Too many porn threads. how can it be random when it's the same 3 things over and over again?

too many porn threads. how can it be random when it's the same 3 things over and over again?

go to your Sup Forums folder and select a picture without looking at it, then post it.


i didn't look, that just the picture that actually came out

Welcome to the Teenage Edgy Society

Where check em, begging, promised not to share, FB fab, fluffy abuse is the norm for the waste of spaces.



Filter my main man


You don't expect them to know how to actually go look for that do you?

I don't think they even have looked at the settings on the site before.




Americans didn't even make the list.

I must be dumb because I can't seem to get filters to work. I go through and hide all the threads that don't interest me though. but that's really tedious on a fast board like Sup Forums.

Set them as comment
board is b
make sure you hide the box and save
then save again

You probably didn't save the whole settings a 2nd time.

>your Sup Forums folder


thank you user


OC here


>Do you think god stays in heaven because he lives in fear of what he has created?






Sauce ?


>Native Americans

They're lucky some of them wandered off the reservation and learned how dice work. And it's less an understanding of probability and more a mimicry of other businesses and practices.