If abortion is legal...

If abortion is legal, then if a man was to forcefully give a woman a miscarriage would / should he be charged with murder ?


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Interesting..... Bump

It got me thinking, some case where the guy killed a pregnant woman and charged with double murder. But that woman could of gone and got an abortion.

I can try and find a link to that case if anyone is interested. Or you could just google it

This man? Yes. Just looking at him probably made both the baby and the mother kill themselves

>This man?

If sex is legal why rape isn't?

The the woman wants the baby dead then he shouldn't be, but if she doesn't and he goes out of his way to kill it then yes

Yea it's murder, that's not your body so it's not your decision to make.

When there's a separate body inside yours. No longer your body your choice

If woman can make choice, so should man

Because liberals.

Cunt is for fucking, a cunthas no more day in what it fucked than a pig view in whether it becomes bacon or sausage.

Apples and oranges

All these dumb threads because dumb (or religious) people like OP are butthurt that Roe v Wade will never be overturned.



fake and gay

I see where you're coming from, but the entire reason abortion is legal is based off that it has no human rights, its not a human. So going off that its not a human, so how can someone be charged with murder.

You're asking me if I see any hypocrisy in the fact that murdering infants is a woman's god-given right but a man who kills a pregnant woman is charged with double murder? No, I see no hypocrisy and nothing to discuss here.

Read faggot

I don't care about abortion. Legal or not i couldnt care less.

It's the fact that the fetus, under current U.S legislation isn't seen as a human, therefore has no human rights. So how can someone be charged with murdering it?

Nobody denies that it's human and you know it. What people deny is that it's a full person with rights that trump the right of the female. A collection of cells may classify as human biologically but it is not a person in the sens that you and I are people and it has no rights.

Women can get an abortion whenever they want
Men can't be expected to be fathers to one night stands.
Fair play all around.

Op here: exactly, why would i even make this thread. Silly me

It's not murder. It is usually covered by a separate special offence.

In England it's called 'child destruction'.


Okay, so if it has no rights. How come a woman can kill it and be supported. But if i kill it then i can be charged with murder. Okay its her body so assault or something, but if it has no human rights then how could somebody be charged with murder for killing it.

We're just butt-hurt about Roe vs Wade or something. I'm not sure what Roe Vs Wade is, or what the outcome was, but apparently it answered this guys question:I just know that given how emotionally devastated women typically are when they miscarry it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that it's a human life. But if society says I'm wrong then I must be wrong because history shows that society as a whole is never wrong.

Inb4: so being devastated over the loss of something makes it a human life faggots.

Okay, in some countries that's the case. But a woman getting an abortion is doing the same thing. You could say its her body/child but the man also had an equal part to play, her body is just where it grows.

if the baby was far along like 6-9 months, yeah, murder
if it was like 3 months, eh, great bodily injury? aggravated assault? assault and battery?
3-6 months is kind of a grey area. maybe manslaughter?

You talking about that one Hero who tricked his Ex into drinking crushed borty pills so he wouldn't be tied down with a kid he didn't want?

poor bastard got 7yrs or some bullshit
I woulda let him walk

damn bitch was basically holding his sperm hostage, just as much his right to abort it as hers

Honestly, as someone against abortion I could agree with this. It's not perfect but it's compromise and it makes sense. I know the law is fucking stupid and common sense isn't ever applied, but if this were possible I think it'd be a nice middle ground.

I think you, and a number of others misinterpred the thread.

We are discussing why a woman can hurt/kill an unborn child and nothing happens. But if a man does it he faces legal punishment.

For the man to do this he does need to assault the woman, so assault charges are just, but charges over the child seem stupid especially if he is the father (had equal part in creating the baby, woman just used to baby to grow)

No i wasnt talking about that case, but it sonds interesting.

I think early term a man and a woman should both be allowed to abort, or at the very least a man can apply for he to get an abortion so he doesnt have to financially support the child

lol, the whole argument is that the fetus or baby has no consciousness and is mindless

You shouldn't say 'men', because if a woman forced another woman to get an abortion that would also be unlawful.

This isn't an issue of feminism, but of the rights of the individual to not be forced to do things they don't want to do.

if the man is a licensed physician, yeah, abortion can be performed
if not, that's illegal
same thing for a woman, if she is beating her belly with a hammer, she needs a shrink and prison.
if she takes borty pills... all's good in da hood

You don't even know what manslaughter is, do you?

murder without malice
what do you think it means?

If you knew what it meant then why would you equate it with a 'grey area' of the fetus being 3-6 months? You can't just say 'Ooh well it doesn't really seem like murder so I guess manslaughter lol.'

Meant for

They're both fruits

that's exactly what I'm saying
it's not really murder but might as well throw a decade at the person
your jimmies rustled yet, jesus freak?

In the UK if you caused a woman to miscarriage you don't get charged with fetus deletus the baby has to be able to live independently from the mother (be born) you'd just get charged with gbh or something similar.
