartphones with school. We're lucky in that we have a set of class Ipads for the students so no one is left out, but you have to be careful if you don't have a backup like that because some students don't have smartphones, and you don't want to leave them out of a chance to participate or draw attention to them.

little short sighted aren't you? just pay attention in class, or do you seriously think you should be allowed to use a Nintendo DS / iPad / laptop as well ?
Cause when the teacher confiscates those it's theft, right? ... idiot

this, plus the student handbook usually states a policy about phones and other distractions. your parents agree to the policies when they enroll you in that school. if they think the school policy is unfair, they should bring that up with the school administration or put you in a different school.

Sure, if I walk into a bank, take all the money, and give it back later, I can't get in trouble because I returned the stolen items. Makes sense.

This is an applicable alternative. A different punishment than taking the student's phone.

Students should most certainly not use such devices in class, but to take them away (even temporarily) is theft.

Yeah I was poor teachers always drew attention to me always asked why I don't have internet or a computer and why I smelt bad or had dirty clothes

Context, friend... Context.
If you're disrupting a group, things are going to be done so that you are no longer disrupting the group.
Cause and effect. You'd do well to learn the concept.
Just like I assume that if you were to refuse to hand over your phone, you'd be excused from class.

So, with that said. If you want to be a twat and play with your phone in class. You might as well just skip it instead.
THAT should be the policy. If you don't take your education seriously, you can get the fuck out.

I'm not sure you realise how few rights you have when you walk through the school doors. oh well, either you'll figure it out in the next couple months or it won't matter anyway, if you're OP and a senior like you say.

but OP ten bucks says you don't genuinely give a fried fuck about underclassmen's rights to use their phone. I bet you got your phone confiscated and you are whining about it.

To add, if you were to rob a bank, and give the money back, the charge would be lessened to something like mischief or some shit.
Everything BUT the monetary theft.

if dubs OP has to provide a pdf of his school's handbook or stop QQing immediately

Grow up, fuckface, or die.

Read the contract you have with the school.

students should be putting their phones and other unnecessary devices into a locker or similar.

Really, it shouldn't be a problem for a student to have a phone in their pocket, off or on silent. The phone is a distraction only to the weak minded, and they should be herded into minimum wage jobs/womens studies ASAP.

That's what failures say.

For the record, I do not condone using phones or other electronic devices in class. I simply disagree with the notion that stealing a student's phone is the best course of discipline.

Context is indeed important: a parent that takes their child's phone can be legal is it is the parent that paid for the phone. It is technically theirs and they simply let their child use it. As I've said several times, taking the phone is not the only way to discipline a disruptive student. Penalizing their grades, limiting other school-granted privileges (such as recess), removing the student from the class/school are all good ways to punish them for using their phones in class.

A student that attends class has all the same rights they would have anywhere else. Also I'm not OP.

I highly doubt that the taking of the money would be 100% overlooked, but yes I'm sure that the robber would at the least be charged with assault/breaking and entering/etc.

Most contracts are rendered null and void when they break the law.

that's all great and stuff but the other user already said they don't physically wrest it from you. it's not like they wrestle you to the ground and tase you so they can take your phone. they ask you to hand it over and if you don't you go to the principal's office.

you think schools don't already have the legal end of this well covered? you really really think that? then go challenge it.

Yes, they should keep their phones off or on silent, and not use them in class. However, taking a student's phone is stealing. See

Teacher is considered the guardian/caretaker of the child when in class. Your argument is invalid.

As far as the bank/money? 100% maybe not. But I doubt it would be listed among the charges. Just used as a factor in the sentencing.
As the context here is "just a prank, bro!". Which I'm sure no one would be amused with.

>Teacher is considered the guardian/caretaker of the child when in class.

And I already agreed that issuing other disciplinary action against a student that doesn't relinquish their phone WILLINGLY is the right way to go about things.

The teacher may be the caretaker, but they are not the owner of the device and have no right to take it. Should a teacher ask for it and the student complies, then there is no issue. But the teacher must understand and respect that the student does not need to comply, since it is not the teacher's device to claim.

If the student doesn't comply, it's to the principle's office.
If they continue to use their device. Suspension.
Continue still? Expelled.

It's not hard to understand. And no where in the world is a teacher FORCING you to give them your phone.
You have options. Either comply, or face the punishment.

well theft schmeft, the school is gonna do it anyway

if you don't like it, file a lawsuit

Your argument is retarded, if that's the case adults shouldn't have phones while driving or at work. Oh and also no guns because some dumb fuck will leave it around so his kid can grab it.

To be honest, the world is changing enough that i disagree. I see where you are coming from, naturally. It is property, it is not cheap. But it is also not necessary for class use. I think removing it from the student is not a horrible idea, but any ideas I could come up with would be fiscally unreasonable (mini holders in the desks, tiny lockers at the door, any sort of personalized cubby that another student couldn't access, etc).

Ultimately, though, if you're talking about the USA, if you're under age 18, you have shockingly limited rights, especially in school settings.

tl:dr teachers should be allowed to hit children with nonlethal weapons and or de-phone them

>Shouldn't have phones, same as in my day we couldn't have calculators
>Phones same as calculators
>Phones same Calculators
>Phone . . . Calculator
Yup cuz calculators can call the cops when ur walking home

No phones while driving or at work? I'm all for that! Especially the former. ESPECIALLY the former....
Unless you're in business and need the phone for calls, again, not needed. Don't have it around, or out while at work. You're being paid to WORK, not fuck around on your phone/internet.

As far as guns are concerned? There are a shitload of laws that require trigger locks and safe storage of ammunition.
Assuming you're following the laws surrounding gun ownership, there will never ever be a problem involving kids and firearms.

U sound like a faggy ass hipster, "I'm so advanced, no phone".

No bitch ur family is just poor

Phone is a computer. Calculator is an extremely simple computer.
If you can figure out the context of my statement, you'll realize why I think you're slow in the head.

I kinda half agree. I think they should be able to have it in their bag or something, but they shouldn't be allowed to have it out during class. or it should be left in their locker during class. they shouldn't be forced to leave it at home because they may need to call for a ride home or check in with their parents or whatever. stuff comes up and sometimes you just need to make calls, and it's not expedient to use the office phone when a) you can have access to a phone that has all the numbers you need programmed into it and b) no phones in school means a bunch of people are gonna need the office phone.

How hard is it for you to understand that I've already agreed with you. My only point is that the teacher cannot legally take the phone by force. I am 100% in favor of sending the student to appropriate offices, as well as suspensions (bot in and out of school).

You're right in saying that phones are not necessary, and that phones are a distraction. As I've said over and over, I think that the actual act of removing the phone from the student's possession is theft. The student should most definitely be punished, only, in other ways.

Though, I'm not keen on the idea of hitting students either.

Yeah, that's fine. Don't care what happens outside of class. Even though I still finding it fucking ludicrous that kids today walk around with 2-300 dollar devices all the time.
Just keep that shit out of the classroom.

No one anywhere said anything about taking by force though.
OP may have implied it, but no one has expressly stated it. As no one is arguing that teachers aren't allowed to use force on student for anything.

Then I think we've reached the conclusion of our discussion?

oh I agree, but their folks probably don't care because they're already locked into their cell phone contract anyway, since most conventional contracts allow you to pick a phone (within a certain selection or up to a certain dollar value) for no charge as long as you stay with your contract til it's up. then you get periodic free upgrades with the contract as well. so the phone only has to last like a year or something. though granted, some kids lose or break theirs long before that.

>not that user but
good god, yes please

One last thing though. Can we all agree that kids under the age of 25 are fucking retarded?
For the most part. As there are always a few exceptions to the rule. Bless their souls.

I understand that too. But thinking back to my own childhood, which was a mere 20 years ago. That shit would never happen. Would never fly!
The most expensive things I saw growing up in school was $20 tops. Unless you counted the graphing calculators that the school had in later years. ($120ish). But no one actually owned one. No one even considered owning one! At least without a very good reason anyway. (college courses that require it, for example.)

As long as you acknowledge those exceptions, then sure.

Well with the removal of id's it can be hard to tell who you're talking to. I am the following posts:

>Still saying phones are the same as calculators

You're a special kind of retard


Im a senior too dude. My schools been pressed about phone usage too.
I think the best way to solve the problem of students being on phones is to just take away points on whatever assignment/classwork they're doing I'd be more incentivized by that than taking my phone becuase they'll either have to call parents or just suspend, this dumbass system of taking peoples phones has gotten peoples shit stolen because teachers are damn near incompetent.




read your student handbook fuckwad
