Why do men under 6ft even exist?

Why do men under 6ft even exist?

To be able to look over 600 pound land whales like you

They aren't looking over anything all the way down there, kek.

To satisfy the fat, sick, disabled, ugly,crazy and black women the rest of us don't want.

To sell you boots with a 2" heel

It all makes sense now. They exist to eradicate the unwanted land whales.

They'd need them

Fun fact was 5'11 all high school, felt miserable. Gained 3in in height 1st semester of colleg and now I feel enlightened.

You act like ripped short guys don't get laid. You do realize shorter guys put on muscle easier right? I'm huge and your scrawny ass is obviously fuckin jealous.

You know if all men were over 6 ft there would be a new standard right? Like unless you're at least 6'6" (which less than like, 2% of the male population is now) you'd be considered short.

Someone has to be the rebound and bat cleanup

5'7" is average male height, anything above that is above average i.e. tall.

You're right, at least you know your place (less desirable).

Nice try, manlet. Go get your stilts.


why are you thinking about how desirable other men are? you sound like a fag

From an evolutionary standpoint, the answer is clearly natural selection. Up until the past several thousand years, getting food was hard as fuck and the bigger you were, the bigger your chances were of starving to death during long periods of no food.
Food is becoming increasingly easy to obtain and thus you see average height go up globally.

To make men as tall as I am feel godlike.

5'10" is average you fucking hobbit.

you need something huh? lulz at you gangly faggots

I'm just saying OP should have said "short men" and not "men under 6ft"

Stop taking global stats and comparing them to your region/race.

Cry more

When a manlet drinks a glass of milk a day to get taller but ends up using it as a replacement for exercise.

Men under 6 are short men. It would mean the same thing

Great points.
> How will the manlets ever recover from this?

OPs question is fucking stupid how do you not realize this?

>tfw not 6'
>stopped growing years ago
>have yearly physical
>always measure at 5' 11 1/2"
>ask nurse if they can just put 6'
>laughs and says no

Why go on?

Sounds like something a little man would say

I always considered 5'11" to be sort of the cut off where people stopped describing you as "tall", but not short.

5'11"-6'2" is tall, 6'3" is very tall, 6'4" and up is gigantic.

>Comfortable 6'1"

break your shins once they will heal taller

It's best just to end it now I'm afraid. Either that or surround yourself with midgets and crown yourself king of the manlets


Because someone had to survive thunderstorms...

I wonder what it feels like to be under 6ft and be automatically put into the friendzone by every. single. girl.

I guess we would appear as tall as trees to your kind. Fact is, obesity is actually a huge problem that comes much more naturally to manlets. Just end it now.


Longtime family friend of ours was some rare derivation of achondroplastic dwarf, she had her shins broken and elongated, or some such incredibly painful-sounding procedure. It worked fine, she gained 5, 6 inches?

So it's not an entirely silly idea.

Same Sup Forumsro. a good amount of women have told me they were very attracted to my height.

Good bc it wasnt a joke

I'm 5'3" someone kill me plz

>when manlets openly fantasize
Send in the clowns.

Are you over 110lbs? If so, you're on a path to killing yourself.

He said he was a comfortable 6'1" as am I. You butthurt cause you're tall and still can't get women?

gonna have to do a lot of shin-breaking

I'm 135, how am I killing myself?

No, I'm butthurt because you didn't check my dubtrips actually.

Oh great, you're short, fat and stupid. No wonder you're on Sup Forums.

I exercise regularly tho
is 135 that bad
