Wow, such a tragic thing that just happened

Wow, such a tragic thing that just happened.

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It's not even funny.....because she was hot

They come and go

Can't act so innocent. If this was some fat and ugly bitch we'd be laughing to our graves

>hasn't this family suffered enough

I blame you guys's for this. If one of you sick fucks was coaching her up on gag reflex control, this would not have happened;.

Must have been terrible at deep throating.

What the actual fuck? Couldn't someone Heimlich the pancake out of her airway? Undignified and retarded way to go.

I guess hot syrup can melt pancake stacks

Death by pancakes...

why is this so tragic???

people die everyday in far worse circumstances.

she died from gluttony

>literal death from gluttony
Nice one burgerclappers

Lol idiot

I said it out of sarcasm. It really isn't a tragedy when made a point and sympathy because of "muh 9/11"

When real life and Sup Forums have a child.

never forget... their pancake special this weekend!

I see what u did there..

Man I love pancakes. Not a bad way to go, tbh.


No she is cold and you need at least 2 condoms.


I am laughing my ass off right now.

There is no such thing as 'enough'

Coaching or what the fuck not
If you don't die in a pancake eating contest today, you going to die in a burger eating contest tomorrow.

No, she just sucks at swallowing.



Too sweet is better than too soon.

Pic related.. Sup Forums knows what is up.


How about we comment about how sweet she was? hashfag 'too sweet'

What is wrong with you, you silly little faggot

How sweet of you.

her father died in 9/11? how is that relevant?


there's a conspiracy in there somewhere surely.

Bush did it


Pancakes? What the hell. This is some Final Destination type shit.

where the pancakes terrorists?

They are hiding in the syrup.

go back to le'ddit, please

can't trust anything anymore can we?

Guess she can take bbc but has trouble taking the cake.

Next thing that they'll go after is our hot dogs, I can bet you that



It's dumb how websites are trying to make money off her face and her death. Every video I've seen has been covered in ads and was just a slide show of her selfies.

No autopsy report yet, no investigation, no info on her death, who she was, nothing. Just "hey look, hot girl ded."

they better keep out of the mustard or im fucked

Hey pussy probably tasted like maple syrup

Newsflash: Jew media profits off misery!

No shit Sherlock.

The fuck is this disgusting shit?
>Fell for the bait.

how could there not be anyone around to do the Heimlich at a food eating contest?

Amerifats going to get a heart attack.

A conspiracy is in order!

Cakes can kill, one of the dangerous food ever. A piece of cake can expand like a sponge and stick around your "air tunnel" and suffocating you almost instantly. Simply put, don't eat cakes in a rush like a starving swine.